TFS200019 Error in TFS: Project already exists - tfs

When I try to create a new project, I get the error below. It states that the project exists, but it's nowhere to be found. I get this when trying to create any new project with different names.
TF200019: The following project already exists on the Team Foundation Server: Workflow Development. You cannot create a new project with the same name as an existing project. Provide a different name.
Any suggestions? The discussions online around this don't provide much help.

It seems your issue is caused by your custom process template. You could create a new team project collection and use the default process template. Also, you could compare the default process template with the custom one, to see which part is different and caused this issue.


TFS Project Template create from existing Template issue

I need to create new TFS project template using existing template. i just rename and edited TypeDefinitions and tried to upload it. But it said its already exists. how to edit this as a new project template. please help.
Do you mean import Process Template?
If it is, then you need to modify the Process Template name and Version type ID:

Jira: Any way to define default issues to add to new project?

Is anyone aware of a way to define a set of default issues, which can then be attached to a project type definition so that each time a project of this type is created, it comes with these issues?
All of our projects have issues like 'create wireframes','set up local environment' etc. and I'm looking for a quick way to automate this part of project setup.
I have full admin access and I can't see anything in the issue or project setup that does this.
Can't you just create a set of issues in an empty project and export them?
You can use that set and import it into your new project to start with.

MVC5 not generating Model from Database after NuGet update

I am creating an MVC 5 Web Application with Visual Basic using Database First Approach. Recently I updated ALL NuGet packages and after that I'm unable to create Models from the Database.
As shown below, I can not select Tables and other DB objects from Database to include in my Model.
When I click finish, it generates an empty model as shown below:
One more weird thing I noticed is: As shown in this tutorial, it should show me a checkbox that says, Enable Extended Transact-SQL verification for common objects, but when I open the properties of my project, it doesn't show me this checkbox.
Now, my questions are:
If as I doubt, a NuGet package update has created this problem; which
package is it?
Is it possible to uninstall updates of NuGet packages
(as we do with Windows Updates)? If yes, How?
Any help would be appreciated. Please note that,
I've experience in Web Forms but I'm a beginner in MVC.
This issue
has started just after, I updated ALL packages when I was facing
this type of issue.
I created 3 projects with the same approach
before this update, and I succeeded every time generating the Models
from Database.
Please suggest!
Right click the .edmx file in the solution explorer and select 'open with..' Select the XML editor and open the file. Check if there are any errors in the file. Errors may show in the error list window or may show as comments in the file.

TFS2012 wiki.htm file in new team project

Whenever I create a new team project in TFS2012 I get a wiki.htm file appear in the shared documents folder (it is blank).
What do people do with it?
Is there something on the sharepoint portal that will produce it automatically or is it a something where you just add your own HTML when required?
it's a wiki file, you can update it as you would with any other type of wiki file. if you don't add any data to it, it will remain empty.

Work item types in TFS 2010; Where are the XML files stored?

I am trying to add a new work item type. Where the heck are the XML files that define these?
I don't see them in solution explorer, they aren't in the file system on the TFS server, so where the heck are they?
I am following instructions from Microsoft but it doesn't say where to look
You get these from Team > Team Foundation Server Settings -> Process Template Manager, then download the template you want. Then you'll find all the WITs in there. You can edit and create new ones, then upload the changed template. Just be careful to rename the process template (inside process.xml file).
Use WitAdmin to alter existing project WITs. Use this method above for future projects.
Do you have your XML and are trying to deploy it? Reading the link you posted, it looks like you deploy the work item types by using the witadmin utility. The link to instructions to witadmin is below and under the references section of the instructions you gave a link to.
