Arabic input fields in unity - ios

Is there is a way to change the language of input fields in unity to Arabic?. I tried ArabicSupport and it displayed Arabic correctly but using it with input fields didn't work because
.GetComponent<InputField>().text = Fix3dTextCS.fix(
caused an error so, if I printed the input text elsewhere, it will appear correctly but how can I do it with the same input field?

input field is a little bit tricky to let it work with Arabic Support
please try this opensource asset it has an prefab for Arabic Input Field and some other UIs.
OpenSource for ArabicSupport Solution Link
OpenSource for unity asset UI Arabic Support: Link

Have you tried adding arabic font in that input.
If so, post the error message it may help to find the bug

Using Font won't help because it will only change the theme of your current Input usage but not how you use to input in the Device.
You will need to use Input.Location <- Input is static so you can access it anywhere. The only problem is, I am not sure what is the exact variable for arabic is. My best guess is Input.Location = "Arabic" or "arabic".
If you want to automatically detect their location, the GPS which will unity3d turn on by calling Input.Location.Start, and turn off by Input.Location.Stop()
Here is a sample code for you.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TestLocationService : MonoBehaviour
IEnumerator Start()
// First, check if user has location service enabled
if (!Input.location.isEnabledByUser) yield break;
// Start service before querying location
// Wait until service initializes
int maxWait = 20;
while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// Service didn't initialize in 20 seconds
if (maxWait < 1)
print("Timed out");
yield break;
// Connection has failed
if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed)
print("Unable to determine device location");
yield break;
// Access granted and location value could be retrieved
print("Location: " + Input.location.lastData.latitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.longitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.altitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.horizontalAccuracy + " " + Input.location.lastData.timestamp);
// Stop service if there is no need to query location updates continuously


Getting around the Lenovo BIOS whitelist

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad that only allows certain hardware to be installed. If there is a piece of hardware connected that is not on the whitelist, BIOS will tell you to remove it and restart. Otherwise the machine will not boot. Now I want to install an unauthorized wifi+bluetooth module, so I need to get rid of that whitelist.
I've been following this guide up to the point where the author suggests the use of the IDA pro software, which I don't want to buy just for this one hack.
Instead, I have dabbled around a bit with the extracted body in Ghidra, and managed to get to locate the hex code for the "Unauthorized network card detected ..." string and to find out that the string is part of some entity called "DAT_000104d0", and the only place that entity is referenced is the following function:
void FUN_00010ec4(undefined8 param_1,undefined *param_2,undefined8 param_3,undefined8 param_4)
if (param_2 == (undefined *)0x0) {
param_2 = &DAT_00010ec0;
(**(code **)(DAT_00011040 + 0x170))(0x200,param_1,param_2,param_3,&DAT_000104d0,param_4);
That function in turn gets called from here:
longlong entry(undefined8 param_1,longlong param_2)
longlong lVar1;
undefined8 local_res18;
undefined8 *local_res20;
undefined local_18 [24];
lVar1 = (**(code **)(DAT_00011040 + 0x140))(&LAB_00010480,0,&DAT_00011058);
if (-1 < lVar1) {
lVar1 = (**(code **)(DAT_00011040 + 0x140))(&LAB_00010410,0,&DAT_00011070);
if (-1 < lVar1) {
lVar1 = (**(code **)(DAT_00011040 + 0x140))(&DAT_000103f0,0,&DAT_00011078);
if (-1 < lVar1) {
lVar1 = (**(code **)(DAT_00011040 + 0x140))(&LAB_00010460,0);
if (-1 < lVar1) {
DAT_00011060 = *local_res20;
local_res18 = 0;
_DAT_00011068 = &LAB_00010b54;
(**(code **)(DAT_00011040 + 0x80))(&local_res18,&DAT_000103d0,0,&DAT_00011068);
DAT_00011028 = local_res18;
lVar1 = 0;
return lVar1;
Any idea on how I should proceed, hopefully without messing up the whole thing?
I've uploaded the complete bios img and the extracted body here, if anyone wants to have a look at those.
Edit: I used a workaround by googling a lot and eventually finding a modified version of the extracted body that I used experimentally, and it worked. What I googled for was (I think) the name of that section of the BIOS. In the example from the medium guide that would be 11D37... That number will be different for your device though, and I canĀ“t guarantee that there will be such a file for your device at all, or that it will work. Just make sure you backup your original bios multiple times and in multiple places, so you can flash it again.

Modifying list and sending it to front end sends original list

I couldn't phrase my Title better, but what's happening is: I fetch a list when the page opens, but it should remove one member of it based on something the user does on the page.
I'm using a ui:repeat in the front-end, and the getter method of this list is:
public List<Employee> getAvailableLoaders() {
if (availableLoaderList != null) {
List<Employee> availableLoaderListWithoutDriver = new ArrayList(availableLoaderList);
if (selectedDriver != null) {
logInfo("SelectedDriver is: " + selectedDriver.getName());
logInfo("List's size before removal is: " + availableLoaderListWithoutDriver.size());
logInfo("Removal was successfull? " + availableLoaderListWithoutDriver.remove(selectedDriver));
logInfo("List's size after removal is: " + availableLoaderListWithoutDriver.size());
return availableLoaderListWithoutDriver;
return null;
And my logs say:
Info: SelectedDriver is: [Driver name]
Info: List's size before removal is: 5
Info: Removal was successful? true
Info: List's size after removal is: 4
But it still shows a list with the driver removed and 5 members anyway. I know the getter is being called with the correct info and when the place that shows it is called because I'm watching the logs.
Any explanation or suggestion on how should I do this or am I just doing a really stupid mistake?

Hashset handling to avoid stuck in loop during iteration

I'm working on image mining project, and I used Hashset instead of array to avoid adding duplicate urls while gathering urls, I reached to the point of code to iterate the Hashset that contains the main urls and within the iteration I go and download the the page of the main URL and add them to the Hashet, and go on , and during iteration I should exclude every scanned url, and also exclude ( remove ) every url that end with jpg, this until the Hashet of url count reaches 0, the question is that I faced endless looping in this iteration , where I may get url ( lets call it X )
1- I scan the page of url X
2- get all urls of page X ( by applying filters )
3- Add urls to the Hashset using unioinwith
4- remove the scanned url X
the problem comes here when one of the URLs Y, when scanned bring X again
shall I use Dictionary and the key as "scanned" ?? I will try and post the result here, sorry it comes to my mind after I posted the question...
I managed to solve it for one url, but it seems it happens with other urls to generate loop, so how to handle the Hashset to avoid duplicate even after removing the links,,, I hope that my point is clear.
while (URL_Can.Count != 0)
tempURL = URL_Can.First();
if (tempURL.EndsWith("jpg"))
if (ExtractUrlsfromLink(client, tempURL, filterlink1).Contains(toAvoidLoopinLinks))
URL_Can.UnionWith(ExtractUrlsfromLink(client, tempURL, filterlink1));
URL_Can.UnionWith(ExtractUrlsfromLink(client, tempURL, filterlink2));
richTextBox2.PerformSafely(() => richTextBox2.AppendText(tempURL + "\n"));
toAvoidLoopinLinks = tempURL;
Thanks for All, I managed to solve this issue using Dictionary instead of Hashset, and use the Key to hold the URL , and the value to hold int , to be 1 if the urls is scanned , or 0 if the url still not processed, below is my code.
I used another Dictionary "URL_CANtoSave to hold the url that ends with jpg "my target"...and this loop of While..can loop until all the url of the website ran out based on the values you specify in the filter string variable that you parse the urls accordingly.
so to break the loop you can specify amount of images url to get in the URL_CantoSave.
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
string tempURL;
int i = 0;
// I used to set the value of Dictionary Key, 1 or 0 ( 1 means scanned,
0 means not yet and to iterate until all the Dictionry Keys are scanned or you break in the middle based on how much images urls you collected in the other Dictionary
while (URL_Can.Values.Where(value => value.Equals(0)).Any())
// take 1 key and put it in temp variable
tempURL = URL_Can.ElementAt(i).Key;
// check if it ends with your target file extension. in this case image file
if (tempURL.EndsWith("jpg"))
// if not image go and download the page based on the url and keep analyzing
// if the url not scanned before then
if (URL_Can[tempURL] != 1)
// here it seems complex little bit, where Add2Dic is process to add to Dictionaries without adding the Key again ( solving main problem !! )
"ExtractURLfromLink" is another process that return dictionary with all links analyzed by downloading the document string of the url and analyzing it ,
you can add remove filter string based on you analysis
Add2Dic(ExtractUrlsfromLink(client, tempURL, filterlink1), URL_Can, false);
Add2Dic(ExtractUrlsfromLink(client, tempURL, filterlink2), URL_Can, false);
URL_Can[tempURL] = 1; // to set it as scanned link
richTextBox2.PerformSafely(() => richTextBox2.AppendText(tempURL + "\n"));
statusStrip1.PerformSafely(() => toolStripProgressBar1.PerformStep());
// here comes the other trick to keep this iteration keeps going until it scans all gathered links
i++; if (i >= URL_Can.Count) { i = 0; }
if (URL_CanToSave.Count >= 150) { break; }
richTextBox2.PerformSafely(() => richTextBox2.Clear());
textBox1.PerformSafely(() => textBox1.Text = URL_Can.Count.ToString());
return ProcessCompleted = true;
catch (Exception aih)
return ProcessCompleted = false;

Google AdWords Script AdGroupBidModifierService

I found this script at Google AdWords Script API.
But I get error at line 2: "Missing ; before statement (line 3)". I can't seem to find the problem.
// Get the AdGroupBidModifierService.
AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface bidModifierService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface.class);
// Create selector.
Selector selector = new Selector();
new String[] {"CampaignId", "AdGroupId", "Id", "BidModifier"});
selector.setPaging(new Paging(0, 10));
// Make a 'get' request.
AdGroupBidModifierPage page = bidModifierService.get(selector);
// Display bid modifiers.
if (page.getEntries() != null) {
for (AdGroupBidModifier modifier : page.getEntries()) {
String value = (modifier.getBidModifier() == null) ?
"unset" : String.valueOf(modifier.getBidModifier())
System.out.println("Campaign ID " + modifier.getCampaignId()
+ ", AdGroup ID " + modifier.getAdGroupId()
+ ", Criterion ID " + modifier.getCriterion().getId()
+ " has ad group level modifier: " + value);
} else {
System.out.println("No bid modifiers were found.");
Anyone else experienced problem with this code? Also is it possible to get it to work with AdWords.App?
First: You can not use Java code in AdWords Scripts, you must use javascript. See more about Adwords Scripts in:
Second: You can not get the CPC for old dates, just the current CPC bid
Are you doing this as part of a Java application, or within the Google AdWords script editor?
If the latter, that's the problem. The Google Script editor works off Google Script (which is essentially JavaScript)

HTML5 Geolocation + javascript help needed

I want to make use of html5 geolocation and make use of the latitude and longitude for php.
If the user gives permission to give his location, the function needs to be called.
I want to refesh the page partly by taking information of this page:
I already know how to refresh a div with a page with this:
but how do I get it work this way
$('#test_content').load('example.php?latitude=' + position.coords.latitude);
I am very bad in javascript and thats my big problem.
I know I am making big mistakes but I don't know what..
This is the code I use for geolocation:
// JavaScript Document
function getLocation()
if (navigator.geolocation)
else{x.innerHTML="Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";}
function showPosition(position)
x.innerHTML="Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude +
"<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude;
function showError(error)
x.innerHTML="User denied the request for Geolocation."
x.innerHTML="Location information is unavailable."
case error.TIMEOUT:
x.innerHTML="The request to get user location timed out."
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
x.innerHTML="An unknown error occurred."
for your script you'll need to cut out these line of the first script - $('#test_content').load('example.php?latitude=' + position.coords.latitude);
and insert int in the showPosition function instead all the other stuff you've got there between the function brackets.
