Upgrading to Neo4j to 2.2 from 2.1.6 on OSX - neo4j

having read the documentation...
It states-
Install Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01, and set it up to use the same database store directory (typically data/graph.db).
But how exactly do I Install it? I think I just used brew to install it in the first place but
brew install neo4j
results in
Warning: neo4j-2.1.6 already installed
I would greatly appreciate a simple, noobs guide to upgrading.
Thanks in advance.

Since 2.2.0-RC01 is a pre-release it isn't available via homebrew (homebrew doesn't let you pick a version to install. It's always the latest stable release of the package).
Go to neo4j.com and follow the download link for 2.2.0-RC01. Download it and unpack the tarball with tar xvfz neo4j-community-XXX.tar.gz. Once uncompressed you should:
Copy over your store from 2.1.6 (data/graph.db directory) to the unpacked directory structure
Set allow_store_upgrade=true in conf/neo4j.properties
Change the org.neo4j.server.webserver.port and org.neo4j.server.webserver.https.port properties so as not to conflict with your 2.1.6 installation
Start Neo4j with bin/neo4j start.
I would not overwrite the installation via homebrew to avoid issues with it later on
Make sure the Neo4j 2.1.6 instance is stopped before copying over the store files


Why can't I install this aqueduct

Why can't I install this aqueduct?
Although I have installed dart before as shown in the picture:
It's important to ensure that the dart SDK is in the PATH. You can easily test it by trying to use pub or dart.
One way to ensure it's in the PATH is by creating a .bashrc file in your user's folder.
Then add the following:
export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/dart/installation/bin/folder"
First of all check if dart is installed using dart --version if it gives a command not found error that means it is not installed (hence why you cannot install aqueduct since it requires pub which is shipped with the dart sdk).
To install dart on macOS first install brew and the follow the instruction here https://dart.dev/get-dart (don't run brew switch dart 2.1.0 as shown in the screenshot since it makes no sense because current the latest stable is 2.9.1 and 2.1.0 is pretty old).
If you don't want to install brew you can download the sdk here (for your system) extract it, and update your path variable as #gabriel-octávio says.

Using editcap from specific wireshark version

I currently have Wireshark 2.6.8 and 3.0.2 installed on Ubuntu 18.04, and I would like to be able to use editcap as included in the 3.0.2 installation to modify pcap files.
However, every time I run editcap (a simple editcap -h to verify the build that I am using) from the terminal, it shows that I am running it from Editcap (Wireshark) 2.6.8 (Git v2.6.8 packaged as 2.6.8-1~ubuntu18.04.0)
Is there a way to change this without removing Wireshark 2?
there is no usr/local/bin/editcap file
Then the only version of Wireshark you have installed appears to be the 2.6.8 version.
the 3.0.2 was built from source
You may have built the 3.0.2 version from source, but, unless you ran "make install" (or "ninja install" if you used Ninja rather than make), you haven't installed it. You may have to run that as root.
Once you've installed the version you built from source, there should be a /usr/local/bin/editcap (unless you've explicitly configured the build to install somewhere other than the default location).

Cannot install Grails from GVM on my Ubuntu machine; gvm install grails does not work

I tried to use GVM tool to install Grails, and before that I updated GVM to the last version from a very old version. After the proposal of the prompt, I executed gvm install grails and it failed after a connection problem. I tried to install again Grails by typing the same command.
Found a previously downloaded grails 3.0.1 archive.
Not downloading it again...
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one
of /home/myhome/.gvm/archives/grails-3.0.1.zip or
and cannot find /home/myhome/.gvm/archives/grails-3.0.1.zip.ZIP, period.
Stop! The archive was corrupt and has been removed! Please try installing again.
I executed again gvm install grails and it gave me the same error above, I tried to remove the files manually but I got an error that they are not found.
gvm list grails
This will give you a list of all installed candidates. You should see an asterisk (*) symbol if you have candidates installed and an arrow to show which candidate is being used.
If they do show up. Try uninstalling it by specifying the candidate along with install
gvm uninstall grails 3.0.1
Then try running the install command again.
It usually does work.

Cannot install tokumx on osx: cannot execute binary file

I download from tokumx website newest version. When I start mongod I have an error,
bash: ./mongod: cannot execute binary file
Any solution.
The only version available directly from the website is for linux, you'll need to contact them to get an OSX build.
The TokuMX Community Edition downloads featured on the Tokutek site are currently 64-bit Linux only. The system requirements also note that only 64-bit Linux is officially supported.
However, for OS X users there is a Homebrew TAP package available if you want to install binaries for development purposes.
Assuming you have have Homebrew installed, you should be able to install the tokumx-bin package by running the following from your shell prompt:
brew tap tokutek/tokumx
brew install tokumx-bin
the package install will fail unless you enter some text when prompted for an email address (though any text including the default "email address" seems to work)
the tokumx-bin package conflicts with the mongodb package as both use the same names for binaries
TokuMX binaries and data files are not interchangeable with MongoDB

Change path to MPICH installed by macport in mac osx 10.9

I'm trying to install a library on my mac and one of the requirements of this library that I should install MPICH and ensure that the system paths are configured to point to it instead of the default OpenMPI installation.
So I installed MPICH2 using macport and I want to make sure that the system is using that one, how can I do that?
You need to do it the same way you would with any other library/program. Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH variables appropriately so that the MPICH path is in front of Open MPI.
However, I would point out that on Mavericks, I don't think Open MPI is still distributed as part of the operating system anymore.
You're also welcome to use Homebrew to install MPICH. The MPICH project has moved on from being called MPICH2 since it went to version 3.0. The latest version is 3.1.2. You can either download it and install it yourself at www.mpich.org/downloads or via Homebrew on Mac. I believe it's also in Macports but I don't know enough about that.
It should have given you directions on completion of the install. Use 'port notes mpich-default' (assuming mpich-default is what you installed) to see them again. They will be something like; 'sudo port select mpich mpich-default-fortran'.
Use 'mpicc -show' and make sure it looks correct after the above command to verify your PATH is correct.
