Multiline UILabel with UIScrollview using autolayout - ios

I read many post of contentview in scrollview,but the problem is slightly different.check out the image
and i have following hierarchy
Here the label is multiline label and its fill up with too many content size.
so, the problem is
1. according to the lines of the label, height of label changes and
2. accoring to height of label, contentview height changes.
so, that it scrolls. and i want this things to be done with autolayout.
And one thing i want to mention is , i'm using ios 8.1 and xcode 6.1

The thing that you can use for your UILabel is -> Select your Label and go to Attributes Inspector and find Autoshrink set it as Minimum font size then you may describe your minimum font size.
For addition to your view, you may want to use constraints between your label and content view. So I recommend to use this documentation Auto Layout Guide. And if the documentation is too long to read you may read this answer.

You should add constraint to content-view as leading, trailing, top, bottom & equal width & equal height with scrollView. For imageView add constraint as leading, trailing, top & height. For the Label add constraint as leading, trailing, top & bottom, also check that you are setting no of lines to be zero. & For read more button add constraints as height, width, centre horizontally in container & bottom. Don't forget to add bottom constraint to button otherwise your scroll view does not understand its content size & you will get warning as ambiguous content size to scroll view.


How do I make the UIView superview of a UILabel fit the intrinsic height of the UILabel using the storyboard only?

I got a UIView whose child is a UILabel. I then aligned the left, top, right, and bottom of the UILabel to that of its superview (the UIView) using constraints.
But what I'm getting is a UILabel that matches the height of its superview but not its intrinsic height (smaller or larger than its text content depending on the size of the UIView). What I expect is for the UIView to resize itself to fit exactly the height of the UILabel.
So how do I do this using only the interface builder?
In order to make the UILabel keep its size and force the outer view to resize you can update the values for Content Hugging Priority to 1000 (a.k.a. Required). This can be done in the measurements panel when selecting the label in Interface Builder.
I think they are set as a default to 750.
This should (if there is nothing else causing the change) make the label take its intrinsic content size and force its superview to conform to that size also.
Align top, trailing, bottom and leading of UILabel with UIView (add constraints).
Remove height and bottom constraints from UIView if any.
If the content is large, you probably need to wrap UILabel into a UIScrollView in place of UIView. and add a bottom constraint to UIScrollView
Content Hugging Priority of UILabel (251) is more than that of UIView (250) by default. Verify this
It's super easy using auto-layout. Just, follow these steps
1 - Drag a UIView and align it vertically and horizontallyin centre.
2 - Now drag UILabel into the UIView and align the label also horizontally and vertically in centre.Now, the IB aligns the label at the centre WRT to the superview and not the UIView.So, change that in the size-inspector section.
3 - Once you have done that and all red lines are removed, select both the label and the UIView together using the command key.
4 - Now, give them constraints as follows
leading = 0, trailing = 0 and select the equal width and equal height.
There you are done.If you wanna test that the UIView size is respective to the label's content, try increasing the label's font to a bigger size and you will see that the size of the view will be the same as the size of the label.
There , you are done :-D. Hope, this was helpful.
If someone is experiencing this issue, while:
Having 2 labels inside the UIView
Doing everything what was suggested here
In my case, I set Vertical Content Hugging Priority of BOTH UILabels to 1000. Then one of the labels had a different font. (ie. one label was supposed to be smaller than the other one)
The height was being ambiguous, because both labels were trying to force their height on the superview. Once I lowered the priority on the smaller label, everything worked fine.

Auto resize UIView based on multi line UILabel

I have a custom view with a multi-line UILabel (se picture below).
This custom view is then added to a screen in my storyboard (se picture below).
This works great. The problem is that the multi-line label will change dynamically a few times under execution, and then the blue UIView box won't fit. It's also a problem with smaller/bigger screen size.
Question: So how do I get the UIView to automatically resize in height according to the height of the UILabel? Is it possible to do through Interface Builder and Autolayout? (not nececery, but most of my other settings are done through IB)
Let me know if there is more details needed.
As long as you make sure that labels in your custom view are pinned to all sides (Title Label pinned to: Leading, Top, Trailing of the superview and Bottom to Content Label; Content Label pinned to: Leading, Bottom, Trailing of the superview and Top to Title Label) you will have your superview change it's height according to the content.
Also, note that your superview won't need a height constraint, just pinning it to the Leading, Bottom and Trailing sides should be sufficient.
I had almost identical view in one of my apps. What I would do to make sure the height changes according to update is this:
You can also wrap this code in UIView.animate(withDuration: ...) block

iOS UITableView cell fit to screen width

I'm new to iOS and trying TableView for the first time.
I added a prototype cell into the TableView. It has label a inside it which is on the right side. When i run it on lower display like 4S, the label is not visible.
I tried setting Horizontal Space - Content View to label (on right side), but has no effect.
I been playing with the auto layout for sometime, but can't figure it out, can someone be kind enough to help me?
Before answering straight, I would say stick to autolayouts and not look for frames, springs and structs.
Now pin UILabel. Select UILabel Go to Editor>pin leading and top space to superview. Also pin the width and height (fix them if you want to). Your problem is solved.
Go through this book for autolayouts and keep playing.- iOS Auto Layout Demystified, 2nd Edition
Updated after question edit :
For Label1 set :
Pin Leading, Top and Bottom Space to superview.
Pin the height(not the width)
For Label1 set :
Pin Trailing, Top and Bottom Space to superview.
Pin the height(not the width) again.
Now select both the labels and go and pin horizontal spacing between them. And if meanwhile you update frame... do update constraint also.
give vertical constraints to your label, if there is not that much need of autolayout you can disable autolayout.
The constraint is not enough to determine the vertical position of the label.
Two optional ways:
Add the Vertical Center in container constraint
Add a height constraint of the label and a top spacing to containe constraint (the contentView of the UITableViewCell your case)
With each of the above and your already exist constraint, the position of the UILabel can be determined exactly.
You can add leading, trailing, top, and height constraints on your label.

Applying autoLayout constraints to multiple objects

I am playing with autoLayout constraints in iOS
My use case is this way,
I will better explain with images
I am using a custom cell for UITableViewCell, through autolayout I have set constraints for text and divider line below and they obey autolayout constraints. Now you can see the yellow vertical strip on the left.
I have not set any constraints for it, so when the cell height is normal, it covers the whole cell, but when cell height increases, it doesnt increase and fill the whole cell. I am not able to make its height flexible w.r.t to cell.
I want to expand the yellow strip to cover the whole cell.
So how I can achieve this.
You can make height of yellow strip flexible by setting 2 constraints.
Set both top space and bottom space to container (cell's content view) to 0.
Ensure there is no constant height constraint for it.
You need to set constraints to the yellow view. By default it would apply its own constraints at runtime.
To the yellow view add TOP , BOTTOM , LEADING , and TRAILING constraint. DO NOT ADD A HEIGHT constraint.
Make sure the TOP and BOTTOM constraints of the yellow view are pinned to the cell's content view.
Let me know if it works.

Correctly Size UILabel inside UIScrollView using Interface Builder and Autolayout?

I've created a simple view setup in interface builder. Here's how it looks:
The view hierarchy is simply:
- scrollView
-- label
The scroll view is shown with grey background anchored to its super view top, leading, trailing, and bottom with constraints of 0.
The label is shown with yellow background and has constraints as shown. Additionally, the label has content hugging priority of 1000 for both horizontal and vertical, and it has content compression resistance priority of 1000 for both horizontal and vertical.
In portrait orientation, the label is sized correctly:
In landscape orientation, however, the label is not sized correctly horizontally (I intended for the label to fill the width of the screen, less constraint insets as shown):
How can I get this label to size correctly horizontally in landscape orientation?
There is one solution for you.
1. Add your UIScrollView to container (UIView) with zero constraints:
2. Add constraints for Label: top, bottom, leading, trailing spaces = 20.
3. Add constraint: label.width = container.width - 40
For this, select label in the view structure tree, tap ctrl and pull
to container. And select Equal Widths.
Then select the created constraint and go to its Utilities and set
the constant value to 40.
You should get the following components:
Run the app, go to landscape and it works!
Hope it is clear. Best Regards.
It's hard to tell which constraint(s) to add/remove in order to get what you want because iOS reserve the right to adjust your constraints whenever it becomes impossible for it to satisfy all your constraints.
I make a blank project with the same view you have (UILabel as subview of UIScrollView) and make some constraints to get the UILabel resized properly on landscape.
A must check though:
Make sure you set the vertical/horizontal spacing constraints from the pin option, as shown below and try to remove unneeded constraints manually.
