Can Rails be deployed locally? without using git - ruby-on-rails

I have made an app with the use of Git and Heroku.
I'm curious if i can deploy Ruby on Rails locally without using Git.

If you aren't going to deploy to Heroku, you don't technically need Git at all. Just delete the .git folder. Given that Git is a great tool however, doing this is a bad idea.
You can deploy a Rails app locally, and the typical way to do this is with Apache and Passenger ( I'm assuming you are using a flavor of linux, OSX may have a host running already ).
It has been a while since I had done this, but this page seems to have the right idea:

Rails s or rails server (in terminal) and you have localhost:3000. This is your local rails program and is incredibly convienent for development. Of course you need to be in the directory of your program to deploy it on localhost


Dokku identifies rails application as node application

I'm new to Dokku, and got a mature Heroku project running for 3 years, I got this annoying issue that Dokku thinks my rails app is a node app probably because I got the package.json file that I use for client side tests. What should I do (currently I renamed this file to trick Dokku but this is kind of hacky) to tell Dokku I have a rails app? What is the proper buildpack I should specify and how.
You can specify a custom buildpack as noted here.
For your application, you'll probably want to use the ruby buildpack.

Which folder should i put into filezilla for ROR?

I have the following directory structure:
Which files must I drag into remote site of Filezilla for this ROR project?
When deploying a ROR project you should must use a VPN server. Have you used git for your project? Try to deploy in heroku first. To test your site and have a good practice when deploying rails.
The answer to the question would be: everything
But most likely, copying everything is not gonna make it run, here is why: Rails applications live in separate processes that have to be specifically maintained. On your dev machine, you do this with bundle exec rails server. This is a key difference to how the apache php module works for php apps: There the php interpreter is embedded within the apache process and therefore shares its life cycle automatically.
If you have control over the server you are deploying to, I recommend to start with the Phusion passenger apache module. It takes care of starting your rails processes as needed. In case you are using ubuntu 14:04, I can't recommend to just apt-get install libapche2-mod-passenger because I had many problems with it.
If the server is maintained by somebody else, I'd ask this someone for a solution.
I hope this helps.

Deploying Rails github with a SharedServer

I am trying to deploy a Rails application online. My host right now is dream host. Although i am not to sure how to deploy my apps. At the moment i am on a shared server, but i am considering upgrading to a VPS, but the questions remains! Do i need Git hub or not. If i need to have git hub to make it private do i have to pay or an alternative exist.
What I meant by not to sure on how to deploy rails is that I have a localhost provided with webrick and with database.yml settup otherwise everything else is dark for me.
You can use capistrano to deploy you application to shared host or VPS via SSH.

Restarting Rails Application

I am building an application that will only be run on a local network and am looking for the best way to restart my server from within the application itself. For the time being this is only running on Windows using WEBrick.
Look at Capistrano as others have suggested, it's fantastic :)
$ cap deploy
That's all you have to do. It'll grab the latest source from your git/SVN repo (lots more supported ofc), deploy, and restart your app server.

How do you deploy your Rails application?

Do you upload your rail application to your host via FTP first?
I'm currently using Passenger and Capistrano. If I do "cap deploy" in my local machine then I think Capistrano should upload my rail application to my host, right?
Someone from my host is saying that I need to run "cap deploy" in server. I think it doesn't make sense.
You should be able to run cap deloy on your local machine and that should get the current version of your software to the server. However, you need to set up first how this is supposed to happen. I for example use Git to manage my code and also use it to get my software on the server. However, you could also use SVN or FTP if you prefer that. If you google for Capistrano together with the Software youbeant to transfer the code with and maybe even your hosting providers name, you probably will find a decent step by step explanation. For me John Numemaker's post on deploying with Capistrano and Git on Dreamhost really helped:
As an alternative you also might want to check out Their smallest offer is free and enough for most projects. The deployment process is so easy a monkey could deploy a Rails app on their platform. I generally can only recommend heroku.
