Deploying Rails github with a SharedServer - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to deploy a Rails application online. My host right now is dream host. Although i am not to sure how to deploy my apps. At the moment i am on a shared server, but i am considering upgrading to a VPS, but the questions remains! Do i need Git hub or not. If i need to have git hub to make it private do i have to pay or an alternative exist.
What I meant by not to sure on how to deploy rails is that I have a localhost provided with webrick and with database.yml settup otherwise everything else is dark for me.

You can use capistrano to deploy you application to shared host or VPS via SSH.


Dokku error /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/pg-plugin/plugin.toml: no such file or directory

So here what I did and the following output:
root#ubuntu-512mb-sfo1-01:/var/lib/dokku/plugins# dokku postgres:link DATABASE ubuntu-512mb-sfo1-01
2016/02/18 05:24:38 open /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/pg-plugin/plugin.toml: no such file or directory
2016/02/18 05:24:38 open /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/pg-plugin/plugin.toml: no such file or directory
no config vars for ubuntu-512mb-sfo1-01
Can someone help me? I try to deploy rails to digital ocean.
I use - this tutorial but it seems to be horribly outdated. I ran into so many errors so I am thinking of giving this up and staying with heroku hosting.
It means that you don't have a Postgres docker container active. Take a look at the dokku-pg-pluging to know how to configure and instantiate a postgres docker container.
By the way, since your objective is to change from Heroku to DigitalOcean, and you're having trouble using dokku, may I suggest you using deploy bot instead? I did managed to successfully deploy an rails 4 app to DigitalOcean using deploy bot. Follow this tutorial. And you can easily follow this guide with deploy bot, adapting the unicorn and nginx stop/start services with the hooks that deploy bot provides.
Since you wanted a more specific answer for the deploy bot solution, here goes my approach (this was +/- 3/4 months ago):
Create the droplet and follow the guide to create a droplet, install ruby, rails, unicorn and nginx and the script to control unicorn (it's in the tutorial).
Configure the deploy bot and make sure you run bundle install and another rails' specific commands (changing environments and so on) after the upload (this is a predefined hook).
The last command should be service nginx restart to restart the server (using the script from step 1).

Using capistrano to deploy same project from different machines

We have a team of 2 people writing Rails application. We use DigitalOcean as of VPS and capistrano to deploy it.
But the capistrano deployment scripts are only on one of our two machines.
Is it possible to set up capistrano on the second machine to deploy same project also from it? If yes, how this looks like?
P.S. This might be very easy like adding some SSH keys and running cap production deploy from second machine as the remote VPS has whole infrastructure set up. But we can't take the risk on production system.
There are a couple ways of doing this:
Commit your Cap scripts to the repository alongside your code (this is how I tend to do it; it works well with Ruby on Rails, the config structure matches). Anyone who wants to deploy just needs their SSH key set up on the server.
Create another repository with the deploy scripts; similarly to above, you need SSH keys.
Use a CI server to deploy.
Come up with something else more esoteric. Capistrano is pretty flexible.
Where I work, we generally just add Capistrano to a Rails app's Gemfile, and anyone who checks it out can deploy it to any server to which they have access. Developer SSH keys are added to the servers for this purpose.
Good luck!

Ruby on Rails application deployment on local computer with postgresql

I am new to Ruby on Rails. We have developed an small application with Postgresql. Now we have to deploy it. But when i searched over internet i found lot of suggestion is to deploy them on Heroku or some premium servers. where we are not in a position now to deploy it on cloud.
How can i deploy the application on local computer? Is this similar to setting up a development environment?
Any link or lead will be much appreciated!
I hope you have your application already running on your development environment.
Create another database in your postgres, to use it for production in local system. And make necessary changes in database.yml
I feel passenger is the easiest way to deploy application, you can follow the steps in this link to deploy your app.
Heroku also have free deployment for few application. You can use heroku.
There are some more option like AWS, Digital Ocean. AWS is also free for one year.
Yes setting up a development environment is like set up your environment. But best practice is use a deployment automation like capistrano.
You can run it in a production environment and make it public. I had written a blog post regarding this.
Please check here
ps - Make sure your system is up for public access and i am hoping that this is for test purpose only and to show it to your clients.
Yes, it would be fairly similar to setting up your development environment.
In addition to setting up Passenger as described in the Digital Ocean post from Rajuk's answer, I use Capistrano for deployment to my Ubuntu servers. You can set up the Capistrano deployment configuration to deploy to any machine.
The possible configuration variables are too numerous to address here without further details about your specific situation.
Check out Railscast #335 Deploying to a VPS where Ryan talks about deploying to a Linux machine (a cloud VPS in this case) with Capistrano.

Can Rails be deployed locally? without using git

I have made an app with the use of Git and Heroku.
I'm curious if i can deploy Ruby on Rails locally without using Git.
If you aren't going to deploy to Heroku, you don't technically need Git at all. Just delete the .git folder. Given that Git is a great tool however, doing this is a bad idea.
You can deploy a Rails app locally, and the typical way to do this is with Apache and Passenger ( I'm assuming you are using a flavor of linux, OSX may have a host running already ).
It has been a while since I had done this, but this page seems to have the right idea:
Rails s or rails server (in terminal) and you have localhost:3000. This is your local rails program and is incredibly convienent for development. Of course you need to be in the directory of your program to deploy it on localhost

How do you deploy your Rails application?

Do you upload your rail application to your host via FTP first?
I'm currently using Passenger and Capistrano. If I do "cap deploy" in my local machine then I think Capistrano should upload my rail application to my host, right?
Someone from my host is saying that I need to run "cap deploy" in server. I think it doesn't make sense.
You should be able to run cap deloy on your local machine and that should get the current version of your software to the server. However, you need to set up first how this is supposed to happen. I for example use Git to manage my code and also use it to get my software on the server. However, you could also use SVN or FTP if you prefer that. If you google for Capistrano together with the Software youbeant to transfer the code with and maybe even your hosting providers name, you probably will find a decent step by step explanation. For me John Numemaker's post on deploying with Capistrano and Git on Dreamhost really helped:
As an alternative you also might want to check out Their smallest offer is free and enough for most projects. The deployment process is so easy a monkey could deploy a Rails app on their platform. I generally can only recommend heroku.
