How can I show a custom 404 page when access is denied to a node or method in Neos? - flow-framework

We're making a forum where access is supposed to be denied by unregistered users. I want to show a proper error message - not an exception - for users that are not allowed there. How do I achieve this in Neos 2.0?
Both read and write access should be denied. Maybe it's easier to deny access to the node where the forum is? But wouldn't that need hard-coding of node path?
Current Policy.yaml:
matcher: 'method(My\Package\PostController->(index|new|create)Action(.*))'
privilegeTarget: 'My.Package:PostControllerLoggedInActions'
permission: DENY
privilegeTarget: 'My.Package:PostControllerLoggedInActions'
permission: GRANT
Edit: Here are some slides about (among other things) how to create a custom 404 page:
Edit 2: Use Flow exception handler?

You can try to set it in your root Configuration/Settings.yaml. You can do it by status code (like in example) or exception class:
# you have already persistence
# and maybe other stuff under flow
# just add it below them but still under TYPO3.Flow
matchingStatusCodes: [ 401, 403]
templatePathAndFilename: 'resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/Templates/Error/Index.html'
layoutRootPath: 'resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/Layouts/'
format: 'html'
errorTitle: 'Restricted Area'
errorDescription: 'Go home boy.'


Block access for all the users in Apache Ranger

I think Apache Ranger does not support blocking all the users in a Policy using '*' simply.
Does Apache Ranger API provide any way to do this?
I can think of a way to first get all users using
curl -u <Username>:<Password> -X GET /service/xusers/users | jq '.vXUsers[].name'
And then put them in the below API to block all users
POST /service/public/v2/api/policy
Is there any way we can just use '*' on UI under Select User tab?
I think Apache Ranger does not support blocking all the users in a Policy using '*' simply.
You do not need to block the users all together, just create a policy and do not specify any access permissions for any users. Unless you specify the permissions explicitly, by default, all the users will be denied.
For example, if a policy has no allow conditions as below;
Then, you will get denied for all actions;
0: jdbc:hive2://> create table t (id int);
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [mapr] does not have [CREATE] privilege on [default/t] (state=42000,code=40000)
0: jdbc:hive2://>
When I specify an allow condition for a user to create a table as below;
Then, I can create a table;
0: jdbc:hive2://> create table t (id int);
INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
No rows affected (0.687 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://>

How to set the scope using Google Operators in Airflow

I have a task using the GCSToGoogleSheetsOperator in Airflow where Im trying to add data to a sheet.
I have added the service credential email to the sheet I want to edit with editor privileges, and received this error:
<HttpError 403 when requesting<SHEET_ID>/values/Sheet1?valueInputOption=RAW&includeValuesInResponse=false&responseValueRenderOption=FORMATTED_VALUE&responseDateTimeRenderOption=SERIAL_NUMBER&alt=json
returned "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.".
Details: "[{
'#type': '',
'domain': '',
'metadata': {
'service': '',
'method': 'google.apps.sheets.v4.SpreadsheetsService.UpdateValues'}
I cant update the sheet, but the GCS and BigQuery operators work fine.
My connection configuration looks like the following:
I tried following the instructions to add the scope
Which URL encoded looks like:
Now, operators which previously worked error out like this:
google.api_core.exceptions.Forbidden: 403 POST Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
And the GCSToGoogleSheetsOperator operator still error out like this:
google.api_core.exceptions.Forbidden: 403 GET Insufficient Permission: ('Request failed with status code', 403, 'Expected one of', <HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT: 206>)
How can I set the permissions correctly to use both BigQuery, GCS and Sheets operators?
Adding a scope seems to ignore the IAM roles, so its either one or the other.
The service account had roles needed to access GCS and BigQuery, but by adding the scope, the service would ignore the privileges granted by the roles and look only at the ones specified by the scopes.
So, to recover it, you must add both the spreadsheet and cloud-platform scopes (or more strict scopes). cloud-platform will provide access to GCS and BigQuery and spreadsheets to Google Sheets API.
If you set your connection using environment variables, you have to URL encode the arguments, so to create a GOOGLE_CLOUD connection, you will have to do something like this, which is not encoded...
To encode, which is the version you have to use, replace /, , and ::

ejabberd - Configuration of mod_http_api

I'm in the midst of testing mod_http_api to replace the existing usage of mod_rest in our implementation.
I can unrestrict access to some commands from group of IP addresses by using option "admin_ip_access". I can successfully execute some commands (e.g. change_password).
However, for some cases, we may require login as well for both user (own)and admin(own and other user).
However, when I tried to login with Basic Auth. It's not successful. I'm keep on getting the following. If my assumption is correct, this might be related to configuration.
Will be much appreciated if someone could show me how the correct configuration should be done.
"status": "error",
"code": 31,
"message": "Command need to be run with admin priviledge."
Current config
admin_ip_access: admin_ip_access_rule
- "xx.xx.xx.xx/32"
- all
For testing purpose, I've enabled the following configuration:
commands_admin_access: configure
- add_commands:
- status
- get_roster
- change_password
- register
- unregister
- registered_users
- muc_online_rooms
- oauth_issue_token
I able to run both of user and admin commands successfully for those listed commands inside add_commands tags. It works as expected. However, I still facing some issues, most related to the IP restriction. Calling the API from the host that is not listed in admin_ip_acl also successful where I expect to get error when calling for non-whitelited host
The API requires an OAuth token for authentication. You need to generate one with correct scope. When a command is restricted to an admin, you need to also pass the HTTP header: "X-Admin: true" to let ejabberd know that it should consider you would like to act as an admin.

How to create system user in Sling?

How can I create a system user in Sling?
I tried searching but all I find is related to AEM, which I don't use. Is it possible to create the user using Jackrabbit API or Sling Initial Content (descriptor files)?
I tried to execute the following:
curl -u admin:admin -F:name=myuser -Fpwd=mypwd -FpwdConfirm=mypwd -Frep:principalName=myuser -Fjcr:primaryType=rep:SystemUser http://localhost:8080/home/users/system/*
But there is an error:
*ERROR* [ [1465215465364] POST /home/users/system/* HTTP/1.1] Exception during response processing.
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: Property is protected: rep:principalName = myuser
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.NodeDelegate.setProperty(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$35.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$35.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.SessionDelegate.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.ItemImpl.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl.setProperty(
There is an out-of-the box solution based on Sling and Jackrabbit Oak. It features a text-based DSL for setting users and ACLs, for instance:
create service user bob,alice
set ACL on /libs,/apps
remove * for alice
allow jcr:read for bob
It is also possible to embed these instructions in the provisioning model used to build a Sling launchpad - assuming you're using the slingstart-maven-plugin.
The complete documentation can be found at Repository Initializers and Repository Initialization Language
Not sure this is possible through a post request per:
The suggested solution is to use the jackrabbit api to do this. This would look something like:
//get a user manager
try {
User systemUser = userManager.createSystemUser("myuser", "/home/users/system");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error adding user",e);
throw e;
//commit changes
It's very important to note that this doesn't allow you to set a password for this user, nor can one be set with user.changePassword() -- when I try that I get an error:
javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException: system user
From the java doc:
Create a new system user for the specified userID. The new authorizable is required to have the following characteristics:
User.isSystemUser() returns true.
The system user doesn't have a password set and doesn't allow change the password.
Here's my whole activator class:

Google Federated OAuth/OpenID with Tornado: why is it ignoring my scopes?

I'm trying to use Tornado's library for federated login to authenticate users and get access to their calendar, contacts, and mail. However, when I get the " is asking for some information from your Google Account" message, the only bullet point listed is "Email Address". Subsequently, when I check the returned user object after I approve the request, the user object doesn't have an 'access_token' property.
Here's the code:
def get(self):
scope_list = ['','','']
self.authorize_redirect(scope_list, callback_uri=self._switch_command('auth_callback'), ax_attrs=["name","email"])
def _on_auth(self, user):
print 'in on auth'
if user:
session.set_data('usertoken_' + user['email'], user['access_token'])
The uri that this spits out is:
Ideas: 1. maybe this has something to do with the fact I'm running on a local machine behind a dyndns forwarder? 2. Tornado's documentation says "No application registration is necessary to use Google for authentication or to access Google resources on behalf of a user" -- but maybe that's not true anymore?
If anyone has thoughts, I'd really appreciate it -- this is driving me a little batty!
Figured it out. You have to set the application properties google_consumer_key and google_consumer_secret.
application = tornado.web.Application(urlhandlers, cookie_secret=cookie_secret, google_consumer_key=google_consumer_key, google_consumer_secret=google_consumer_secret)
You get them by going here:
