ejabberd - Configuration of mod_http_api - oauth

I'm in the midst of testing mod_http_api to replace the existing usage of mod_rest in our implementation.
I can unrestrict access to some commands from group of IP addresses by using option "admin_ip_access". I can successfully execute some commands (e.g. change_password).
However, for some cases, we may require login as well for both user (own)and admin(own and other user).
However, when I tried to login with Basic Auth. It's not successful. I'm keep on getting the following. If my assumption is correct, this might be related to configuration.
Will be much appreciated if someone could show me how the correct configuration should be done.
"status": "error",
"code": 31,
"message": "Command need to be run with admin priviledge."
Current config
admin_ip_access: admin_ip_access_rule
- "xx.xx.xx.xx/32"
- all
For testing purpose, I've enabled the following configuration:
commands_admin_access: configure
- add_commands:
- status
- get_roster
- change_password
- register
- unregister
- registered_users
- muc_online_rooms
- oauth_issue_token
I able to run both of user and admin commands successfully for those listed commands inside add_commands tags. It works as expected. However, I still facing some issues, most related to the IP restriction. Calling the API from the host that is not listed in admin_ip_acl also successful where I expect to get error when calling for non-whitelited host

The API requires an OAuth token for authentication. You need to generate one with correct scope. When a command is restricted to an admin, you need to also pass the HTTP header: "X-Admin: true" to let ejabberd know that it should consider you would like to act as an admin.


CouchDB Fauxton login not working on DigitalOcean Docker APP

I've deployed the vanilla CouchDB Docker container, tag "latest" on DigitalOcean's App Platform.
I set the admin user using environment variables and I successfully were able to curl to the database server on https port 443, not 5984 as a raw install. Then I created the system databases as outlined in the docker documentation.
The initial load of the Fauxton UI worked (using _utils), however login fails on an UI level. The login form submits the form with name/password, CouchDB replies with:
A toast appears "You have been logged in", the AuthSession cookies gets set, but Fauxton won't let me access any function, just redirects to the login page again.
What do I miss?
Checked the network tab again, there's more going on:
POST to _session, result as above
GET tp _session, result:
name and roles are null/empty. Then GET repeats a final time with the same result
** Update 2 **
When I query _session?basic=true I get a proper response:
ok: true,
userCtx: {
name: "couchadmin",
roles: [
info: {
authentication_handlers: [
authenticated: "cookie"
Looks like the session cookie is eaten somewhere along the line.
In your first POST to _SESSION, can you check what response headers you get and whether it includes a session cookie?
Turns out that the cookie is eaten somewhere in the bowels of the DigitalOcean App platform. I redeployed a CouchDB Droplet instead of an app and everything works as expected.
This also solved the (not yet tackled) need of storage persistence. An app is epidermal, while a droplet retains data (still need to backup) with attached block storage.

Google::Apis::ClientError: forbidden: The caller does not have permission when using service account call with ruby google api

I'm trying use a service account with google's api to work with classroom data with the goal of synchronizing our web service for schools with the google classroom data.
I have delegated domain wide authority to the service account and have activated the Google Classroom API. I have downloaded the json Key file used below.
I have added https://www.googleapis.com/auth/classroom.courses to the scope of the service account.
My test code in app/models/g_service.rb:
class GService
require 'google/apis/classroom_v1'
def get_course
authorizer = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds(
json_key_io: File.open('/Users/jose/Downloads/skt1-301603-4a655caa8963.json'),
scope: [ Google::Apis::ClassroomV1::AUTH_CLASSROOM_COURSES ]
service = Google::Apis::ClassroomV1::ClassroomService.new
service.authorization = authorizer
puts "\n service\n #{service.inspect}"
response = service.get_course( '99999' )
puts "\n response \n#{response.inspect}"
The results in the console are:
>> GService.new.get_course
#<Google::Apis::ClassroomV1::ClassroomService:0x007fe1cff98338 #root_url="https://classroom.googleapis.com/", #base_path="", #upload_path="upload/", #batch_path="batch", #client_options=#<struct Google::Apis::ClientOptions application_name="unknown", application_version="0.0.0", proxy_url=nil, open_timeout_sec=nil, read_timeout_sec=nil, send_timeout_sec=nil, log_http_requests=false, transparent_gzip_decompression=true>, #request_options=#<struct Google::Apis::RequestOptions authorization=#<Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials:0x0xxxxxxx #project_id="sssssssss", #authorization_uri=nil, #token_credential_uri=#<Addressable::URI:0x000000000 URI:https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token>, #client_id=nil, #client_secret=nil, #code=nil, #expires_at=2021-01-13 20:56:46 -0800, #issued_at=2021-01-13 19:56:47 -0800, #issuer="xxxxxxx.iam.gserviceaccount.com", #password=nil, #principal=nil, #redirect_uri=nil, #scope=["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/classroom.courses"], #state=nil, #username=nil, #access_type=:offline, #expiry=60, #audience="https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token", #signing_key=#<OpenSSL::PKey::RSA:0xxxxxxxxx>, #extension_parameters={}, #additional_parameters={}, #connection_info=nil, #grant_type=nil, #refresh_token=nil, #access_token="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->, retries=0, header=nil, normalize_unicode=false, skip_serialization=false, skip_deserialization=false, api_format_version=nil, use_opencensus=true>>
Google::Apis::ClientError: forbidden: The caller does not have permission
It appears everything is working fine until the service.get_course('99999') call.
I've tested this call using the https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses/get online tool and it works fine.
I've poured over the documentation but have been unable to resolve this.
Can anybody please let me know what I am missing?
I'm running rails 3.2 and ruby 2.1
Considering the error you're getting, I think you are not impersonating any account.
The purpose of domain-wide delegation is that the service account can impersonate a regular account in your domain, but in order to do that, you have to specify which account you want to impersonate. Otherwise, you are calling the service account by itself, and it doesn't matter that you've enabled domain-wide delegation for it.
In the Ruby library, you can specify that using the :sub parameter, as shown in the section Preparing to make an authorized API call at the library docs:
authorizer.sub = "<email-address-to-impersonate>"
Make sure the account you impersonate has access to this course, otherwise you'll get the same error.
Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account
Google API Server-to-Server Communication not working (Ruby implementation)

Failing to create services on Google Cloud Run with API using Java SDK

I create a Cloud Run client, however, couldn't find a way to list a service that is deployed with Cloud Run on GKE (for Anthos).
Create the client:
HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault();
HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential);
CloudRun.Builder builder = new CloudRun.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, requestInitializer);
return builder.setApplicationName(applicationName)
} catch (IOException e) {
try to list services:
services = cloudRun.namespaces().services()
My "hello" service is deploy on a GKE cluster under the namespace default. The above code doesn't work because the client always see "default" as project_id and complains about permission stuff. If I put the project_id rather than "default", permission errors are gone, but no services will be found.
I tried another project that does have Google fully-managed cloud run services, the same code returns result (with .list("namespaces/")).
How to access the service on GKE?
And my next question would be, how to programmatically create Cloud Run services on GKE?
Edit - for creating a service
As I couldn't figure out how to interact with Cloud Run on GKE, I took a step back to try fully managed one. The following code to create a service fails, and the error message just doesn't provide much useful insight, how to make it work?
Service deployedService = null;
// Map<String,String> annotations = new HashMap<>();
// annotations.put("client.knative.dev/user-image","gcr.io/cloudrun/hello");
ServiceSpec spec = new ServiceSpec();
List<Container> containers = new ArrayList<>();
containers.add(new Container().setImage("gcr.io/cloudrun/hello"));
spec.setTemplate(new RevisionTemplate().setMetadata(new ObjectMeta().setName("hello-fully-managed-v0.1.0"))
.setSpec(new RevisionSpec().setContainerConcurrency(20)
.setMetadata(new ObjectMeta().setName("hello-fully-managed")
// .setAnnotations(annotations)
try {
deployedService = cloudRun.namespaces().services()
} catch (IOException e) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body(response);
Error message I got:
com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 400 Bad Request
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "The request has errors",
"reason" : "badRequest"
} ],
"message" : "The request has errors",
at com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException.from(GoogleJsonResponseException.java:150)
at com.google.api.client.googleapis.services.json.AbstractGoogleJsonClientRequest.newExceptionOnError(AbstractGoogleJsonClientRequest.java:113)
And the base_url is: https://europe-west1-run.googleapis.com
Your question is quite detailed (and is about Java which I am no expert in) and there are actually too many questions in there (ideally, please ask only 1 question here). However, I'll try to answer a few things you asked:
First, Cloud Run (managed, and on GKE) both implement the Knative Serving API. I've explained this at https://ahmet.im/blog/cloud-run-is-a-knative/ In fact, Cloud Run on GKE is just the open source Knative components installed to your cluster.
And my next question would be, how to programmatically create Cloud Run services on GKE?
You will have a very hard time (if possible at all) using the Cloud Run API client libraries (e.g. new CloudRun above) because these are designed for *.googleapis.com endpoints.
The Knative API part of "Cloud Run on GKE" is actually just your Kubernetes (GKE) master API endpoint (which runs on an IP address, with a TLS certificate that isn't trusted by root CAs, but you can find the CA cert in GKE GetCluster API call to verify the cert.) The TLS is part is why it's so hard to use the API Client libraries.
Knative APIs are just Kubernetes objects. So your best bet is one of these:
See Kubernetes java client (https://github.com/kubernetes-client/java) actually allows dynamic objects. (Go implementation does) and try to use that to create Knative CRDs.
Use kubectl apply.
Ask Knative Serving open source repository for help (they should be providing client libraries, maybe they're already there I'm not sure)
To program Cloud Run (managed) with the API Client Libraries, you need to explicitly override the API endpoint to the region e.g. us-central1-run.googleapis.com. (This is documented on each API call's REST API reference documentation.)
I have written a blog post in detail (with sample code in Go) on how to create/update services on Cloud Run (managed) using the Knative Serving API here: https://ahmet.im/blog/gcloud-run-deploy/
If you want to see how gcloud run deploy works, and which APIs it calls, you can pass --log-http option to observe the request/response traffic.
As for the error you got, it seems like the error message isn't helpful, but it might be coming from anywhere (as you're trying to imitate Knative API in GCP client libraries). I recommend reading my blog posts and sample code in depth.
UPDATES: Our engineering team's looking at the issue, it appears that there's currently a bug not adding the "details" field to the error. That's being worked on.
In your case, we see the following errors from requests:
field: "spec.template.spec"
description: "Missing template spec."
Means you are not properly filling up the spec field as I shown in my blog post and sample code.
field: "metadata.name"
description: "The revision name must be prefixed by the name of the enclosing Service or Configuration with a trailing -"
Make sure the name you are specifying adheres the patterns specified in API docs. Try to create that name manually perhaps in the UI or gcloud CLI.
field: "api_version"
description: "Unsupported API version \'serving.knative.dev/v1\'. Expected \'serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1\'"
Do not use v1alpha1 API, use v1 directly.
We'll try to get the details to the error message, however it appears that you need to study the sample code I linked in my blog post more in detail:
The Java SDK is automatically generated from the fact that the Cloud Run (fully managed) API is public. It does not support Cloud Run for Anthos.
(gcloud.run.deploy) The revision name must be prefixed by the name of the enclosing Service or Configuration with a trailing -revision name
revision name name should be 65 character then problem will be resolved in Automation pipeline with GCP revision suffix should be less revision name is the combination of (service name +revision suffix) will automatically created by GCP.

Unable to issue identity in Hyperledger Composer

I am trying to issue an identity to a participant that already exists in the network.
return this.bizNetworkConnection.connect(this.cardname)
.then((result) => {
let email = 'user#gmail.com',
username = email.split('#')[0];
this.businessNetworkDefinition = result;
return this.bizNetworkConnection.issueIdentity('org.test.Person#user#gmail.com', username);
.then((result) => {
console.log(`userID = ${result.userID}`);
console.log(`userSecret = ${result.userSecret}`);
I expect that I will see the userID and the userSecret logged on the console but I am getting errors as described below.
Following the developer tutorial on their documents:
If I use the card name for PeerAdmin#hlfv1 on the connect function above, I get the error. "Error trying to ping. Error: Error trying to query business network. Error: Missing \"chaincodeId\" parameter in the proposal request"
If I use the card name for admin#tutorial-network on the connect function above, I get the error "fabric-ca request register failed with errors [[{\"code\":400,\"message\":\"Authorization failure\"}]]"
For option 1, I know the network name is missing in the given card, whie option 2 means that the admin has no rights to issue an identity. However, I cannot seem to find any documentation directing me on how to use either to achieve my objective. Any help is highly welcome.
While I have listed the javascript code I am using to achieve the same, I would not mind if anyone can explain what I am missing using the composer cli.
see https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/managing/identity-issue.html
you would definitely use the admin#tutorial-network card, as PeerAdmin does not have authority to issue identities (admin does).
Did you already do: 1) a composer card import -f networkadmin.card (per the tutorial) ? 2) a composer network ping -c admin#tutorial-network to use the card (now in the card store) and thereby populate the admin's credentials (certificate/private key).
Only at that point would admin be recognised as the identity to issue further identities. Is it possible you spun up a new dockerized CA server at some stage since you did the import etc ?
What happens if you issue a test identity through the command line (using admin#tutorial-network? Does it fail)

How can I show a custom 404 page when access is denied to a node or method in Neos?

We're making a forum where access is supposed to be denied by unregistered users. I want to show a proper error message - not an exception - for users that are not allowed there. How do I achieve this in Neos 2.0?
Both read and write access should be denied. Maybe it's easier to deny access to the node where the forum is? But wouldn't that need hard-coding of node path?
Current Policy.yaml:
matcher: 'method(My\Package\PostController->(index|new|create)Action(.*))'
privilegeTarget: 'My.Package:PostControllerLoggedInActions'
permission: DENY
privilegeTarget: 'My.Package:PostControllerLoggedInActions'
permission: GRANT
Edit: Here are some slides about (among other things) how to create a custom 404 page: https://speakerdeck.com/aertmann/tasty-recipes-for-every-day-neos
Edit 2: Use Flow exception handler?
You can try to set it in your root Configuration/Settings.yaml. You can do it by status code (like in example) or exception class:
# you have already persistence
# and maybe other stuff under flow
# just add it below them but still under TYPO3.Flow
matchingStatusCodes: [ 401, 403]
templatePathAndFilename: 'resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/Templates/Error/Index.html'
layoutRootPath: 'resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/Layouts/'
format: 'html'
errorTitle: 'Restricted Area'
errorDescription: 'Go home boy.'
