When implementing AppLinks, the Facebook app creates a special button on the status bar and the app doesn't open up directly - ios

I have added the meta tags in the webpage and I am using the method application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: to handle the incoming links, but my app doesn't open up directly. The user has to click on that special button on the status bar in the Facebook's browser in order to open the app.
Please help!


iOS when I click on an Associated Domain within my own app, safari is launched instead

I have an associated domain. If I click on a link to that domain from anywhere outside my app, the app is launched.
If I click on it inside my app, safari is launched instead.
Why is this happening? Can I prevent it?
In AppDelegate method
Intercept links from openURL and links from other components like UITextView - present custom alert and on the alert delegate either cancel or redirect to the link

TwitterKit doesn't have interface to control redirection to native twitter app

Currently I use TWTRTweetView from TwitterKit to display the tweets. When I tap on the tweet, the iOS system's popup shows up "MyAppName" wants to open "Twitter", and gives 2 buttons, Cancel and Open respectively.
Then the problem is no matter which button I press on, it will redirect to the twitter native app.
Ok, I have downloaded their source code and looking into it. And I drew a flow diagram to illustrate the issue.
As the diagram shows, the twitter SDK will try to call the deep link on tap first, if user taps "cancel" on the apple's default pop up, then the SDK will try the second attempt by calling universal link. This will cause the issue as I described in the question, which is even user taps on "cancel", my app still redirects to twitter app.

iOS how can I remove 'App link' button from the status bar when open app via deeplink?

When I open the app via Branch deeplink there emerges app link button on the upper right corner on status bar that allows you to block app links. So that all the deeplinks start to redirect me to Appstore.
Can I remove this button somehow?
Because common users could accidentally press this button thereby blocking their deeplinking ability and the next time they'll be redirected to Appstore. And I think it's very unclear for them to resolve this issue.
The button you seeing is the feature of iOS Universal Links. You can't disable this button.

Performing a task through a website and going back to an iOS app

I'm developing an iOS 7+ app that I need to offer the option of navigating to a certain web page to let the users to fill in a form there, and after that to come back to the app's view where the user was.
Is it possible to programmatically open Safari with a given url? If it is, I suppose that then there is no way to automatically redirect the user to your app from there... right? Is then a UIWebView the only option? Is it possible to navigate back or dismiss the view with the UIWebView without the need of user interaction?
You can open links in Safari as detailed in this post How to launch safari and open URL from iOS app
I don't believe you can set a 'callback' and have it return to your app on completion, as you have no control over the user once they have exited your app's sandbox.
Opening the link in UIWebView would provide control, as you can utilize the UIWebView callbacks.

Opening application from notification bar in blackberry

For my application I need to creat an icon in notification bar.I am able to do this.
My problem is I need to open this application from notification bar.
When ever user selects notification screen my app status should display. when user selects my app my application should open directly.
Have a look at the following classes:
And the following interfaces:
Register a folder for your app, add a listener to the folder, and use the AppicationMessageFolder.fireElementAdded() method to add status messages to the folder. When the user clicks on the notification bar, the Messages app displays the available folders and their contents. When the user clicks on one of your status messages, the folder's listener will notify your app so it can react accordingly.
