Opening application from notification bar in blackberry - blackberry

For my application I need to creat an icon in notification bar.I am able to do this.
My problem is I need to open this application from notification bar.
When ever user selects notification screen my app status should display. when user selects my app my application should open directly.

Have a look at the following classes:
And the following interfaces:
Register a folder for your app, add a listener to the folder, and use the AppicationMessageFolder.fireElementAdded() method to add status messages to the folder. When the user clicks on the notification bar, the Messages app displays the available folders and their contents. When the user clicks on one of your status messages, the folder's listener will notify your app so it can react accordingly.


When implementing AppLinks, the Facebook app creates a special button on the status bar and the app doesn't open up directly

I have added the meta tags in the webpage and I am using the method application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: to handle the incoming links, but my app doesn't open up directly. The user has to click on that special button on the status bar in the Facebook's browser in order to open the app.
Please help!

Remote Notification 'application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:' method not called

Target: 7.0 and UP
Testing on: iPhone6 Device
I have been testing Regular Push Notifications (Remote).
I have discovered that if a user clicks on the app icon -- the "applicationDidFinishLaunching:" method is never called.
I have been reading and re-reading the guide on "Handling Local and Remote Notifications" and to confirm that I understood everything referred to: Handling Remote Notifications
It says If a user taps the default button in the alert or taps (or clicks) the app icon, then the app should call its delegate "application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method. And if its a remote notification, it should call "application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:".
Neither one of these methods get called if I click on the app icon.
The only method that does get called is applicationWillEnterForeground.
I do have a storyboard file. So the way it loads:
--> navigation controller --> table view controller --> so on
Am I supposed to somehow set the appDelegate in the storyboard file?
I have done a lot of research and so far I have had no luck.
My push alerts do come through so I know that it works. I just haven't been able to determine why these other methods are not being called when the user clicks on the app icon.
Any suggestions or help is appreciated.
The only solution if you want to handle when a user clicks on the app icon is to either A.) set up silent notifications or B.) Set up something on your server so that you can make a request to it to find out if there was a new update.

Save Push Notifications and Display in UITableView

I am wanting to implement functionality similar to the Fandango and Starbucks apps where the user gets a notification in an inbox. Ideally, if the user opens the app from the notification, it would go to the appropriate view in the app. For example, if the notification is a benefit update, and the user taps the notification, the benefits view would open.
If the app is opened by tapping the app icon and not by selecting the notification, I want the notification info to be shown in a table view. I'm guessing I could just save the notification payload dictionary to an array and use that to populate the table view. I would also want to badge the inbox in the app and the app icon with the number of notifications in the array.
I'm just not sure how to go about doing this type of functionality.
You can not get the notifications in the notification screen, there is no API for it. Only when a user clicks on a notification is you app informed about the notification used to open your app.
Other apps solve this by keep track of the notifications send to the user on there server and have some API to retrieve these notifications.

iOS Push Notification open different app

Can IOS push notifications open another app via its URL scheme (ie. SOMEAPP://someUrlScheme)?
I've looked through the documentation but haven't seen any mention of this.
Directly from the notification bar I think it is not possible, but you can handle notification received event show a popup and launch another app on click event of that popup

Blackberry - open application on message notification click

My app sending messages notification to the home screen notification bar, but when I'm clicking on some message there, "Message Preview" window opens.
I am aware of
SO - Opening application from notification bar in blackberry
SO - Blackberry ApplicationIndicator click handler on Home Screen
While I have implemented ApplicationMessageFolderListener and adding it to ApplicationMessageFolder, still actionPerformed is never called when I'm clicking on message in notification bar.
Is there a way to handle notification message click event from own application?
Same question on BB forums.
I recently struggled with this very same problem. When a user opens an ApplicationMessage object, ApplicationMessageFolderListener.actionPerformed() is not notified. It is notified if the user marks the message as opened without actually opening it. After some digging, this is by design.
To get notified when the message is actually opened, you have to implement a class that extends the ApplicationMenuItem class and overrides its run() method. The context parameter will be set to the ApplicationMessage object that is being opened. You can then register that menu item using the ApplicationMessageFolderRegistry.registerMessageMenuItems() method for the particular message state combinations that the menu item applies to, such as ApplicationMessage.Status.UNOPENED.
