Domain class variables - grails

How do domain classes in Grails have variables like static constraints ={ }?
I can't see any direct inheritance.
I guess it's meta-programming but can you explain this?

In Grails domain classes don't extend a framework-provided base class, this is consistent with how persistent entities work in Hibernate.
Also be aware that static methods don't get inherited anyway, and no fields get inherited. The mapping and constraints variables are static fields declared on the domain class. Inheritance doesn't apply here.
Grails knows which classes are domain classes, services, controllers, etc. based on where their files are in the project structure. Grails knows to look for static variables in the domain objects named constraints and mapping.
This much is leveraging of conventions, not meta-programming. Meta-programming would be involved in implementing the DSL for the entries in those closures, and in adding GORM methods to the domain classes.


Grails: What is the difference between extending and embedding a domain class?

I'm very new to the Grails framework, so please bear with me.
Nonetheless, I am a bit confused on the functionality difference between extending a domain class and embedding objects.
From a database point of view, they both do the same thing. When embedding an object, all the properties of all the classes are stored in one table. Similarily, when extending a class (using table-per-hierarchy), all the properties of all the classes are stored in one table.
I'm sure there is a functionality difference between these two, and so I figured I ask this question.
When do you use either one?
The only technical difference is the ability to have multiple tables through the table per subclass property when extending a class. Otherwise, they are identical in use.
However, that said, by extending another class you are also modeling that within the class structure so you can make use of instanceof and polymorphic features of Java/Groovy.

Which interface/abstract class is for grails Domain class behaviour?

I have a generic method for doing a common operation on many domain class
static Map getNumberOfPropertyByTopicIds(def criteriaClass, List ids) {
criteriaClass.createCriteria(). //Some GORM methods used
I wanted autocomplete on various things applied on criteriaClass. But for doing that I need to replace def criteriaClass to InterfaceForDomainClassBehaviour criteriaClass.
But I don't know InterfaceForDomainClassBehaviour is what. Which interface/abstract class implements Domain class behaviour?
There isn't one.
Grails uses "convention over configuration", so unlike other frameworks where you extend a base class, implement one or more interfaces, use annotations, etc., you simply put your artifact classes (domain classes, services, etc.) in the correct directory under grails-app, use the appropriate class naming convention (except for domain classes), and Grails mixes in behavior for you. You can configure things of course, e.g. with the mapping block, etc.
Before Grails 2 adding methods was mostly done using Groovy runtime metaprogramming, and in Grails 2 most of the behavior is added at compile time using ASTs, and runtime metaprogramming is used mostly for dynamic code like findAllByHeightAndWeightAndHairColorAndShoeSize where it would be impractical and/or impossible to compile in every combination.
Over 100 methods are added to domain classes (decompile some - it's pretty amazing to see how much ends up in your classes considering how small the Groovy source is) and dozens are added to controllers. But this is all mixed in, so although there is significant overlap between your domain classes, there's no common base class or interface unless you add them yourself.

How to create/use shared domain properties/methods in Grails 2?

before Grails 2.x we used an abstract class to model shared domain properties. This worked perfect but now when using Grails 2.x is see no way of creating shared domain properties and methods. When i use an abstract class and let my domain classes extend that abstract class i get one big database table.
Is there a alternative way of creating shared domain properties / methods?
Docs says that you need to move your base class into the /src/groovy at this case

Where should I place a transient domain class in a grails app?

Where should I place a transient domain class in a grails app?
Ie I have an Action class that will be passed about, and used, but never saved. Should this be in the grails-app/domain folder, or somewhere else?
grails-app/domain is for persistent domain classes, but not all of your application's domain-related classes need to be there, e.g. in this case where you want to use it as a value object. You can put these in src/groovy along with other classes that aren't considered Grails artifacts.
If you want the classes to support validation, you can annotate them with #Validateable - see section "7.5 Validation Non Domain and Command Object Classes" in the ref docs:
I think a CommandObject may fit the bill. These typically go in the same directory as your controllers, have the same validation features available to domain objects, but are never persisted. Great for things like search forms.

Is there a list of forbidden method names for Grails domain objects?

Often as I add a helper method to a domain object I get an error when compiling which resolves to "x property is not found". This seems to happen for methods name getX, setX, and also recently isX. Is there a list of name forms that I should avoid? Is there a way to annotate or otherwise label these methods so Grails doesn't confuse them with auto properties?
Grails autodetects properties and assumes that they're persistent. Public fields in Groovy create a getter and setter under the hood so getters are assumed to be associated with persistent fields.
But if you want a helper method that starts with 'get' or 'is' but isn't a getter for a persistent field, you have two options. One is to use the transients list - see
The other option is to declare the return value as def. Since it's not typed (def is an alias for Object) Hibernate can't persist it since it doesn't know what data type to use, so it's ignored.
My preference is the transients list because I would rather have self-documenting methods where it's obvious what they do, what parameter types they accept, and what they return.
I have no idea of common list - it's too diverse. Convention methods are added by different parts of Groovy and Grails:
Groovy convention about property getters/setters is very basic thing. It's impossible have a getX() method and not have read access to x property.
Grails domain class dynamic methods and Domain class convention properties are specific to Grails domain classes;
Same for controllers, and so on;
Groovy convention about property getters/setters, including methodMissing, propertyMissing, $staticMethodMissing, getProperty, properties and so on;
Groovy adds a number of as<Type>() methods, like asInteger();
different plugins could inject more convention methods.
To access declared field, not getter/setter, use java field access operator.
As far as I understand your problem, you can use transient !
static transients = ['feildName']
