<ShinobiGrids/ShinobiGrids.h> file not found - ios

I just updated my shinobigrids and I am looking at some sample codes the new has got and I tried to #import but I got a file not found error. but I can see this files in the framework...why am I getting this error:

Looks like you need to check your framework search paths in the Xcode project file settings - they'll not be pointing at your framework I imagine


Xcode AFHTTPSessionManager.h file not found

I'm a newcomer to Xcode and native iOS development, having had previous experience on Android native and React native. I inherited an Objective-C codebase for an iOS application, which has not been touched for about 2 years. I tried to build the project on an iOS simulator, but I encountered this error during the build.
I have seen quite a few posts on StackOverflow where "xxxx.h" file is not found, however, I was unable to find a definitive solution. As you can see in the screenshots below, the AFHTTPSessionManager.h file is indeed in the Pods folder, however, for some reason, the header file just cannot be found.
What I have tried is to add the full path of where the file is found into the Header Search in the build settings for both the project and the pods directory.
Some help is very much appreciated so I can start working on the project. Thank you!
When you're importing files inside your module/framework, you use #import "file.h"
But when you need to use an instance defined in an other framework, you can't do that. You need to import that framework header file, in this case #import <AFNetworking.h>, or #import AFNetworking;

facebooksdk.h file not found error in xcode 7

I just added FacebookSDK.Framework. but in my app delegate i am importing #import. But i got error like this “Facebook/Facebook.h” file not found. But i just drag and drop the facebooksdk framework. But still getting same error. I am also fixing in Build settings (Framework Search Path). still getting same error. I am giving Frameworksearch path like this “/Users/xxx/Desktop/xxxx/FacebookDemo”. Actually i am following the tutorial.”How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h?” But still i got same error. SO Please guide me any body.. i am using xcode7.
Just check where it is downloaded in Downloads or Documents.
click on project->targets->framework search path add
$(PROJECT_DIR)/your project name
also add this
FacebookSDK-this should be your downloaded SDK name

Stripe.h file not found

I am trying to use the Stripe SDK in my iOS App but there seems to be a problem. Whenever I try to import it like this:
#import "Stripe.h"
I get the following error:
Stripe.h file not found
But I have the file right here:
Thanks in advance,
Abdullah Shafique
The folders are blue in Xcode, indicating that the folders themselves have been added as resources, rather than the source files within them. You should remove the stripe-ios folder from your project, and re-add it, ensuring that you choose the option to "Make groups for any added folders"; this will ensure each source file is added to your project, rather than the folder being added to your resources.
I can only speculate what the problem is, but I guess the .h file is just in the wrong directory...
So, find a .h file in your project that you CAN import. In which directory is this file?
In which directory is the Stripe.h file? Is it even in a subdirectory of the project root?
In your bridging header file use this statement as it is #import <Stripe/Stripe.h> . If it does not work, clean your project several times, I had the same error and nothing else worked except what I specified above.

ZXingObjC iOS archive issue: 'ZXingObjC/ZXingObjC.h' file not found Edit

I followed the instructions in the readme file and it worked fine when I ran it as debug config on simulator or device, but when I archived I got this error:
'ZXingObjC/ZXingObjC.h' file not found
I tried to set header search path in build settings as something like ./libs/ZXingObjC-8f83c0b and then got the error
libs/ZXingObjC-8f83c0b/ZXingObjC/ZXingObjC.h:20:9: 'ZXingObjC/ZXAztecDecoder.h' file not found
any idea how to fix it? thanks
add in Header Search Paths
I figured it out.
- add "$(BUILD_ROOT)/../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts" to header search path
- go to ZXingObjC project's build settings, change public header folder path from $(PROJECT_NAME)Headers to $(PROJECT_NAME)

iostream not found in Xcode

I have problem including ZXing in my App. I get error: "iostream file not found".
I have done everything like in ZXing instruction but i can't get this working.
I'm including this in .mm file.
I use story boards this project is for iOS 6.0
This is error i get:
In file included from
/Users/adam/Developer/project/project/SecondViewController.mm:11: In
file included from zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/Classes/QRCodeReader.h:10:
In file included from
zxing/cpp/core/src/zxing/common/Counted.h:23:10: fatal error:
'iostream' file not found
Any idea what can i do to get this working?
When i select Compile Source File As Objcetive-C++ project comiples without issues, BUT as i was told this is not god soultion beacuse this can make some problems later on with other parts of app.
Just rename your implementation file with .mm extension instead of .m solve the issue.
Project -> Build Settings -> Apple LLVM compiler 4.1-Language -> C++ Standard Library
Make sure to set that to "libstdc++"
Try to create a new project, and choose "command line tool" as the template for your project. Choose C++. Paste your code into the new project (it should be a .cpp file). When you run the program, it should be able to include iostream without any problems.
Just a tip: be sure the implement file extension is .mm
placing #import "QRCodeReader.h" in the mm-file instead of it's header-file fixed the issue for me
