Speed up/Slow down an object once it collides with an object - xna

I'm currently working on a 2D platformer and I'm wondering if I can get any tips on how to increase the speed that an object moves at for a few seconds after it collides with another object.

First you need a variable called velocity
Vector2 velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
Every update, you change the Rectangle of the sprite by the velocity.
rectangle.X += (int)velocity.X;
rectangle.Y += (int)velocity.Y;
Then, you can change the velocity however you like and it will change the speed.
//slow down
velocity.X -= 10;
velocity.Y -= 10;
//speed up
velocity.X += 10;
velocity.Y += 10;
You can also change the X and Y values for velocity individually, like this:
velocity.Y += 10;
That will make the sprite move down when typed in.
Hope this helped! Tell me if you need any clarification!

First you want to have it react to the collision, so in the method you're using to detect the collision, add a call to a new method in your object. Let's call it SpeedUp(). It should look something like this:
public void SpeedUp()
_speedUpTimer = 0;
IsSpedUp = true;
_maxVelocity.X = SpedUpVelocity.X;
where _speedUpTimer is a variable in your object's class (or whatever component handles movement), _maxVelocity is whatever variable maintains your object's top speed, and SpedUpVelocity is the constant or variable holding the faster velocity. IsSpedUp should be initialized as false. You're also going to want a constant or variable to hold the amount of time you want the object to be faster, such as SpeedUpTime.
Then, in your object's Update(), add the lines
_speedUpTimer += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
if (IsSpedUp && _speedUpTimer > SpeedUpTime)
_maxVelocity.X = UsualMaxVelocity.X;
IsSpedUp = false;
UsualMaxVelocity will hold your object's previous, non-sped-up maximum velocity, which your object will return to using after the timer is up.
Of course, you can always make your Y velocity increase, but I assumed you just wanted horizontal speed.


How do I detect if a number is a decreasing or increasing number? iOS

I'm using a SpriteKit game engine within XCode while developing a game that bounces a ball and platforms come from the sky and the objective is to bounce on the platforms to get higher. I need to add a velocity to the ball when it falls down + comes in contact with a platform. I'm having trouble trying to detect the balls Y position. I had something like this in the update method but nothing happens... I'm open to suggestions.
//The value of the _number instance variable is the Y position of the ball.
if (_number++) {
if (_number--) {
You can see a node's position by using code like this:
if(myNode.position.y > 0)
NSLog(#"y is greater than 0");
If you want to check a node's current speed (vector) you can do it like this:
if(myNode.physicsBody.velocity.dy > 0)
NSLog(#"Moving up");
if(myNode.physicsBody.velocity.dy < 0)
NSLog(#"Moving down");
Remember that position and speed (vector) are not the same thing.
You need to read the SKPhysicsBody docs to understand about CGVector and other important issues.
Alright, this:
if (_number++) {
if (_number--) {
doesn't work to do anything. It shouldn't even run. I don't why it doesn't give an error.
number++; is a simplified form of
number = number + 1;
You can't place it in an if statement.
First make the variable #property int ypos in your header.
Then every update compare the current y to the ypos.
After comparing, save the current y to ypos.
Place this in your Update method.
if (ball.position.y > _ypos)
//going up
else if (ball.position.y < _ypos)
//going down
_ypos = ball.position.y;
P.S. I haven't had access to a computer so the formatting might suck from my phone

How would you get CCSprite current velocity as a value

I am trying to calculate when the sprite which is affect by gravity starts to fall down. I presume I can get the velocity value for when it turns into a negative?
Is it something like this if I was trying to get the current velocity of a sprite on the Y axis?
So if I had it in the update method
int velocityY = //Whatever I need to do to get the velocity.
Put both together, and use to proper data type, and you're in business:
CGFloat velocityY = _sprite.physicsBody.velocity.y;
if (velocityY < 0.0)
// moving down ...

How to add 1 to the score each time an object's y coordinate is equal to another object's y coordinate

i have a game where the user must move the ball in a vertical way between 2 objects , i want to have a scoring system that allows me to add 1 to the score each time the ball is equal to the 2 objects so i tried the code below but it is not working probably,it is not adding one each time the ball's y coordinates are equal to the object's y cooridnates.
if(imageview.center.y == imageview1.center.y){
int score = score + 1;
scorelabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",score];
As I assume your imageview.centre.y will be different then imageView1.centre.y .Also you could use this method CGRectIntersection(<#CGRect r1#>, <#CGRect r2#>) and place your both frame in provided fields. So it will notify whenever there is an intersection of two frames. Code will be like -
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(self.pacman.frame, self.exit.frame))
//Wirte your score handling code here...
//Skip or do what you want...
Hope this might help you.
Your variable is recreated every time your if is performing.
Define it somewhere before #implementation
int score = 0;
And replace int score = score + 1; with score++
As comment you should be aware of comparison of double. See This Question for details

Smooth snake movement

This is language-agnostic question, more about model of my game.
I have a snake game with elements, but I move the elements smoothly, they don't just move 1 block each time, but instead they move some amount of pixels every frame.
I have an update loop that calculates the positions of the element, but I am stuck on correct calculations.
I have heading for each element:
typedef NS_ENUM(int, kElementHeading)
kElementHeadingNorth = 1,
I also have velocity (x, y) that determines in what direction snake is going. I have problem with snake movement, because my elements are in wrong positions. I managed to localize the thing for 2 elements, but my solution fails on more elements.
First solution I tried is to save point of rotation where the head changes direction. This worked, but due to different circumstances element can move different amount of pixels each turn. Often the element would skip the point. I tried increasing the zone where it should rotate, but it adds up error. I tried fixing this error, but element would still separate from snake (quite often).
On the second try I decided to keep the snake head in center of the screen and move the world around it. It worked good for 2 elements, as I just smoothly move the next element to desired position relatively to head. But this fails badly on more elements. If you make fast turns they start dancing and not following the path.
Third thing that I tried is leaving a path for other elements to follow. But that didn't work because I intend to keep my snake on center of the screen and technically it never moves to create a path.
I'm looking to replicate the movement pattern like in Nimble Quest (or any snake).
How should I implement snake elements moving to have no errors?
Here is my code for the first method, problem with it is that often the elements would fall off. The code is pretty self-explanatory. Rotation points are the places where to change direction.
CFTimeInterval delta = self.lastTime - currentTime;
CGPoint currentPosition = self.playerSnake.head.sprite.position;
CGPoint velocity = self.playerSnake.velocity;
self.playerSnake.head.sprite.position = CGPointMake(currentPosition.x + velocity.x * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR , currentPosition.y + velocity.y * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR);
for (SnakeElement *element in self.playerSnake.elements) {
CGPoint currentPositionE = element.sprite.position;
CGPoint velocityE = element.velocity;
element.sprite.position = CGPointMake(currentPositionE.x + velocityE.x * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR , currentPositionE.y + velocityE.y * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR);
BOOL markToDelete = NO;
NSDictionary *deleteDictionary;
for (NSDictionary *dict in self.playerSnake.rotationPoints) {
CGPoint positionCoordinate = CGPointFromString(dict[#"position"]);
CGPoint velocityNew = CGPointFromString(dict[#"velocity"]);
double newAngle = [dict[#"angle"] doubleValue];
for (SnakeElement *element in self.playerSnake.elements) {
int xDifference = element.sprite.position.x - positionCoordinate.x;
int yDifference = element.sprite.position.y - positionCoordinate.y;
if ((xDifference > -2 && xDifference < 2) && (yDifference > -2 && yDifference < 2) ) {
element.velocity = velocityNew;
element.sprite.position = CGPointMake(element.sprite.position.x + xDifference, element.sprite.position.y + yDifference);
SKAction *action = [SKAction rotateToAngle:newAngle duration:0.2 shortestUnitArc:YES];
[element.sprite runAction:action];
if ([element isEqual:[self.playerSnake.elements lastObject]]) {
markToDelete = YES;
deleteDictionary = dict;
[self.playerSnake.rotationPoints removeObject:deleteDictionary];
If I try increase the catch zone for the turning point, the elements tend to fall off more often then when it is 1 or 2 pixels wide. I'm not sure why this happens.
This is what I was suggesting you do in the comments in terms of handling your turning on points :
1.. calculate the distance that the element should move that frame based on speed and your elapsed time since last frame. (delta)
2.. calculate distance from element's current position to the turn point. This is the beforeDistance I spoke of in the comments
3.. calculate the distance the element should move towards the NEW target turning point AFTER the turn
afterDistance = distanceToMoveThisFrame - beforeDistance
4.. Calculate the new position for your element, starting at the current turning point towards the next target turning point of the element using afterDistance
If you follow this logic, you will NEVER overshoot or undershoot the turning point.

Jumping effect in games

I'm currently trying to make a basic platformer with XNA and I'm wondering how to create a "jumping effect." I currently have basic keyboard input which allows for sideways movement, but I would like my sprite to slowly progress into a jump rather than instantly teleporting there (right now I have something like Rectangle.Y += 40 every time I jump, making the sprite instantly appear there). Does anyone have any insight?
I'm not totally across how to implement this in XNA/C#, but in Flash games I've made I just added a vertical velocity property. I'll try write everything as C# as I can..
Example; create the velocity property:
float verticalVelocity = 0;
Vertical velocity should be constantly reduced (by gravity). Set up a gravity property somewhere accessible from your player:
float Gravity = 2.5;
And in your update() method for the player, increment the verticalVelocity by Gravity. Also increment the Y position of your player by the verticalVelocity. This will simulate falling:
verticalVelocity += Gravity;
Position.Y += verticalVelocity; // this may be -= in XNA, not sure where the y axis beings
When you hit a surface, the velocity should be reset to 0.
And finally, to jump, simply subtract a given value from verticalVelocity:
public void Jump(float height)
// Only jump if standing on a surface.
if(verticalVelocity == 0)
verticalVelocity -= height;
You'll eventually want to add gravity and possibly other forces to your game, so I highly recommend you save yourself a lot of pain and implement some kind of basic force system. This can be done using Vector2s, as you can just add them to the speed of your character. Then just apply an instantaneous force to your character to push it up.
If you really don't want to use a physics engine, you can make a Vector2 with the high point of the jump for the Y and the characters X, and then use the Vector2.Lerp method to interpolate between the characters position and the end point of the jump.
This is generally a very bad system to use, and I highly recommend you either use an existing physics engine, or make your own simple one.
use a sinusoidcode should look something like this:
float ground = 0.0f;
float angle = 330.0f;
if(ground == 0.0f)ground = Rectangle.Y;
if(Rectangle.Y <= ground)
You can accurately create a gravity effect if you modify the ySpeed dynamically, as opposed to just adding 40.
You want to declare a ySpeed
ySpeed = 0;
Then you want to use an acceleration variable
acceleration = 0.25;
Okay, now that we've done that, let's add gravity, provided that our player isn't touching the floor.
if(playerLocationY + playerHeight > floorLocationY)
gravity = false;
gravity = true;
ySpeed += acceleration;
Now that we've got that down, we want to include something that allows us to jump.
if(KeyPressed == UP)
ySpeed -= acceleration;
This will move our player in the upward direction
We now want to make sure we actually move, so let's add one last line and we're done.
playerLocationY += ySpeed;
Congratulations, you made it.
