Install Ambari based on docker on multiple hosts - docker

I have three servers and I want to set up Ambari. Unfortunately I have CentOS7 which currently isn't supported by Ambari. So I decided to use docker to overcome the OS dependency. I have found various docker-based Ambari version like this and this. The second one seems to be really good and easy to install on one host creating a pseudo-cluster, but I failed to install it on different hosts. I followed the described steps one by one trying to adjust them to the fact that I am not one the same host but when I try to assign a new host I get an error that the hostname is not valid.
For the first solution on the other hand, I can't understand the following. How can I make the containers on each host be aware of each other? Because Ambari needs every host to can ssh each other without password.
Excuse me in advance for my lack of expertise in this domain. Any comment would be very useful.

Ambari 2.2+ can be installed successfully and works fine on CentOS 7. Then you can install HDP 2.0+.
The links in your question try to install 1.6 and 1.7.


Connecting to MariaDB from docker-compose Airflow - No module named 'MySQLdb' error

I've modified the docker-compose for Airflow (apache/airflow:2.5.0-python3.10) and added in a MariaDB service: to emulate the target DB for a project in dev.
In the _PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS I've included pymsql and I am attempting to create a MySQL Connection under Admin | Connections and using the MySQL connector to bridge over to Maria (before asking I used host.docker.internal as the host name in the Connections| Add Connection field for host).
apache-airflow-providers-mysql is already installed as part of the official docker compose for Airflow (and I checked it manually on the container.)
However, every time I hit the Test button I get a No module named 'MySQLdb' which I assumed the pip extras install took care of.
Also, I am assuming here I can merely use MySQL over the wire to connect to the mariadb via python but if there additional libraries or installs needed (for example, libmariadb3 libmariadb-dev python3-mysqldb or similar to be installed, please let me know. I assume someone else has had to do this already, though perhaps not from docker... =] I am trying to avoid building my own image and use the existing docker-compose, but if it's unavoidable and I need to do a build ., lemme know.).
I am concerned this may be due to the fact I am on an M1 Mac laptop running this (as 2 requirements, I've now dug down and researched have a platform_machine != "aarch64" against them 8-/ Surely there is a way around this though, yeah? Esp with docker? (do I need to do a custom build?). Also, do not understand why these particular components would not work on arm64 at this point that macs have been chipped like that over 2 years.
PS> Maria is not supported as a backend in Airflow but Connections to it as a database should work much like anything else that can connect via sqlalchemy etc.
Set up the Connection in Airflow and then installed the extra pip for pymysql. However, I still seem to be getting the same No module named 'MySQLdb' error on test connection.
You need to install the MySql provider for Airflow:
pip install apache-airflow-providers-mysql
or add it to your requirements file, it should install all what you need to use MySql/MariaDB as connection.
The issue appears to be one where Airflow's MySQL operators have a != aarch64 for the Apple OSX and my machine was an M1 chipped laptop.
How did I get around this? In my docker-compose for the airflow components I set a directive of platform: x86_64 in the service(s) and then rebuild the container. After that, I had no problem connecting with the MySQL connector to the MariaDB that we had as a target.
note: this greatly increased the startup time for the docker compose instance (from like 20s to 90s-ish, but works). As a solution for dev, worked great.

ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at - is it running?

I am watching a course on Hyperledger Composer development online. I installed all the required prerequisites, docker, docker-compose, nodejs, golang. After cloning the fabric-samples repository from github. There is a file called inside a folder called first-network. On running the command ./ up, it's giving the following error:
If, someone has experience working on it, please help. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I think the first thing you should do is stop looking at or trying to use Hyperledger Composer. It is end of life now and some of it's components will have problems even if you install the exact required versions (for example the rest server fails to launch now on node 8 but changing to a newer version of node may break other parts of Composer).
As you had planned to use it with hyperledger fabric I would suggest that you just invest your time in Hyperledger fabric, see
Regarding your problem with docker, I suspect you tried to install docker through the apt command in your wsl window ? I'm guessing that you are using WSL2, but if you are using WSL1 then docker will never work in a WSL1 environment. If it was WSL2 then the docker daemon doesn't automatically start in that environment you need to start it yourself first. I think the command is service docker start. The important thing here is to make sure you are using WSL2 and not WSL1 (see hyperledger fabric link later which provides guidance on making sure you are using WSL2).
An alternative to installing docker into WSL2 directly would be to install Docker Desktop for Windows and follow the hyperledger fabric instructions here

Can I Install Docker Over cPanel?

Can I install Docker over a server with pre-installed cPanel and CentOS 7? Since I am not aware of Docker, I am not completely sure whether it will mess with cPanel or not. I already have a server with CentOS 7 and cPanel configured. I want to know if I can install Docker over this configuration I mentioned without messing up?
Yes you can install docker over cPanel/WHM just like installing it on any other CentOS server/virtual machine.
Just follow these simple steps (as root):
1) yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 (these should be already installed...)
2) yum-config-manager --add-repo
3) yum install docker-ce
4) enable docker at boot (systemctl enable docker)
5) start docker service (systemctl start docker)
The guide above is for CentOS 7.x. Don't expect to find any references or options related to Docker in the WHM interface. You will be able to control docker via command line from a SSH shell.
I have some docker containers already running on my cPanel/WHM server and I have no issues with them. I basically use them for caching, proxying and other similar stuff.
And as long as you follow these instructions, you won't mess-up any of your cPanel/WHM services/settings or current cPanel accounts/settings/sites/emails etc.
Not sure why you haven't tried this already!
I've been doing research and working on getting Docker working on cPanel. It's not just getting it to work on a CentOS 7 box but rather making it palatable for the cPanel crowd in the form of a plugin. So far I can confirm that it's absolutely doable. Here's what I've accomplished and how:
Integrate Docker Compose with cPanel (which is somewhat a step
further from WHM)
Leverage the user-namespace kernel feature in Linux so Docker
services can't escalate their privileges (see userns remap)
Leverage Docker Compose so users can build complex services and
start ready apps from the store with a click
Make sure services starting via Docker run on a non-public IP on the
server. Everything gets routed via ProxyPass
cPanel has been gracious to provide a Slack channel for people to discuss this upcoming plugin. I'd be more than happy to invite you if you'd like to be kept updated or to contribute. Let me know!
FYI, there's more info here on if you're interested. Please note that this plugin is in private beta but more than happy to let people use it!
Yes you could, in fact someone else has done it already:

Step by Step Setup Guide to Neo4j Mazerunner in Windows

I would like to use the Spark-graphX packages available to Neo4j through Mazerunner, however I am an analyst and not a software person. I am running Windows 7 on my laptop and Neo4j 2.3.0, and would like a step-by-step guide explaining how I can set-up Mazerunner for both Community & Enterprise. There's a lot of mention of dockers and containers, and I have no idea what these are, or how to set them up. Simple instructions would be of sooo much help! :)
Docker is primarily Operating System Level Visualization technology designed to run on Unix based systems (Linux,Mac,FreeBSD). Luckily Docker provides a Windows version that sort of does the same thing on Unix.
What happens is, after you have installed Docker, it allows you to run what they call containers which are basically virtual machines on top of your host (Windows 7 Running Docker). This allows you to run services like Neo4j in an isolated environment. Docker also allows you to download and install pre-configured, pre-compiled images of operating systems that usually provide some sort of service or have some software pre-installed.
In your case, I believe all you have to do is:
First install Docker
Use "Docker Compose" to download and install the images.
Continue Reading the Tutorial as you have now installed the required docker images
Note: Some of the operations, like the one in Step 2 will require command-line access and Also the creation of a "docker-compose.yml" so, be sure to visit all the links I have provided. Spend a little time going through them and you should be alright.
PS: great blog. definitely bookmarking it!

How to set-up vicidial in local system?

I want to set-up vicidial in my local computer server any information or a document for that?
I googled but I can't find exact resource.
I googled below links.
Link 1
Link 2
Thanks in advance.
Vicidial is an Open Source Predictive AutoDialer based on Asterisk with PHP/MySQL/Perl coding.
Installation of Vicidial is only viable on a Linux machine.
There are several locations with Scratch Install instructions for Ubuntu and CentOS. In fact, the Vicidial Wiki has a list of a few of them:
Most are quite old except for the which has instructions for CentOS installation by adding the goautodial repositories and then just upgrading the OS to get all the necessary packages.
If you're not using CentOS or Ubuntu and none of those instructions work for your purpose, beware that Vicidial installation is not easy. It is MUCH better to dedicate a machine to the purpose by installing from's .iso image which will wipe the computer clean. The installation becomes easy and then you need only argue with configuration.
If you can not dedicate a machine to this purpose, you should take the earlier suggestion of a Virtual server (vSphere or Virtualbox both work for's .iso installer), but beware that you'll only be able to have one or two agents on the virtual dialer at the most. Luckily, if you do get the virtual vicidial working, it is possible to backup the virtual server's database and install it on a hardware based server later to bring everything with you without having to do it all over.
