MVC Single Instance Object -

I need to declare an object in MVC app. This object consume memory so I need it to be created once when app start and won't be destroy until recycled. The same instance of the object also should be able accessed across application within controllers.
I have used this object in WCF service by using InstanceContextMode.Single and works great. But how with MVC?

I would implement a Singleton Pattern
If you are using any Dependency injection container then all of them have support for Singleton Instance

As singletons are largely considered an anti-pattern. They make your code hard to test (using mocks and stubs) and create tightly coupled code.
Since this is very bad practice, you are better off using an IoC container (Unity, SimpleIoC, Autofac, etc.) to manage the lifetime of your containers. The Unity 3 IoC container has an ContainerControlledLifetimeManager lifetime manager where objects are created once and the same instance is returned for the lifetime of the container.
In your composition root you could either do (using IMemoryConsumingService interface to avoid tight coupling). Then just inject it into your controllers and services. Example for Unity 3 (other IoC have similar procedure).
MemoryConsumingService service = new MemoryConsumingService();
container.RegisterType<IMemoryConsumingService, MemoryConsumingService(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
When you install Unity 3.5 + Unity MVC Bootstraper you are basically ready to go for it.
public class UnityConfig
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> container = new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
public static IUnityContainer GetConfiguredContainer()
return container.Value;
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IDriver, Driver>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
// OR
IDriver driver = new Driver();
Inside the RegisterType method you do your registration (please check out the documentation link below, IoC is to complicated to explain it within an simple answer). The newer nugetpackages get you ready to go, without any further changes (except adding registrations). No need to change the Global.asax as it was required in the early years of Unity.

Related 5 dependency injection in multiple projects

I've got an ASP.NET 5 dnxcore solution with some projects to separate my logic:
Core (with services for business logic)
DAL (repository interfaces)
Entity Framework (the repositories implementations)
Now I use DI to call my services in the constructors of my API controllers:
private readonly IMyService _myService;
public Controller(IMyService myservice){ _myService = myService; }
The services in my core get the repository thru constructor injection too:
private readonly IMyRepository _myRepo;
public MyService(IMyRepository myRepo){ _myRepo = myRepo; }
Currently I need to define my DI container in the startup class of my API to make it work.
My question is, how can I put the 'building' of the DI container of the repositories in my services in my Core-project. This way, my API is loosely coupled of the fact that my services use Entity Framework, so I can change to, for example, mongodb without changing my API project.
My question is, how can I put the 'building' of the DI container of the repositories in my services in my Core-project. This way, my API is loosely coupled of the fact that my services use Entity Framework, so I can change to, for example, mongodb without changing my API project.
You could, but you shouldn't do that.
Dependency Injection is the practice of making loosely-coupled classes throughout the libraries that can be plugged together (often in many ways).
However, each application should have a composition root, which is the one place in the application where we put the coupling code. Our first instinct as developers is to try to farm the coupling code off into its own library, but that is an urge that you should resist. See composition root reuse.
Mark Seeman's illustration sums it up well. Avoiding transitive dependencies is what is desired when using DI in order to flatten the dependency graph. This ensures assemblies can be used/tested in isolation without dragging along unnecessary dependencies, which in turn makes maintenance easier.
That said, many DI containers have a way to organize the configuration of certain parts of the application by using modules. In Autofac, the documentation for modules is here.
You can easily add an extension method of IServiceCollection into your services layer and use it to register its own dependencies.
Then in the startup you just call the method on the service layer without having any reference to EntityFramework in your web app.
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions;
namespace your.service.layer
public static class MyServiceCollectionExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddMyServiceDependencies(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped<My.Data.Tier.DbContext, My.Data.Tier.DbContext>();
using your.service.layer;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Now your web app only needs a reference to your service layer and it is not directly dependent on EntityFramework.
As NightOwl888 have said, you should have a CompositionRoot in your application, the place where all your dependencies are set.
What I did is this:
1. Create a Core Class Library named CompositionRoot.
2. Add a class to handle your dependencies:
public class DependencyMapper
public static void SetDependencies(IServiceCollection serviceCollection, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
.AddDbContext<SonoPeopleContext>(options =>
MapperConfiguration mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.AddProfile(new AutoMapperProfileConfiguration());
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IMapper>(sp => mapperConfiguration.CreateMapper());
serviceCollection.AddScoped<IUserService, UserService>();
Then you reference your CompositionRoot in your MVC project and in your Startup.cs you just do
DependencyMapper.SetDependencies(services, Configuration);
That's all.
See this question, I have the same problem because my application is DB agnostic and base on the request will need to switch between a document oriented database (noSQL) and transaccional database (SQL).

Where Do I Declare Unity Container?

I'm just getting started with Unity, and I'm having trouble finding any advice about where to declare my UnityContainer object. Most of the examples that I've seen consist of just a single method where the UnityContainer object is declared at the top, then its mappings are defined, then a few object types are resolved. But how do you handle the container when you need to access it in several places throughout the program? For example, the user clicks on a button which opens a new window and that window needs a controller, which itself needs to resolve several services? I also want some of the services that Unity manages to be singletons, so wouldn't that mean that I'd have to have only a single instance of my UnityContainer throughout my program to manage those singletons?
My first thought is to have my main Program class have a static UnityContainer property or expose some sort of UnityContainerFactory class which manages a singleton UnityContainer instance, but both of those methods seem bad because they create a global property which a lot of things are dependent on.
What's the accepted way of doing this?
As noted in the other answer, you should compose the entire object graph in the Composition Root.
Don't declare the container as a static field since this would encourage developers to use it as a service locator which is an anti-pattern.
How to solve your problem?
Use Dependency Injection.
Here is an example for your special WinForms case:
In your Program.Main method, create the container, register the service (the dependency that you need to use from the other window) and then resolve the main form and run it like this:
UnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IService, Service>();
In the MainForm, declare a dependency on a Func<SecondForm> where SecondForm is the form that you need to create from the main form when the button is clicked. Consider the following code inside your main form file:
public partial class MainForm : Form
private readonly Func<SecondForm> m_SecondFormFactory;
public MainForm(Func<SecondForm> second_form_factory)
m_SecondFormFactory = second_form_factory;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SecondForm second_form = m_SecondFormFactory();
Please note that Func<SecondForm> acts as some kind of factory. I use it in this case because unity has a feature to support late construction of dependencies via Func.
The SecondForm has a dependency on IService like this:
public partial class SecondForm : Form
private readonly IService m_Service;
public SecondForm(IService service)
m_Service = sevice;
//Use service here
You can now use IService from the second form.
Using Seemann words:
As close as possible to the application's entry point.
Give a look at from the great Seemann.
I think that is totally acceptable for the main container to be a static field that get disposed together with your application, just remember to don't tie your classes to your container.
Get noticed of the so called "Service Locator" (again from Seemann:
Where to declare it really depends on the application, I'd go for the startup class of an owin application or the Main method of a console/WPF app.

Where's Simple Injector's equivalent of StructureMap's ObjectFactory

I am in the process of migrating from StructureMap to Simple Injector in a ASP.NET MVC3 application.
I am using the MVC3 extension for controller DI, but I am running into an issue with trying to replace the static aspects of StructureMap. We have calls to
throughout different layers of the app. It does not look like Simple Injector has a way to do that.
Am I missing something? Or is Simple Injector not applicable for my application?
Please advise and thanks in advance.
Allowing the application to directly access the container is considered to be bad practice. It is an form of the Service Locator anti-pattern.
Because this is considered to be a bad thing, Simple Injector does not contain anything like StructureMap's ObjectFactory.GetInstance. And as a matter of fact, the author of StructureMap is considering the removal of the ObjectFactory API in a furure release of StructureMap.
However, nothing stops you from storing the SimpleInjector.Container instance in a static field and let the application use this:
// Service Locator implementation in low application layer.
public static class ObjectFactory
private static SimpleInjector.Container container;
public static void SetContainer(Container container)
ObjectFactory.container = container;
public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : class
return container.GetInstance<T>();
In Composition root:
public static void Initialize()
var container = new Container();
new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container));
// Set the service locator here
So there is no limitation in the Simple Injector that prevents you from doing this, but frankly, you are already witnessing one of the reasons why Service Locator is a bad thing: you switched containers and now you have to change application code.
Perhaps for now it is easiest for you to save the container in a static field (as shown in the example above), but please take the time to understand why this pattern is bad, and do refactor away from this pattern towards dependency injection (and especially constructor injection).

Inject VM to custom control in WPF using Unity

I am building a WPF based application. I am using Unity to inject all the different dependencies in my application (defined in App.xaml.cs).
In my MainApplication window I have a pretty complex look-less custom control derived from Control(is has about ten more control integrated in it).
I would like to inject a VM into this custom control without coupling it to any other object in my application (except App.xaml.cs of course)
Injection to any WPF window in my application works well, but when I try injecting to the custom control I am facing to different situation:
1. In case I am using
The DI creates a dummy instance of MyCustomControl and injects the VM (using [Dependency] attribute). However this specific instance is not used when I use it in my XAML:
in which case it initializes a new MyCustomControl ignoring any dependencies.
In case I am using
The MyCustomControl completely ignores the injection.
I realize I am probably doing something wrong (not just technically) and I am really trying to avoid coupling this control (which will obviously solve the issue).
I don't know if this is the best solution and found your question while looking for other options but, alas, here is the approach I used to at least get up and running.
I created a base UnityControl class that subclasses Control. In the constructor, I use the ServiceLocator to get a reference to the container. Then I call the BuildUp method to resolve any dependencies on the derived control class. Any dependencies are implemented as read/write properties marked with the DependencyAttribute.
Here's what UnityControl looks like:
public abstract class UnityControl : Control
protected UnityControl() : base()
Container = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IUnityContainer>();
Container.BuildUp(this.GetType(), this);
protected IUnityContainer Container { get; private set; }

The proper way to do Dependency Injection in a Windows Client (WPF) Application

I am used to IoC/DI in web applications - mainly Ninject with MVC3. My controller is created for me, filled in with all dependencies in place, subdependencies etc.
However, things are different in a thick client application. I have to create my own objects, or I have to revert to a service locator style approach where I ask the kernel (probably through some interface, to allow for testability) to give me an object complete with dependencies.
However, I have seen several places that Service Locator has been described as an anti-pattern.
So my question is - if I want to benefit from Ninject in my thick client app, is there a better/more proper way to get all this?
Proper DI / IoC
The least amount of coupling possible
Please note I am not just talking about MVVM here and getting view models into views. This is specifically triggered by a need to provide a repository type object from the kernel, and then have entities fetched from that repository injected with functionality (the data of course comes from the database, but they also need some objects as parameters depending on the state of the world, and Ninject knows how to provide that). Can I somehow do this without leaving both repositories and entities as untestable messes?
If anything is unclear, let me know. Thanks!
I am sure that the two answers provided are probably correct. However, every fiber of my body is fighting this change; Some of it is probably caused by a lack of knowledge, but there is also one concrete reason why I have trouble seeing the elegance of this way of doing things;
I did not explain this well enough in the original question, but the thing is that I am writing a library that will be used by several (4-5 at first, maybe more later) WPF client applications. These applications all operate on the same domain model etc., so keeping it all in one library is the only way to stay DRY. However, there is also the chance that customers of this system will write their own clients - and I want them to have a simple, clean library to talk to. I don't want to force them to use DI in their Composition Root (using the term like Mark Seeman in his book) - because that HUGELY complicates things in comparison to them just newing up a MyCrazySystemAdapter() and using that.
Now, the MyCrazySystemAdapter (name chosen because I know people will disagree with me here) needs to be composed by subcomponents, and put together using DI. MyCrazySystemAdapter itself shouldn't need to be injected. It is the only interface the clients needs to use to talk to the system. So a client happily should get one of those, DI happens like magic behind the scenes, and the object is composed by many different objects using best practices and principles.
I do realize that this is going to be a controversial way of wanting to do things. However, I also know the people who are going to be clients of this API. If they see that they need to learn and wire up a DI system, and create their whole object structure ahead of time in their application entry point (Composition Root), instead of newing up a single object, they will give me the middle finger and go mess with the database directly and screw things up in ways you can hardly imagine.
TL;DR: Delivering a properly structured API is too much hassle for the client. My API needs to deliver a single object - constructed behind the scenes using DI and proper practices - that they can use. The real world some times trumps the desire to build everything backwards in order to stay true to patterns and practices.
I suggest to have a look at MVVM frameworks like Caliburn. They provide integration with IoC containers.
Basically, you should build up the complete application in your app.xaml. If some parts need to be created later because you do not yet know everything to create them at startup then inject a factory either as interface (see below) or Func (see Does Ninject support Func (auto generated factory)?) into the class that needs to create this instance. Both will be supported natively in the next Ninject release.
public interface IFooFactory { IFoo CreateFoo(); }
public class FooFactory : IFooFactory
private IKernel kernel;
FooFactory(IKernel kernel)
this.kernel = kernel;
public IFoo CreateFoo()
Note that the factory implementation belongs logically to the container configuration and not to the implementation of your business classes.
I don't know anything about WPF or MVVM, but your question is basically about how to get stuff out of the container without using a Service Locator (or the container directly) all over the place, right?
If yes, I can show you an example.
The point is that you use a factory instead, which uses the container internally. This way, you are actually using the container in one place only.
Note: I will use an example with WinForms and not tied to a specific container (because, as I said, I don't know WPF...and I use Castle Windsor instead of NInject), but since your basic question is not specificaly tied to WPF/NInject, it should be easy for you to "port" my answer to WFP/NInject.
The factory looks like this:
public class Factory : IFactory
private readonly IContainer container;
public Factory(IContainer container)
this.container = container;
public T GetStuff<T>()
return (T)container.Resolve<T>();
The main form of your app gets this factory via constructor injection:
public partial class MainForm : Form
private readonly IFactory factory;
public MainForm(IFactory factory)
this.factory = factory;
InitializeComponent(); // or whatever needs to be done in a WPF form
The container is initialized when the app starts, and the main form is resolved (so it gets the factory via constructor injection).
static class Program
static void Main()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IFactory, Factory>();
container.Register<IYourRepository, YourRepository>();
Now the main form can use the factory to get stuff like your repository out of the container:
var repo = this.factory.GetStuff<IYourRepository>();
If you have more forms and want to use the factory from there as well, you just need to inject the factory into these forms like into the main form, register the additional forms on startup as well and open them from the main form with the factory.
Is this what you wanted to know?
Ruben, of course you're right. My mistake.
The whole stuff in my answer was an old example that I had lying around somewhere, but I was in a hurry when I posted my answer and didn't read the context of my old example carefully enough.
My old example included having a main form, from which you can open any other form of the application. That's what the factory was for, so you don't have to inject every other form via constructor injection into the main form.
Instead, you can use the factory to open any new form:
var form = this.factory.GetStuff<IAnotherForm>();
Of course you don't need the factory just to get the repository from a form, as long as the repository is passed to the form via constructor injection.
If your app consists of only a few forms, you don't need the factory at all, you can just pass the forms via constructor injection as well:
public partial class MainForm : Form
private readonly IAnotherForm form;
// pass AnotherForm via constructor injection
public MainForm(IAnotherForm form)
this.form = form;
InitializeComponent(); // or whatever needs to be done in a WPF form
// open AnotherForm
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public partial class AnotherForm : Form
private readonly IRepository repo;
// pass the repository via constructor injection
public AnotherForm(IRepository repo)
this.repo= repo;
InitializeComponent(); // or whatever needs to be done in a WPF form
// use the repository
