when cellforrow method of tableview will call - ios

I have a tableView and it's already loaded.
When I am changing view I add that tableView in that view and make it hidden.
But I am not getting why cellForRowAt(:) call for that table?

When you are updating or scrolling your tableview cellForRow will get fired. There is no chance for scrolling here because you already hide the tableview.


Table View's Delegate Method Cell for row at not called

I am using a table view and set the delegate and datasource in view will appear.
return 1 in number of section and 5 in number of rows but cell for row at delegate method is not called. I checked my storyboard view cell's ideantifier and class name is correct. Pls help
There are few things that may be or are wrong with your code. First one is that you should setup the delegate in storyboard or ViewDidLoad (in storyboard drag from tableView to the ViewController instance and select both - delegate and datasource) The other thing is that you may made a typo when writing the code for delegate methods(always use automatic method completion feature in xcode)
After setting delegate and datasource , reload the table view.

UITableView reloads on show view controller

Please help me to understand why table view reloads on view controller start. I setup outlet for table via storyboard and data source, delegate. I did't call tableView reloadData method.
So When view controller starts '..numberOfRowsInSection' and other table view delegates methods called.
as Apple docs say:
UITableView overrides the layoutSubviews method of UIView so that it
calls reloadData only when you create a new instance of UITableView or
when you assign a new data source. Reloading the table view clears
current state, including the current selection. However, if you
explicitly call reloadData, it clears this state and any subsequent
direct or indirect call to layoutSubviews does not trigger a reload.
If you really do not need its reloading, create your tableView as a lazy variable and add it to a view programmaticaly when you need it.

UInavigation popping back view and updating previous view's content

I have a collection view with cells that can be tapped, and push to a second view. The problem is, the changes I make in the second view are suppose to alter the first view(collection view) when the user pops back to it. By adding a new cell with an image.I can't seem to get the content to update.
I tried to use viewWillAppear on the first view and [colectionview reloadData] it doesn't seem to work. Anyone got a fix for this? help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you debugged either UIcollectionViewDataSource methods are being called? Make sure you have set the delegate and datasource off collection view. What is the data source of collection view? Please paste your code of second view where you are making changes.
I fixed the problem By calling [collectionview reloadData] in viewDidAppear instead of viewWillAppear, only problem is there is a noticeable amount of lag before the cell appears. Anyone know a better way?

When UITableView's data is loaded? What's time tableview call its delegate methods. After viewWillAppear?

I am wondering when UITableview's data is loaded.
I mean, when I create a UITableView, then normally I will set its datasource and delegate. After that, this tableview will be added as a subview.
However, If I don't call reload method, I don't know when the tableview know it needs to ask its delegates and show the data. In another word, since a view has no viewWillAppear methods, what's the exact time that a tableview ask its delegate and show the data?
I've tried some what:
In viewDidLoad, I create a tableview, added it as subview, but not setting its delegates. Obviously, the data is not loaded.
Then I set its delegate once I tap a button, its data is not loaded.
But when the tableview's controller's viewWillAppear is called again (when the controller disappears and appears again), the data is loaded.
There is no universal set time, because a UITableView's display data is in cells, and the cells are dynamically loaded. (also probably reused) You can call reload, but that just instructs the table to refetch the data on visible cells. The question remains: why do you need to know? If you need to intercept the data before it's loaded into a cell, do it in cellForRowAtIndexPath, where you're supposed to stuff the data into the cell.

iOS UITableView: didSelectRowAtIndexPath not reacting for clicks everywhere

I have several UITableViews which should segue further in my navigation controller. First I've created the segues directly from the table view cells. But then I've noticed that in the smaller cells if you click on the label or somewhere, this method didSelectRowAtIndexPath doesn't get triggered. Only if you click on an "empty" space in the cell.
So I've created the segue for the whole view and just called performSegueWithIdentifier in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method.
But still the same problem. Is this only my impression that you have to click on empty parts or onto the right side of a cell to perform a segue or is something else wrong? Or how could I make the whole cell reactive?
You might try turning off User interaction enabled for the labels in your cell.
