iOS UITableView: didSelectRowAtIndexPath not reacting for clicks everywhere - ios

I have several UITableViews which should segue further in my navigation controller. First I've created the segues directly from the table view cells. But then I've noticed that in the smaller cells if you click on the label or somewhere, this method didSelectRowAtIndexPath doesn't get triggered. Only if you click on an "empty" space in the cell.
So I've created the segue for the whole view and just called performSegueWithIdentifier in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method.
But still the same problem. Is this only my impression that you have to click on empty parts or onto the right side of a cell to perform a segue or is something else wrong? Or how could I make the whole cell reactive?

You might try turning off User interaction enabled for the labels in your cell.


Swift canEditRowAtIndexPath not working in UIPageViewController EZSwipeViewController

I have the following scenario and need help in resolving a tricky situation in the scenario
There is an Xcode project and am using EzSwipeController for swipe (pagination effect) between three View Controllers at the moment.
In my first ViewController (this viewController is fetched from my custom dynamic framework as part of my requirement) -
Code to fetch ViewController:
userProfile.createProfileUI(userSession!) { result in
switch result {
case let .Success(profileViewController):
myDetailsVC = profileViewController //myDetailsVc is passed to EZSwipControllerDataSource array
The other two ViewControllers are within my project storyboard
The Problem -
In the first ViewController, there is a tableView with canEditRowAtIndexPath enabled for few cells (phone numbers).
So when I try to swipe the row, the EZSwipeController responds first and
hence, I am not able to edit the row.
Here is what is happening -
Here is what should happen -
How do I handle this problem? Is there a way where I can override the default swipe controller action when I try to edit the row?
Please help!
Attach the swipe gesture recognizer to a parent in the hierarchy.
If you're using a UITableViewController, replace it with a UIViewController with a UITableView inside it. Then just drag the gesture recognizer onto the view controller in Storyboard, and it'll attach to the UIViewController's Content View instead of the UITableView.
Though at the end of the day, this is inherently a flawed approach, since swiping to flip pages in an app is only ever viable if you don't have any elements on the pages that also have swipe gestures in them. If you do, even if you code a workaround to make the gesture recognizer for the element in the view controller (in this case, a table view cell) fire instead of the page flipping swipe gesture, that creates an inconsistent user experience.
My suggestion: don't use a table view for such a form altogether. On top of the aforementioned mechanical UX issue, from a user perception perspective, there's nothing indicating visually that this is a table view and not just a scroll view, so there's nothing indicating to the user that swipe actions (Delete) are available. Use a scroll view instead, and take a different approach to deleting (Delete buttons that are always visible, Delete buttons that are only visible after the user hits Edit somewhere, etc.).

How to recognize gesture from custom view in VC

I have tableVC, it contains from cells with customViews.
That customViews contains from 3 imageViews, so then I click on imageView, it makes some action. To achieve it I added UITapGestureRecognizers to imageView.
Now I need to be notified then this cells are tapped in my tableVC. I get this events in didSelectRowAtIndexPath, but only if I do not touch any of imageViews with gestures.
How can I receive tap notification in my tableVC about touching my cell completely ?
If you want to get cell that is tapped - didSelectRowAtIndexPath is way to go. If you want to get the tapped image inside that cell - implement delegate for that ( ) and do the corresponding actions. I see that you mentioned didSelectRowAtIndexPath, but I am not sure what was your problem.
Also I didn't put any code since I don't know if you are using swift or objective-c.

Unwind Segue with UITableViewCell in Xamarin.iOS

Can someone tell me definitively if there is a limitation with using Unwind Segues with UITableViewCell or if not how to achieve this?
I can successfully implement an unwind segue from my second view controller to my first - triggered using a simple UIButton.
However, when I try to use a UITableViewCell to create the unwind segue (drag from the TableViewCell to the green Exit icon then I do not get an option for Action Segue. Instead I get options for "Selection Segue" and "Accessory Action".
How can I trigger the unwind segue on selection of a UITableViewCell?
Selection segue will fire when you select the cell. Accessory action will fire when you tap the cell accessory. unwind: underneath the Selection Segue is the one you want to choose here:
Ok. I'm a little embarrassed at my error here. I hadn't created an outlet for my UITableView and was instead using a tableview that I had created and added through code in my ViewController. Therefore the "Scene Exit" that I hooked up to the UITableViewCell on my storyboard was never being called (because the UITabelViewCell that it was hooked up to was not the one that was visible when the app ran)
I simply created an outlet to the table view and used that and all was fine. I'll put it down to my newbie status :-/

Button changes cell detail label

Setup: i have a view controller with a tableview inside it. I also have a button in the view controller. What I want to do is when I click the button, it should change the detail label text. What i having going now is my button action, and then my cellForRowAtIndexPath. Essentially i need to tell me cell that when my button is click to change the detail text with whatever information i want. I'm stuck with this...I can assign the button to change any label...but i can't figure out how to change the detail label with the button click. Any help would be great.
You typically set the content of a uitableviewcell (which includes textLabel.text and detailTextLabel.text) in cellForRowAtIndexPath method using a datasource. This datasource could be any model object derived by NSObject or it could be NSDictionary. When you process the button tap in button's action method, just update your datasource object for the row/section with the desired detailTextLabel text and call [tableView reloadData] to reload your tableview.

Push Detail View from UITableView only on a specific UIImage in the cell?

I've got a UITableView which pushes a detail view when I tap any of its cells. I'd like that segue to only occur when tapping a specific part of the cell, a UIImageView at its left side. Tapping the rest of the cell should trigger a UITapGestureRecognizer which triggers a different method.
How can I override the default tap on the UITableViewCell, so that simply tapping anywhere on the cell doesn't trigger the segue to the detail view? I still want that transition, just only triggered by the UIImageView.
I think you could achieve that by connecting the segue with the image in the prototype cell (Never tried that myself) and not with the table view.
If you don't have a prototype cell then you should programmatically invoke an IBAction type of method with the image views. Well, Image Views cannot do that. Simply abuse a UIButton of the same size, custom style and assign the image to that button. Works fine.
(It does not need to be an -(IBAction) type of method, but it does not harm and doing so ensures that everything works fine.)
Within that action method invoke the segue programmatically. The segue needs to have an ID for that which is unique within the storyboard.
