third-party 'MBProgressHUD/MBProgressHUD.h' file not found - ios

I'm new at iOS development, and I want to run this project
that I thought it should work out of the box.
I've tried to build and run uribeacon-sample, but I can't because I got this error 'MBProgressHUD/MBProgressHUD.h' file not found
I 've seen that there this this project, but I don't know how to include it

when you clone your git, need to get submodules;
git clone --recursive git://

You can also follow the MBProgressHUD instructions and use CocoaPods, It's very simple to use and you can use it to add, not only this one but, multiple open source projects to your own code.


Custom Craft CMS plug-in template changes issue

Somebody has developed a custom plug-in for a project of mine.
I now want to change some templates from this plug-in and no matter what changes I make to these templates, nothing changes! I don’t understand why. I’ve cleaned caches several times and the cache tag is not used. It’s my third craft cms project but I’ve never had much experience with custom plug-ins.
What might be happening?
Have you tried composer commands for the same?
composer update
For updating the composer
If it doesn't work try uninstalling the plugin then install it again with the following commands
composer remove vendor/plugin-handle
For uninstalling the Plugin
composer require vendor/plugin-handle
Install the plugin again then activate the same through CP
Hope this helps you in the same.

Configuring Packer with Neovim

I'm trying to switch over my current setup for Neovim (using Vim Plug) to Packer and I'm having trouble.
My Neovim is loaded from ~/.config/nvim/init.lua which sources all of my plugin and other settings. They live mostly inside of a ~/lua folder (the "main Imports") section of my configuration, including my actual plug-plugins.lua file that references all of my plugins.
-- Main Imports
Later in the same init.lua file, I'm sourcing plugin specific settings for all of these plugins. In order to get my directory working currently, I'm installing everything with :PlugInstall and it works fine.
-- Plugin-specific settings
Installing Packer
The installation steps for Packer are pretty sparse, and merely state that you should clone the repository to somewhere in your "packpath" but I'm not really clear what that means. When I'm inside Neovim, and I press :set packpath? I get the following paths:
This makes me think that I'm able to just clone the respository to ~/.config/nvim which is the first path listed. I'm not really sure what to do next though, or if this is even right.
Can anyone help? What are the basic steps to getting Packer installed (I'm on MacOS 11.6).
i did recently moved from vim-plug to packer, as per docs when you do git clone of the repo the path provided in readme for installation is ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer.After successful clone you can start using packer in your plugins.lua as below.
return require('packer').startup(function()
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
you can check the installation by running :PackerSync this will fetch (git clone) the plugin in to the packerpath which is ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer
Hope this is what you looking for?
I had the exact same situation and it turned out to just be a naming conflict. I had named my local nvim config file lua/packer.lua and changing that fixed the issue.

Upload iOS app to Cydia?

I've looked around for a while and nothing worked. The videos say that I should have a /build/ folder inside that project's folder, but I don't have that. How can I get that, or if there is another method to upload my app to upload to Cydia?
Cydia isn't "big servers" like the appstore. You need to host a repo or find a repo that is willing to add your deb. If you can't get a computer/known repo to host it on use repospace it allows you to make a repo your self. Add the source of the repo on myrepospace it should be ( After install the package. Good luck.

ZEND2 project not working after cloned to separate machine

I have cloned my office colleague's zend2 project from our server. He used zfcuser, zfcbase, and zfcadmin. But when I tried to run the project in my local machine its giving
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception 'Zend\ModuleManager\Exception\RuntimeException'
with message 'Module (ZfcBase) could not be initialized.' in C:\xampp\htdocs\coolshop
Everything is fine to me as the same project 100% working in my colleague's machine. I tried the composer as well. But no luck
This is a result of loading the ZfcBase module as a git submodule. If you fix this module you'll receive the same error for other modules or dependencies you're using in that manner. I've encountered this problem when someone tries to clone the project on a new machine or you delete the project locally and try to re-clone it.
The simple answer here is to use composer as your dependency manager, you'll have a better day. Head over to ZfcBase on Packagist and copy the require statement into your composer.json file (You'll need to run the composer script after saving your .json file). Most modules should have instructions on using composer to grab them in the README.
I should note that if you're using other modules that depend on ZfcBase, you'll likely just need to have a require statement for those, and not their dependencies (like ZfcBase).
Someone had a similar question regarding the ZfcUser module. Using composer solved his issue.

Clone Git repository into iPhone

I want to develop an iOS application that executes the git clone command to basically get a repository on the phone. After that the only command is git fetch so I will periodically update the files. After those 2 commands nothing more is required. just local parsing on the files.
My question is can I do that on iOS? I had a similar application working on ubuntu, and it was quite easy to do using 'git .....' commands
you cant launch other apps / processes on ios so you cant call the git executable.
BUT there is libgit2 - a c static lib you can use in your ios app to work with git: see
there is a objC wrapper that makes it a breeze to use: see
You can use Git on iOS via the iSH app.
That is, you can install the app, install Git using apk add git, and then you are good to go.
This might not be directly useful to you, but I'm writing this here because this was the first hit on Google when I searched for "how to git push/git pull on iPhone"
