Upload iOS app to Cydia? - ios

I've looked around for a while and nothing worked. The videos say that I should have a /build/ folder inside that project's folder, but I don't have that. How can I get that, or if there is another method to upload my app to upload to Cydia?

Cydia isn't "big servers" like the appstore. You need to host a repo or find a repo that is willing to add your deb. If you can't get a computer/known repo to host it on use repospace it allows you to make a repo your self. Add the source of the repo on myrepospace it should be (username.myrepospace.com). After install the package. Good luck.


How is electron-updater able to find my repository?

I have a repository that utilizes electron-updater for auto update. The weird thing is, it has no any code whatsoever pointing where the release updates are stored (I store it in GitHub releases), but somehow the autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify() still works. There is github remote origin but I doubt it's being used by electron-updater to find the repository. I don't use any GitHub token either.
The way I release update:
Increase the version in package.json
Run electron-builder, producing .AppImage
Create new release draft in my repository's GitHub releases
Upload the .AppImage file to the draft's assets and modify the draft's tag
Download the previous release, and then open it
Voila! The update works. But how?
It's worth mentioning that if latest-linux.yml is missing from the latest release's asset, it will throw 404 error and refuse to update despite knowing the latest version's tag.
Here's the repository I'm talking about: https://github.com/SnekNOTSnake/fresh-update/releases
Also, is this how normal people release their electron app? I tried the electron-builder --publish way, but it's troublesome compared to the manual steps above.
Thanks to Caramiriel in the comment section above for the enlightenment.
How electron-updater knows where to find the repository is from resources/app-update.yml inside the produced .AppImage file.
The app-update.yml file is produced by electron-builder using the information from git remote get-url origin (if available).
I proved it by changing the origin's url to https://github.com/SnekNOTSnake/tofu-tracker.git and build the AppImage, and (surprisingly enough) the repo's value became tofu-tracker.

Can I download my completed project file in github, put the folder inside sublime text, cd to it, and run rails server?

Guys this is just a worst case scenario.
For example, I have a project named project-x that is already done and it's pushed on github. What if I have to update some codes but my computer suddenly won't work anymore, so I buy a new computer, installed all what is needed like sublime text, ruby, rails, git, etc. Can I just "download as zip" my project-x from github, put the project-x folder to sublime text, cd into it, and run rails server without any problems? Can I still push my changes to github?
Yes, you need to do git clone https://github.com/your_name/your_project.git on the command line and then change local files as you wish.
Edit: The method above is preferred over downloading a zip since you can diff the changes etc. If you still wish to download a zip you can call this URL in your browser or curl/wget: https://github.com/your_name/your_project/archive/master.zip

third-party 'MBProgressHUD/MBProgressHUD.h' file not found

I'm new at iOS development, and I want to run this project https://github.com/google/uribeacon/tree/master/ios-uribeacon
that I thought it should work out of the box.
I've tried to build and run uribeacon-sample, but I can't because I got this error 'MBProgressHUD/MBProgressHUD.h' file not found
I 've seen that there this this project https://github.com/jdg/MBProgressHUD, but I don't know how to include it
when you clone your git, need to get submodules;
git clone --recursive git://github.com/foo/bar.git
You can also follow the MBProgressHUD instructions and use CocoaPods, It's very simple to use and you can use it to add, not only this one but, multiple open source projects to your own code.

Is it possible to change Yeoman's directory structure?

I like Yeoman's features like the Package Manager (Bower), Livereload integration, Compass, etc.
Therefor, I'd like to use it to handle my public website. However, instead of using the "app" folder, I would like to put everything at the root.
I've changed the references in the grunt configuration file but still get errors when installing new package and building.
Is it possible to change the project structure?
Not as easy as it could be at the moment, but we're working on making it easily customizable.
Though I don't think you would need to. You develop in the /app folder and deploy the contents of the built /dist folder. That way it's still in the root on your server.

How can I fix user dir permissions for my Cydia app?

I am having an issue with my application hosted on Cydia.
Users are complaining that the app crashes on startup.
The app uses CoreData, I thought it had something to do with this.
Weird thing is that it works fine using simulator or on my device when testing.
But as soon as it is installed through Cydia it crashes.
Turns out that using "Fix User Dir Permissions" from SBSettings fixes this issue.
Now what can I do about this?
I just had a discussion with the repository guys at BigBoss about this.
I never really got a clear answer, but it looks to me like when Cydia installs your application, it doesn't necessarily set the ownership (explicitly) for your application. That seems bizarre to me. In my case, they were test-installing my app, and seeing that it was owned by user/group = { 1000 / 100 }, which was the linux user id and group id from the machine I was preparing my .deb package on!
I can also see this same behavior if I build a .deb package, deploy it to my own local test repository, and install it with Cydia (pointing at my own repo).
In any case, I explained this to them, and they did something to fix it (without anything more from me).
However, one other option is to manually fix permissions in your post install script. In your .deb package, you would have this folder and file structure:
If you put this in your postinst script, I think it should fix this immediately, without having to go into SBSettings afterwards:
chown -R root.wheel /Applications/MyAppName.app/
exit 0
You can do more than that in the script, if you need other directories created, for example. But, the above will at least suffice to change ownership on the .app directory itself.
This BigBoss link recommends creating additional directories in your app's code, and points out that the installer runs as root, while your app normally runs as user mobile. Depending on what you're doing, it may be better to fix ownership/permissions in postinst (root) or in the app (mobile).
