lQuery mobile breaks select fieldset on iOS - ios

I have an app built with phonegap and jQuery mobile. On android everything is fine, but on iOS 6, some elements are acting weird.
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?


The ionic side menu is under the ios template

I have a problem, I am developing an app to event and the build to android it works correctly, but to ios not, the side menu is under the menu from ios, I don't know wha't is the problem

Why is our website experiencing issues on Chrome iOS iPhone 5, iPhone 6?

Here is our development website.
On iPhone 6 or 5, using Google Chrome, we experience the following symptoms:
The page "jumps" randomly when touching links or buttons.
Sometimes, buttons and tabs do not work.
This also happens sometimes on other sites, such as Medium.com, but not with all websites.
These issues are not present on Safari or on Chrome but on Android.
We are not sure if this is a problem with our website coding or with Chrome on iOS. I did some searching but did not find any issues similar to ours.

JQuery .popup("open") not working properly on iOS 9 device

onClick event we call following
the popup appears and suddenly disappear.
We are facing this issue on iOS devices , since we updated ipad and iphone to ios 9 before iOS 9 it was OK.
Mobile Application Platform : JQuery Mobile 1.4.2 using Mobilefirst 6.3 studio
How can we fix this issue ?
I added data-history="false" to the pop div and it is is working now
Same problem. Seems that adding
has an effect: the pop-up opens one time. But then after closing, the problem comes back.
Still looking into it...

Links don't work using MVC 4 on an iPhone

I'm using jQuery Accordion. It works perfectly on all devices except on the iPad and iPhone. On these devices not of my links work.Even if I have a simple link to another page nothing happens. I've been trying to track this issue down for a few months. Any suggestions?
It work fine on an android device.

How to get Jquery web carousel fit on my phonegap app

Well i trying to get a web jquery carousel to my phonegap app. I look for many possibilities but unfortunately can't find a real resizable carousel that can go on with any devices android or iphone..
I taked a look at Jcarousel http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ and Flexslider http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/ but can not work as well as it should on mobile devices
can anyone help me please ?
