Twilio call forwarding for specific time of day - twilio

With Twilio I'd like to implement a service that sends inbound calls to a voice recording during specific times of day.
Can Twilio provide this behavior?

Twilio developer evangelist here. You can absolutely do that! I'm not sure what language or framework you're using, but here's an idea of how you'd accomplish this.
When Twilio receives a call on a Twilio number it makes a webhook request to your server to respond and tell it what to do with the call. The instructions are built in XML (TwiML). So, to do time based stuff you probably want to do something like this (my example is in Ruby using Sinatra as a web framework):
post '/call' do
time =
content_type 'text/xml'
response = "<Response>"
if out_of_hours?(time)
response = "<Say>Please leave a message</Say><Record />"
response = "<Dial><Number>YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER</Number></Dial>"
response = "</Response>"
You can then define out_of_hours? to follow the rules you want.
I hope this help, please let me know if you have any other questions.

Here is cakePhp - twilio url is - see the view function slap in the middle of the example.
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class AptwController extends AppController {
public function beforeFilter() { $this->Auth->allow(); }
public $forwardIn = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
public $forwardOut = '</Sip></Dial></Response>';
public function dialMtmTextJobLine() {
$t=date("H:i",time());if ($t>"09:00" && $t<"16:00") {$this->dial103(); }
else { $this->dial2223(); }
public function dial103() { die($this->forwardIn.'' . $this->forwardOut); }
public function dial2223() { die($this->forwardIn.'' . $this->forwardOut); }
Between 9am and 4pm, when twilio fetches the xml from your app, it sees one thing, and outside of that it sees another. Twilio is amazing, but it is meant to be just part of the answer, and I respect that.
Watch your formatting on the xml, Twilio is particular. I had tried to scrunch everything on one line and Twilio would not parse it.
This example does not properly use view templates, I get that. It's not entirely cakey, instead of dying, and instead of using the class variables to contain the xml boilerplate, I'll end up moving that to a view, making this code even shorter.
In fact, dial103 could be rendered with a view with no php inside it.
But better yet, direct dial urls for Twilio could look like for my purposes. In cakephp you parse the next argument after controller Aptw and action dialx like thus: function dialx($extension) ... and the 103 automagically jumps into the $extension variable. Then you set a variable for the view, that's cakey.


Include multiple incoming SMS messages/responses with Twilio functions

I'm working on a project now within Twilio, using Twilio Functions, where I'm trying to set up SMS messaging so that if we receive an incoming keyword, we respond with a specific message, including a URL. The plan is to have multiple incoming keywords, with different responses so if someone sends an SMS to one of our numbers, depending on that key word, we respond with a basic message and a URL. I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle this within Twilio Functions.
I have this working for a single incoming keyword/response, as seen below.
if (incomingMessage.includes('testpark')) {
twiml.message('StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:');
} else if (incomingMessage.includes('bye')) {
} else {
twiml.message('Please check your zone/code and try again.');
While that works, I want to add in more incoming words, along with responses, such as an incoming message of 'testpark2' and a response of 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'.
Then I would want to include another one with 'testpark3' and a response of 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:' and so on, all within the same script.
Can someone help me understand how to achieve this?
There are a lot of ways to achieve your desired outcome, but here's the most straightforward to begin with.
Instead of creating an else if statement for every possible keyword, you could define the keyword/response pairs up front using a JavaScript Map.
The keys of the Map will be your keywords, the values of the Map will be your responses:
const keywordResponseMap = new Map([
['testpark2', 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'],
['testpark3', 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'],
['testpark', 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'],
const keywords = Array.from(keywordResponseMap.keys());
let keyword;
if (incomingMessage.includes('bye')) {
else if (keyword = keywords.find(k => incomingMessage.includes(k))) {
const response = keywordResponseMap.get(keyword);
} else {
twiml.message('Please check your zone/code and try again.');
Also note that I'm putting the bye case up front because it is more performant than looking for the keywords in the incomingMessage, thus you avoid unnecessarily doing that processing when a user says bye.
You can use find to search for any keyword that is in the incomingMessage, then you can use the keyword that you found to retrieve the response from the map.
If your response will always be the same except for the URL, you could further optimize this by only storing the URL in the map and using string interpolation like this:
const keywordUrlMap = new Map([
['testpark2', ''],
['testpark3', ''],
['testpark', ''],
const keywords = Array.from(keywordUrlMap.keys());
let keyword;
if (incomingMessage.includes('bye')) {
else if (keyword = keywords.find(k => incomingMessage.includes(k))) {
const url = keywordUrlMap.get(keyword);
twiml.message(`StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link: ${url}`);
} else {
twiml.message('Please check your zone/code and try again.');
It is also important to note that I'm putting testpark last in the map because testpark matches to testpark2 and testpark3. If you'd put it first, it would always resolve to testpark even with a user submits testpark2 or similar values.
Also, I'm using the Map type because it guarantees the order in which the keys are returned, which is again important for the previous point.
When you have a lot more keywords and responses, you may have to start looking at a solution to store them externally like a database, and query the database by keyword to resolve the response.
Good luck, we can't wait to see what you build!

Twilio PCI Compliant <Gather> in Function Widget with Studio

I've been stalking around here and have gotten most of my answers as I make my way through this new tool, but I'm now stuck and need some direct advice.
The Gather function in Studio is not PCI compliant, so I have to shift my call to a Function and return the parsed data--I finally figured out how to do that one--however, I've found that I cannot call the web service housed within the single function and had to send the with event.Digits to another function to make the web service call to my token provider. This works, however it has led to a strange result: my token is read back as TTS and then the call is hung up. I have no TTS action in play. Below are my sets of code:
Initial function called from Studio:
const got = require('got');
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
input: 'dtmf',
finishOnKey: '#',
timeout: 10,
action: 'paymenttest',
method: 'GET'
}).say('Enter CC');
callback(null, twiml);
This successfully calls my function with the digits entered:
const got = require('got');
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
const url ='my payment gateway' + event.Digits + '&EXPDATE=1220&CARDTYPE=VI';
got.get(url, {
headers: {
'content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
}).then(function(response) {
// Check the response and ask your second question here
event.callback(null, response.body);
}).catch(function(error) {
// Boo, there was an error.
This successfully returns the token....but as mentioned's read back out to me instead of getting included in the data returned back to Studio.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Right now Studio is not well setup for using TwiML from a Twilio Function and then continuing the flow. In your case when you return the token from your second Function Twilio is dealing with it as if you just returned text to a regular TwiML webhook. When this happens Twilio defaults to assuming you meant <Say> and reads out the text.
While the team work on redirecting calls back into Studio flows there is a workaround.
Instead of returning the token in the second Function, return some TwiML that includes a <Redirect> to your Studio flow's webhook URL with ?FlowEvent=audioComplete appended. You will also need to add a dummy Say/Play widget after your Function widget (it becomes the next part in the flow that can trigger an "audio complete" message, so exists to collect that and send on to the next widget).
The only thing that we haven't handled in thie workaround is sending the token to the flow. I don't believe we can do this via this redirect workaround, so instead I'd recommend storing the token in your own database or something like a Twilio Sync object. This way you can use it outside of Studio however you like. If you need it within the Studio flow then you can create one more Function that returns the token as JSON, and that will be stored within the flow variables then.
If you would prefer to use <Pay>, as this would be a lot easier, I also recommend requesting the pay connector you need.
I think philnash answer here got old, even when it still works.
Right now, you should have to call the first function using TwiML Redirect node.
In the second function, you should have to add a redirect to the webhook of the flow adding ?FlowEvent=return&foo=bar (where foo=bar should be changed by the info you really want to return).

Twilio autopilot handoff action is not working with Twiml Bin

I have a Twilio autopilot task from an incoming call, which performs a greeting then asks a question before redirecting to a new task called 'callnumber'. This all works fine.
The 'callnumber' task looks like this
"actions": [
"handoff": {
"channel": "voice",
"uri": ""
TWIMLBINID actually has the correct ID from the Twiml Bin.
This is the Twiml content in the bin:
<Say>I will put you in contact with our customer care specialist.</Say>
Unfortunately I'm not hearing this Response spoken out and instead just get the standard 'an error has occurred' voice message.
I've tried a few different versions of this, even calling an xml file hosted on my own public web server and seeing the same problem. Also tried the dial verb and still seeing this issue.
I feel like I may have missed some configuration, after seeing similar posts like: Twilio autopilot doesnt say what it is supposed to say
Any help is much appreciated!
I was able to get the TwiML Bin working with similar JSON, when I have it associated with a Task that has samples.
So, for example, a call comes in to your Autopilot assistant and initially triggers the Assistant Initiation Task of hello_world where you modified the predefined JSON with a listen action.
"actions": [
"say": "How can I help you today?"
"listen": true
You then respond so the task associated with your handoff JSON/TwiML Bin is executed (based on the samples you provided). If you try to call the handoff task directly, it fails.
I have the same JSON for "actions" of the task-seems perfect.
But 2 Small differences for the TwiMLbin :
1)don't forget to put the xml tag in the TwiLbin :
It should be :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>For this question, I will put you in contact ...</Say>
2)I don't understand how your twiMLbin has such an hyperlink. Normally the syntax is******SID******
and the SID can not be chosen and mine has 34 characters. (do not use the "friendly name" of the twiMLbin). You have a button in the twiMLbin to copy-paste it directly.
for me it works. Otherwise please provide some more elements
-do you have queries associated to the autopilot task ? if you have task(s) that do not have any queries, the model will refuse to build (you can check this in the screen "natural language router" / tab "build models").
-are you sure you don't have conflicting query that triggers another task than the one you think (typically with short queries, they "vampirize" other intents). For that please provide the logs of the queries (query Vs Task) of your autopilot assistant.
nb : I confirm what philnash said : you should really try with a phone call. I experienced also some "glitches" with the Twilio simulator.

How to use Twilio.Device to call a number

How to call to a phone number using Twilio.Device?
I am doing the click to call feature for my widget.
I am able to get the Capability token required in setting up the Twilio.Device. I am able also to connect the Twilio.Device to twilio by setup function provided in client javascript library.
What can I use to call a number using Twilio.Device?
Its been a while since I played with it, but looking back at the code then once you have the token and are connected to Twilio it's just a case of setting the number you want to call and then initiating the call. Something like this:
document.getElementById('button-call').onclick = function () {
// get the phone number to connect the call to
var params = {
Caller: document.getElementById('phone-number').value
console.log('Calling ' + params.Caller + '...');
You have to make sure your token allows outgoing calls. My token.php file contains the following:
$capability = new ClientToken($TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, $TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, 'ttl=20');
$token = $capability->generateToken();
I think this is all fairly standard stuff from the quickstart files. I only had a quick go with it, but I don't remember it being complicated. Have fun!

Grails controller service - src/groovy poll controller for property value

I'm basically trying to get the percentage of time a task is taking to display to the user on the screen in an overlay template.
I have a service that is calculating the process percentage:
def progressCalculation(requestsToSend, requestsSent, requestsFailed, progressPercentage) {
progressPercentage = 100 / requestsToSend * (requestsSent + requestsFailed)
progressPercentage = Math.round(progressPercentage * 1) / 1
MyController upCont = new MyController()
this continues to send progressReport.progressPercentage to the controller:
def progress(progressData) {
int statusToView = progressData
if (statusToView % 5==0) {
[statusToView: statusToView]
I have created a src/groovy file that is using websockets from here:
My connection is working but I need to show the percentage on the view using the websocket which is working.
public String handleMessage(String message) {
message = MyController.progressPercentage
String replyMessage = "echo "+message
return replyMessage
now what I'm trying to so here is return the progressPercentage value from the controller to the src/groovy file so that my view can continually updated with the latest property value whilst the task is completing.
MyController upCont = new MyController() seriously?
It is good idea to move the code that hosts and modifies progressPercentage variable to service layer and access it using service rather than controller.
myService.progressPercentage rather than MyController.progressPercentage
Also you must inject myService , not instantiate it as myService = new MyService(), services are singletons you can not instantiate them like this. They are managed by the spring container.
Actually if you do MyController upCont = new MyController()
and you try to access a property of upCont you will get this beautiful error message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request, or processing a request outside of the originally receiving thread? If you are actually operating within a web request and still receive this message, your code is probably running outside of DispatcherServlet/DispatcherPortlet: In this case, use RequestContextListener or RequestContextFilter to expose the current request.
I put those instructions together so if I can help you in any way do let me know.
Websockets require as much frontend work as backend. so to get back the data via websockets you need to expand on the java script as well as expand on the backend websocket sending that information to the java script.
So if you had a button on the frontend gsp that rather than was a typical
You can take a look at some of my plugins that already do this. There is a ping/pong that happens discretely in which if user defines within taglib the websocket connection triggers a pong that frontend javascript receives and sends ping - and they continue doing this..
Here is another example which is what you probably need to use:
This is the result back from websocket
which when recieved updates this span or div id:
so you need to get your websocket to send it back in some json format that your frontend javascript picks up the json request and if it is of a certain convention to look for a value and update a div on the frontend.
There is a good video I have done on wschat which shows you updating frontend using websocket client/server. it may help you understand it better or
unsure which one it was in
E2A: it will need to be a service: then the few lines ahead registers those services in the websocket endpoint. Now going back in the history of the code or if you follow onMessage to verifyAction - you will need to send something from frontend - or upon when a connection is made to then send a message to frontend You can use userSession to directly message the person making the socket connection. On webpage using javascript parse json and update div as mentioned above
