NSLocationWhenInUsageDescription prompt doesn't pop up - ios

When I ran the app the NSLocationWhenInUsageDescription prompt came up once but never came up again after running it multiple times.
The app is still zooming into the current location and the Apple location.
The app works, but the question does not pop up.

Per the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CoreLocation/Reference/CLLocationManager_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/CLLocationManager/requestWhenInUseAuthorization, the question is asked only once, whether you tap "Allow" or "Deny". But you are still able to see the description in the Settings app, in Privacy settings, then Location services, and then your specific app. A description text should be displayed at the bottom of the view.


Request for access to photo library prompt stays in the background

My request for photo library permissions prompt is supposed to pop up as soon as the app is launched. I have set up my info.plist with the library permission.
I have tried both adding/removing the requestAuthorization(_:) function in my AppDelegate.swift in various lifecycle functions.
Current output: The app launches and stays on the launchscreen. When i click on the home button the app minimizes and the permissions prompt appears(as though it was lingering in the background). On allowing permission everything launches as expected.
Desired output: The app launches and the photo library permissions prompt appears on top(as it should). On click of which everything runs as usual.
I can attach pictures if this is not descriptive enough. Also there is no pertaining code as i have removed the requestAuthorization(_:) function(cuz not required). Any tip would go a long way as I have been fiddling with this for days now trying to get this fixed. Thank you!
Your request call should be in the view controller (i.e. viewDidAppear), not the AppDelegate. Having the call in the app delegate is probably causing it to fire at an inappropriate time.

Is UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend the same as exit(0)?

I want to present a lock screen if TouchID/Pascode is set in my applications settings. I want it to work similar to Dropbox and 1Password where if you have this set, and then you press the Home button on the iPhone, if you reopen the app it automatically shows the lock screen and displays Touch ID alert.
For my app I want a similar behavior. In Ray Wenderlich's tutorial on security, they set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend (also known as "Application does not run in background") to YES in the pList. The problem for me is that I don't want this set at all times - for my app it should only be set if Touch ID/Passcode is enabled by the user in my applications settings. So my concern is:
Can I set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend programmatically in code?
If not, can I use exit(0) or exit(1)? I seen many stack overflow pages where they say not do this --- but I will only call this in applicationDidEnterBackground if Touch ID/Passcode is enabled by the user in my applications settings.
I want to launch this app to the app store as well. Thanks.

Blue banner '%MyApp% is Using Your Location' for app that uses location services only when active

In my app I'm updating user location every time when app becomes active. I stop CLLocationManager once updated location is received or in applicationWillResignActive:.
In Info.plist there is a NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription with appropriate description.
If app is activated and then immediately moved to background, blue banner saying that '%MyApp% is Using Your Location' appears for less then a second. This banner gets hidden as soon applicationWillResignActive: is called.
I've noticed the same problem in Google Maps, but not in Apple Maps.
Is there a way to get rid of this banner completely? Is there anything else I should do to make iOS happy? I do not want it to freak out my users and prevent them from using cool features that require location.
You have probably set location as Background mode in your info.plist. If you remove that, then the blue bar won't appear anymore.
Or, you can use requestAlwaysAuthorization instead of requestWhenInUseAuthorization on CLLocationManager (and provide the related NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in the info.plist file), and then it will not appear either.
In my case, my app is using location in the background in some cases, and I would like the blue bar to appear when that is the case. But I do not want it to appear when exiting the app without location in background. As far as I know that is not possible to achieve (I've asked about it here).
EDIT: Note that starting with iOS-9, you can make sure that the blue bar only appears when the user actually wants the app to use the location in the background. See this answer.
If you want to get access to the user's location with CLLocationManager, the app will need to show that banner and the user will need to press "Allow". If they don't do that, your location manager won't be able to detect the user's location.
Apple's Maps is a special case because it's a first party app.

iOS app printing while running in the background

I have an iOS app that automatically prints a receipt to a thermal receipt printer when an order comes in and works great. However, if the app is in the background, it does not print. Is it possible to allow it to print while running in the background?
There are only a few occasions you are allowed to run certain tasks in the background. See the Apple documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/ManagingYourApplicationsFlow/ManagingYourApplicationsFlow.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH4-SW20
For example: playing audio, fetching the user location, sending notification or certain data from network in the background is allowed. Running your own logic during a background service is, as far as I understood, not allowed (like running it one hour after your app is gone to sleep/background mode).
The only thing that is perhaps an option, is to utilize the time your app has to finish an task after the home button is pressed. There is a timelimit however of 10 or 15 minutes.
I don't know if this is suitable for your situation?
See this stackoverflow question: iOS application executing tasks in background
And this particular piece of code to run the task in the background: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11809211/2740112
Another option is to use Guided Access, which is introduced since iOS6.
With it, you can prevent exiting the app. It's only usefull when using only the app on the device that needs to be used.
Information below from http://www.assistiveware.com/support/faq/page/136:
To turn on Guided Access, do the following:
Go to the Settings app on your device's home screen.
Tap General.
Tap Accessibility.
Under the Learning section (scroll down if necessary), tap Guided Access.
Toggle Guided Access to ON.
Tap Set Passcode and enter a four digit passcode. You will be prompted to enter it again.
(Optional) Toggle Enable Screen Sleep to ON if you want to be able to put your device to sleep with the Power button, otherwise the Power button will be disabled.
To start Guided Access for an app and prevent it from being exited, do the following:
Open the app that you want to lock in.
Quickly press your device's Home button three times to bring up the Guided Access menu.
Tap the Start button in the top right corner of the screen to activate Guided Access. A message stating "Guided Access Started" will briefly appear.
To end Guided Access for an app so it can be exited, do the following:
Quickly press your device's Home button three times to bring up the Guided Access menu.
Enter your four digit passcode when prompted.
Tap the End button in the top left corner of the screen to end Guided Access. A message stating "Guided Access Ended" will briefly appear.
Here's the knowledgebase article of Apple: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5509

iPhone Location Services - app not showing

Our app uses location services, and registers in the normal way. We have an issue on 1 (!) iPhone where it's not showing in the Location Services, no matter what we do. The question is, does anyone know if this is a bug in iOS, or could there be something we're not doing?
Any thoughts welcome.
The app needs to trigger location settings to appear open up Facebook on ur phone click on the top left corner then press on nearby and allow it once that is done Facebook will appear under location settings
The best way to trigger facebook location services is to go to settings in your facebook app, next go to events. In events you will find a setting icon you need to click that. it will popup location permissions. Select while using.
If you can't find the setting icon in events tab, try to create a new event and it will ask you for location.
