iPhone Location Services - app not showing - ios

Our app uses location services, and registers in the normal way. We have an issue on 1 (!) iPhone where it's not showing in the Location Services, no matter what we do. The question is, does anyone know if this is a bug in iOS, or could there be something we're not doing?
Any thoughts welcome.

The app needs to trigger location settings to appear open up Facebook on ur phone click on the top left corner then press on nearby and allow it once that is done Facebook will appear under location settings

The best way to trigger facebook location services is to go to settings in your facebook app, next go to events. In events you will find a setting icon you need to click that. it will popup location permissions. Select while using.
If you can't find the setting icon in events tab, try to create a new event and it will ask you for location.


iOS disable let user swipe the app in background list

In the iOS, when the user double home button , the app show in the list at background.
Have possible hidden my app show in the list, or force the user swiped the app, the app in the background can't close?
I just known applicationDidEnterBackground can do something in the background. But
I wish force the user can't swipe the app in the list or hidden the app in the list, or have some mobile device management method can do this effect(we can use private api)?
I search many time , but I was not found some answer...
thank you very much.
This is not possible in iOS, the user is in control and Apple does not allow your app to hide it self in this list.
If you want this you will need to target jailbroke devices and hook on the task switch. Then detect you app from being closed and restarted it.

NSLocationWhenInUsageDescription prompt doesn't pop up

When I ran the app the NSLocationWhenInUsageDescription prompt came up once but never came up again after running it multiple times.
The app is still zooming into the current location and the Apple location.
The app works, but the question does not pop up.
Per the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CoreLocation/Reference/CLLocationManager_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/CLLocationManager/requestWhenInUseAuthorization, the question is asked only once, whether you tap "Allow" or "Deny". But you are still able to see the description in the Settings app, in Privacy settings, then Location services, and then your specific app. A description text should be displayed at the bottom of the view.

MapView hiding "Allow location services" prompt

The first screen of my app is a MapView so when the user opens it up for the first time it prompts for Location Services. The issue is that immediately after the prompt comes up asking for location access it gets hidden (fades into the background) like some subview came over top of it.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
It sounds like you are either proceeding with another prompt for location services before the confirmation is given, or else you are on iOS 8 and prompting for location services (which is now asynchronous) and then going ahead and using them before this can complete.

How to present UIAlertView which contains Settings + Cancel button when location services are turned off in my app?

In one of my app I'm using Location Services. I'm throwing a normal alert view whenever the location services are off like "Enable Your Location Services" with "OK" button when I open my app. But I don't want this. Rather I need to show the alert view as "Turn on Location Services to Allow Your_App_Name to Determine Your Location" with "Settings" and "Cancel" button as shown in the image. Give me the suggestions with a sample code, Thanks.
You should just pop up an UIAlertView telling the user that needs to enable Location Services.
If you want to be more precise, you can always create a new View explaining the user how to enable location Services using graphical content, that makes it so much easier for the user.
You cannot open the Settings page from your app, and if you could, your app would be rejected on the app store.

Restrict iPad to only one application

I am developing an iPad application & I want to keep use only my application in iPad. User is not able to make any changes with Home button too.
I have tried same thing with "Guided Access". But, it will stop push notification also.
I have tried it with iPhone configuration Utility. But, I am not able to find any
restriction for Home button.
So, anyone have any idea how can I implement it?
You can't disable the Home button from the sandbox.You have to use the physical accessories to stop the Home button action, after opening your application.
