Jquery mobile unexpected token RBRACE when paste from site in netbeans - jquery-mobile

I'm on jquery mobile demo site and when I copy/paste a part of css in netbeans, it says me (unexpected token rbrace ... parsing error).
I try to copy/paste in notepad before and than copy/paste in netbeans but nothing change.
My encoding is UTF-8 ...
I have the same problem with html (copy/paste).
Have somebody an idea of the problem ?


Include angular element into expressionengine cms website

I exported an angular element into one javascript file so i could include it in a page in my expressionengine cms website but i get the error: SyntaxError: `` literal not terminated before end of script.
The weird part is that i included the script in my localhost:8080/mypage/index.html and works fine!
I would appreciate any help about this, thank you!
Solved! The issue was that i missed to add on the header:
<base href="/">
Or whatever path you want to place your code in.

"Range out of order in character class" regex error in electron but not chrome

So this is a somewhat exploratory question, and maybe just a bug. Our bundle includes a package called AutoLinker (https://www.npmjs.com/package/autolinker) which makes some complex regexes to turn raw strings into strings with <a> anchor tags in them.
The bundle executes just fine in a regular chrome tab for me but when this is executed in an electron BrowserWindow I it causes the error below to happen.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /(?:[0-9Ù -Ù©Û°-۹߀-߉०-९০-৯੦-੯૦-૯୦-୯௦-௯౦-౯೦-೯൦-൯෦-à·¯à¹-๙à»-໙༠-༩á€-á‰á‚-႙០-៩á -᠙᥆-á¥á§-᧙᪀-᪉áª-᪙á­-᭙᮰-᮹᱀-᱉á±-᱙꘠-꘩ê£-꣙꤀-꤉ê§-꧙꧰-꧹ê©-꩙꯰-꯹ï¼-ï¼™]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9Ù -Ù©Û°-۹߀-߉०-९০-৯੦-੯૦-૯୦-୯௦-௯౦-౯೦-೯൦-൯෦-à·¯à¹-๙à»-໙༠-༩á€-á‰á‚-႙០-៩á -᠙᥆-á¥á§-᧙᪀-᪉áª-᪙á­-᭙᮰-᮹᱀-᱉á±-᱙꘠-꘩ê£-꣙꤀-꤉ê§-꧙꧰-꧹ê©-꩙꯰-꯹ï¼-ï¼™]{1,3}/:
Range out of order in character class
Maybe BrowserWindow could be configured differently and I'm missing something? Maybe an electron bug. Anyway just throwing it out there for any leads / opinions / advice.
Enable the UTF-8 charset in your HTML. If you using the Electron, enable it in index.html file
<meta charset="utf-8">

Why are .html file parsed rather than compiled when open them in browser such as Safari?

Why are .html file parsed rather than compiled when open them in browser such as Safari? From the internet, I learned that parser is a component of a compiler. People say .html is parsed to a web page, but why not compiled to a web page? .html file contains code that needed to be compiled so that it becomes a webpage, right?
Some possible reasons: Maybe when we say something is compiled, it has to be compiled into machine language but .html does not?
HTML does not get compiled - it simply describes how the website should be rendered.
And that is then interpreted by the browser - it doesn't end up as machine code.
It's like a map or blue prints telling the browser's rendering engine how to build the website.
The W3C defines how these "plans" should be written and the browser vendor should make sure they interpret the plans in the correct way.
Developers should make sure they use the HTML elements properly so that the HTML files make sense and the browser can construct the web page properly.
What difference does it make? You have not described a problem you are having.
The parsing of HTML is application-dependent. Each browser/parser decides how to do it.
HTML however must be dynamically modifiable. Since HTML is not executed, it is not clear what the difference is between compiling and interpreting but typically compiled code can't be easily modified.
JavaScript is by definition interpreted.

Assigning value from URL in Orbeon in Internet Explorer: polish characters encoding issue

In Orbeon 4.5 I found following bug: when loading form in FormRunner and trying to assign value to input field from URL which contains polish characters, f.e 'Paweł', which is in UTF-8 'Pawe%C5%82', instead of actual characters there are '?'. For example:
This problem only occurs while using Internet Explorer. On Chrome etc. everything works fine. Is this a well-known problem? Maybe upgrading Orbeon to newer version could help?

Safari display question marks

I have a website that displays fine with IE and Firefox.
But the menus are replaced by question marks when using Safari (I have been told, not having Safari on my PC).
Here is the home page (get rid of spaces):
www.v u b r i d g e.com
Any help welcome.
BTW, is there any Safari emulation for Windows based PC?
I don't see any question mark on your web page, even on the French version. If there is a problem, it's an encoding problem. Check that all your files are encoded in iso-8859-1 (the text encoding you declared in the meta html tag on your web page). If they are, then it could be your server that say the client the content is encoded in utf-8 or any other text encoding. In order to fix it, just configure the header content-type and charset to the correct value. (I've seen your website is made out of aspx which I don't know, but in php it would be header("Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;");, to be placed before any output)
