Is it possible to add a video on youtube but only display it on your website? - youtube

I basically want to make a video "private", but then use some code to display it public on my site. Is that possible?

It seems like "unlisted" is what I want. According to this article:
An unlisted video is a different type of private video. "Unlisted" means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). An unlisted video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces (such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page). An unlisted video is different to a private video in these ways: you don't need a YouTube account to watch the video (you can see an unlisted video if someone sends you the video's link) there's no 25 person sharing limit
Still not sure if this is really going to help me keep prying eyes away from the video, but for now, it seems to do what I want.


Identify a video as an ad with YouTube Data API

I'm using mostly the video and search list resource types. I want to filter the results for video ads. I had hoped that ads would be a video category or there would be another identifier for video ads, but I haven't been able to find a way so far. Any ideas?
With my open-source YouTube operational API you have access to whether or not a given video is a paid promotion by fetching the isPaidPromotion boolean in the JSON file at
Here are examples of videos ids:
having paid promotion: Q6gtj1ynstU
not having paid promotion: PEorJqo2Qaw
Then you have to discover all YouTube videos, to do so except if you look for specific keywords etc, there is this difficult method which consists in getting an initial set of YouTube channels, fetching their videos, fetching the comments on each video, fetching the YouTube channels from the comments and so on.
Unfortunately (AFAIK), some of those ads videos are unlisted videos - see these (1 and 2) ads videos examples I extracted while watching a random YouTube video - this ads video is public, though.
While querying the data of one of these videos (i.e. uuh2wkRmodI) - see the example using the try-it feature in the API documentation - , I don't see any relevant information that points me this is an advertisement video - other than being an unlisted video.
Probably, you can consider its statistics - I found odd that a video has no likes, no favorites no comments AND has views:
"statistics": {
"viewCount": "32",
"likeCount": "0",
"favoriteCount": "0",
"commentCount": "0"
Since those are unlisted ads videos, those cannot be searched via the API. Quote:
If a video is uploaded as an unlisted video, the property value also
specifies the date and time that the video was uploaded. In this case,
anyone who knows the video's unique video ID can retrieve the video
Unless you somehow manages to get the VIDEO_IDs of those ads appearing before a normal video starts, you cannot really search those videos neither by YouTube or its API.
My additional guess is also those ads videos are set by YouTube itself based (aside other settings) in the region (country) of the viewer and the owner of those ads videos pays to YouTube for embed their advertisements.
If you want to try it out, then, try to search for videos that came from channels of recognized product brands and get only their public and kind of short videos (I'm not talking abuot #shorts, but, videos with a duration of a half on a minute or less).
Additionally, take into account that some ads videos might be longer, so, in resume: you have to work with what is publicly available.

Embedding private youtube video

I have a youtube account with some private videos and I want to embed those private videos in my website. Only users who are registered with my website and are logged in to my website should be able to see/play those videos. Also, It is required that they should not be able to open the video using the link in another tab without logging into my website, thus keeping the videos as unlisted is not an option. Any ideas? Thanks in Advance!
It's not possible, when a video is private on YouTube, only you can see the video.
Plus once the video is private you cannot emebed the video.
The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private.
The only solution you have is to not use YouTue service but upload directly the video on your server and use the default HTML5 player. This way you can manage that only connected user can view the videos.

How to use youtube api to prevent advertorials

I have build a website for my customer with embedded you tube movies. Therefore I'm using a lot of API functions. Somehow while playing a movie, commercials of concurrent company's appear.
My customer claims it has to be my used code... I belief you have to set-up your you tube channel and ad sense channel correct but you cannot prevent it completely because you tube permit double click to show commercials also...
It's not: who is right or wrong but I need to know how to prevent Ads while playing.
I hope someone could share Some knowledge with me.
Have a nice day.
You simply can't prevent ads when you play a video.
We can see in the Terms of Service of YouTuve API in the part prohibitions :
modify, replace, interfere with or block advertisements placed by YouTube in the YouTube Data, YouTube audiovisual content, or the
YouTube player;
So, if ou want use the YouTube API Players, you can't add a system to block advertissement.

Youtube video player

Is this possible to allow just a specific website to display a youtube video
with the iframe embeded code? or with the api
With the iframe code alone it is not possible. Your youtube-video displayed on the youtube website. As long as anyone can view this video by going to youtube like this
for example, anyone can embedd it using an iframe.
What you could do is limit the acces to this video itself. As far as I remember you could specify whether anyone or just your friends can whatch your video.
The latter case may not keep people from embedding your video, but it will keep them from viewing it as long as they are not logged in to youtube and are your friends there.

include existing youtube video in my own youtube account

Is it possible to add to my youtube account a video I liked in youtube without having to upload it?
This is for an application i´m developing... I´m looking for something similar to share on twitter feature.
But any help is welcome!
You can add it as a favourite, as Yuliy has said, or you can create yourself a channel, add a playlist to that channel, then add the video in a similar way to the playlist.
Doing it this way means you can 'see' it from the API(getplaylists, getplaylist)... But, if the original author decides to take the video down, then of course it will disappear from your channel page as well (or more likely say 'this video has been removed by the user').
You cant keep a 'copy' of the video like this.
