Reverse engineering a Docker deployment on private cloud - docker

I am working on a software that has to be deployed on private cloud of a client. The client has root access, as well as hardware. I don't want the client to reverse engineer our software.
We can control two things here:
we have access to a secure port of the server, which we can use to send tokens to decrypt the code, and shut it down if necessary;
we can do manual installation (key in a password at the time of installation) or use Tamper resistance device if we have to.
Can a Docker deployment prevent our client from reverse engineering our code? We plan to open a single port and use SSL to protect incoming and outgoing data.

If user has root, or he able to use his custom kernel (or even kernel modules), he can do anything - dump memory, stop process, attach debugger - to start reverse engineering. If user has access to hardware, he also can get root or custom kernel. The only way to protect soft from user - is using good DRM, for example with help of TPM (Trusted Platform Module), or ARM TrustZone. SecureBoot will not fully protect your soft (on x86 it usually may be turned off). Other variant is using Tamper-resistant hardware (, like what is used to store master encryption keys (to process pin-codes) in banks (, but this hardware have very high cost.
It is known that Docker does not give protection to the code from user: -
The root user on the host machine (where the docker daemon runs) has full access to all the processes running on the host. That means the person who controls the host machine can always get access to the RAM of the application as well as the file system. That makes it impossible to hide a key for decrypting the file system or protecting RAM from debugging.
Any user capable of deploying docker container (user from docker group) has full access to the container fs, has root access to the container processes and can debug them and dump their memory.
Only trusted users should be allowed to control your Docker daemon
Docker allows you to share a directory between the Docker host and a guest container; and it allows you to do so without limiting the access rights of the container.
So, Docker give no additional protection to your code from user; we can consider it just like other packaging system, like rpm and deb. Rpm and deb allows you to pack your code into single file and list dependencies, and docker packs your code and dependencies into single file.
Our solution is hosted on our client's cloud server, so they do have access to both root and the hardware. However, we have two advantages here: 1) we have access to a secure port, which we can use to send tokens to decrypt the code, and audit suspicious activities; 2) we can do manual installation (key in a token at the time of installation)
You can protect only the code you own, if it is running on the hardware you own (turn off all NSA/IntelME/IPMI/UEFI backdoors to own hardware). If user runs your code on his hardware, he will have all binaries and will be capable of memory dumping (after receiving the token from you).
Virtualization on his hardware will not give your code any additional protection.
Does "secure port" means SSL/TLS/SSH? It is secure only to protect data when it is send on network; both endpoints will have the data in plain, unencrypted form.
Manual installation will not help to protect code after you leave user's datacenter.
I think you can buy some usual software protection solution, like flexlm, may be with some hardware tokens required to run the software. But any protection may be cracked, early (cheaper) will be cracked easier, and modern (more expensive) protection is bit harder to crack.
You may also run some part of software on your own servers; this part will be not cracked.
or use Tamper resistance hardware if we have to.
You can't use tamper resistance hardware if there is no such hardware in the user's server. And it is very expensive.


How I can share my application docker image or container without code access to others [duplicate]

I am about to decide on programming language for the project.
The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access.
To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...).
The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of course, I know about all that "do you really need to protect your source code" kind of questions but it's out of scope for now).
One of my colleagues told me about Docker. I can find dozen of answers about Docker container security. Problem is all that is about protecting (isolating) host from code running in container.
What I need is to know if the Python source code in the Docker Image and running in Docker Container is secured from access - can user in some way (doesn't need to be easy) access that Python code?
I know I can't protect everything, I know it is possible to decompile/crack everything. I just want to know the answer just to decide whether the way to access my code inside Docker is hard enough that I can take the risk.
Docker images are an open and documented "application packaging" format. There are countless ways to inspect the image contents, including all of the python source code shipped inside of them.
Running applications inside of a container provides isolation from the application escaping the container to access the host. They do not protect you from users on the host inspecting what is occurring inside of the container.
Python programs are distributed as source code. If it can run on a client machine, then the code is readable on that machine. A docker container only contains the application and its libraries, external binaries and files, not a full OS. As the security can only be managed at OS level (or through encryption) and as the OS is under client control, the client can read any file on the docker container, including your Python source.
If you really want to go that way, you should consider providing a full Virtual Machine to your client. In that case, the VM contains a full OS with its account based security (administrative account passwords on the VM can be different from those of the host). Is is far from still waters, because it means that the client will be enable to setup or adapt networking on the VM among other problems...
And you should be aware the the client security officer could emit a strong NO when it comes to running a non controlled VM on their network. I would never accept it.
Anyway, as the client has full access to the VM, really securing it will be hard if ever possible (disable booting from an additional device may even not be possible). It is admitted in security that if the attacker has physical access, you have lost.
TL/DR: It in not the expected answer but just don't. It you sell your solution you will have a legal contract with your customer, and that kind of problem should be handled at a legal level, not a technical one. You can try, and I have even given you a hint, but IMHO the risks are higher than the gain.
I know that´s been more than 3 years, but... looking for the same kind of solution I think that including compiled python code -not your source code- inside the container would be a challenging trial for someone trying to access your valuable source code.
If you run pyinstaller --onefile you will get a compiled single file that can be run as an executable. I have only tested it in Raspberry, but as far as I know it´s the same for, say, Windows.
Of course anything can be reverse engineered, but hopefully it won´t be worth the effort to the regular end user.
I think it could be a solution as using a "container" to protect our code from the person we wouldn't let them access. the problem is docker is not a secure container. As the root of the host machine has the most powerful control of the Docker container, we don't have any method to protect the root from accessing inside of the container.
I just have some ideas about a secure container:
Build a container with init file like docker file, a password must be set when the container is created;
once the container is built, we have to use a password to access inside, including
reading\copy\modify files
all the files stored on the host machine should be encypt。
no "retrieve password" or “--skip-grant-” mode is offered. that means nobody can
access the data inside the container if u lost the password.
If we have a trustable container where we can run tomcat or Django server, code obfuscation will not be necessary.

Restrict user from accessing code inside docker [duplicate]

I am about to decide on programming language for the project.
The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access.
To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...).
The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of course, I know about all that "do you really need to protect your source code" kind of questions but it's out of scope for now).
One of my colleagues told me about Docker. I can find dozen of answers about Docker container security. Problem is all that is about protecting (isolating) host from code running in container.
What I need is to know if the Python source code in the Docker Image and running in Docker Container is secured from access - can user in some way (doesn't need to be easy) access that Python code?
I know I can't protect everything, I know it is possible to decompile/crack everything. I just want to know the answer just to decide whether the way to access my code inside Docker is hard enough that I can take the risk.
Docker images are an open and documented "application packaging" format. There are countless ways to inspect the image contents, including all of the python source code shipped inside of them.
Running applications inside of a container provides isolation from the application escaping the container to access the host. They do not protect you from users on the host inspecting what is occurring inside of the container.
Python programs are distributed as source code. If it can run on a client machine, then the code is readable on that machine. A docker container only contains the application and its libraries, external binaries and files, not a full OS. As the security can only be managed at OS level (or through encryption) and as the OS is under client control, the client can read any file on the docker container, including your Python source.
If you really want to go that way, you should consider providing a full Virtual Machine to your client. In that case, the VM contains a full OS with its account based security (administrative account passwords on the VM can be different from those of the host). Is is far from still waters, because it means that the client will be enable to setup or adapt networking on the VM among other problems...
And you should be aware the the client security officer could emit a strong NO when it comes to running a non controlled VM on their network. I would never accept it.
Anyway, as the client has full access to the VM, really securing it will be hard if ever possible (disable booting from an additional device may even not be possible). It is admitted in security that if the attacker has physical access, you have lost.
TL/DR: It in not the expected answer but just don't. It you sell your solution you will have a legal contract with your customer, and that kind of problem should be handled at a legal level, not a technical one. You can try, and I have even given you a hint, but IMHO the risks are higher than the gain.
I know that´s been more than 3 years, but... looking for the same kind of solution I think that including compiled python code -not your source code- inside the container would be a challenging trial for someone trying to access your valuable source code.
If you run pyinstaller --onefile you will get a compiled single file that can be run as an executable. I have only tested it in Raspberry, but as far as I know it´s the same for, say, Windows.
Of course anything can be reverse engineered, but hopefully it won´t be worth the effort to the regular end user.
I think it could be a solution as using a "container" to protect our code from the person we wouldn't let them access. the problem is docker is not a secure container. As the root of the host machine has the most powerful control of the Docker container, we don't have any method to protect the root from accessing inside of the container.
I just have some ideas about a secure container:
Build a container with init file like docker file, a password must be set when the container is created;
once the container is built, we have to use a password to access inside, including
reading\copy\modify files
all the files stored on the host machine should be encypt。
no "retrieve password" or “--skip-grant-” mode is offered. that means nobody can
access the data inside the container if u lost the password.
If we have a trustable container where we can run tomcat or Django server, code obfuscation will not be necessary.

Google Cloud Run security concerns

I testing Google Cloud Run and I have some security concerns. Let's say I process a user input with a binary program. What if the program is vulnerable and malicious code injected into the container. The attacker would be able to access my database or storage or any resource the container has the permissions to access.
The question is: is this a genuine concern and how do I prevent it?
The best idea I have is to put another container inside that just holds the potentially vulnerable binary.
It is indeed a genuine concern –however, this class of attacks are not specific to Cloud Run, and applicable to any compute platforms that you would the untrusted binary in.
Imagine you're running ffmpeg in a container, and one of your users gives you a video input to convert. This video can exploit vulnerabilities in ffmpeg (since it's not written in a memory-safe language, there has been plenty), and may execute arbitrary code. This arbitrary code can potentilly exfiltrate your environment, including access token to GCP APIs by querying:
curl -H "metadata-flavor: Google" http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token
The secrets you injected to your container and this token are probably the most sensitive artifacts to be exfiltrated in case of an attack.
To prevent yourself from this class of attacks I recommend:
Create a separate service on Cloud Run whose only job is to shell out to the untrusted executable (as you've mentioned).
Run this service with a Service Account (--service-account) that has no permissions to do anything in your object. This way, the attacker can exfiltrate a token that cannot do much (however, may learn your GCP project ID or email address of this service account).
(This is not possible on Cloud Run yet as far as I know–) Run the container’s filesystem in a readonly mode to prevent the attacker from changing the executables or libraries on the container which can be influence subsequent requests handled by the container.
(In lack of a read-only container filesystem today–) if the untrusted binary you’re executing is/can be "statically compiled", on every request, consider creating a new temporary directory that contains the binary. Then, chroot there and execute the binary in this directory (so that its side effects will not influence rest of the container), and cleanup this directory before the request finishes.
Hope this helps.

Docker image white labelling [duplicate]

I am about to decide on programming language for the project.
The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access.
To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...).
The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of course, I know about all that "do you really need to protect your source code" kind of questions but it's out of scope for now).
One of my colleagues told me about Docker. I can find dozen of answers about Docker container security. Problem is all that is about protecting (isolating) host from code running in container.
What I need is to know if the Python source code in the Docker Image and running in Docker Container is secured from access - can user in some way (doesn't need to be easy) access that Python code?
I know I can't protect everything, I know it is possible to decompile/crack everything. I just want to know the answer just to decide whether the way to access my code inside Docker is hard enough that I can take the risk.
Docker images are an open and documented "application packaging" format. There are countless ways to inspect the image contents, including all of the python source code shipped inside of them.
Running applications inside of a container provides isolation from the application escaping the container to access the host. They do not protect you from users on the host inspecting what is occurring inside of the container.
Python programs are distributed as source code. If it can run on a client machine, then the code is readable on that machine. A docker container only contains the application and its libraries, external binaries and files, not a full OS. As the security can only be managed at OS level (or through encryption) and as the OS is under client control, the client can read any file on the docker container, including your Python source.
If you really want to go that way, you should consider providing a full Virtual Machine to your client. In that case, the VM contains a full OS with its account based security (administrative account passwords on the VM can be different from those of the host). Is is far from still waters, because it means that the client will be enable to setup or adapt networking on the VM among other problems...
And you should be aware the the client security officer could emit a strong NO when it comes to running a non controlled VM on their network. I would never accept it.
Anyway, as the client has full access to the VM, really securing it will be hard if ever possible (disable booting from an additional device may even not be possible). It is admitted in security that if the attacker has physical access, you have lost.
TL/DR: It in not the expected answer but just don't. It you sell your solution you will have a legal contract with your customer, and that kind of problem should be handled at a legal level, not a technical one. You can try, and I have even given you a hint, but IMHO the risks are higher than the gain.
I know that´s been more than 3 years, but... looking for the same kind of solution I think that including compiled python code -not your source code- inside the container would be a challenging trial for someone trying to access your valuable source code.
If you run pyinstaller --onefile you will get a compiled single file that can be run as an executable. I have only tested it in Raspberry, but as far as I know it´s the same for, say, Windows.
Of course anything can be reverse engineered, but hopefully it won´t be worth the effort to the regular end user.
I think it could be a solution as using a "container" to protect our code from the person we wouldn't let them access. the problem is docker is not a secure container. As the root of the host machine has the most powerful control of the Docker container, we don't have any method to protect the root from accessing inside of the container.
I just have some ideas about a secure container:
Build a container with init file like docker file, a password must be set when the container is created;
once the container is built, we have to use a password to access inside, including
reading\copy\modify files
all the files stored on the host machine should be encypt。
no "retrieve password" or “--skip-grant-” mode is offered. that means nobody can
access the data inside the container if u lost the password.
If we have a trustable container where we can run tomcat or Django server, code obfuscation will not be necessary.

How can I somewhat securely run distccd on a docker image in the cloud?

I'm compiling things on a raspberry pi and it's not going fast enough, even when I use my desktop's CPU to help.
I could just install distcc the old fashioned way on a cloud server, but what if someday I was to real quick spin up a bunch of servers for a minute with docker machine?
distccd can use SSH auth, but I don't see a good way to run both SSH and distccd. And it seems there will be hassle with managing ssh keys.
What if configured distcc to only accept the WAN IP of my house (and then turned the image off as soon as it was done)?
But it'd be great to make something other raspberry pi users could easily spin up.
You seem to already know the answer to this, set up distcc to use SSH. This will ensure encrypted communication between your distcc client and the distcc servers you have deployed as Docker images in the cloud. You have highlighted that the cost of doing this would be spending time to set up an SSH key that would be accepted by all of your Docker images. From memory this key could be the same for all the Docker nodes, as long as they all had the same user name using the same key. Is that really such a complex task?
You ask for a slightly less secure option for building your Compile Farm. Well limiting things based on the Internet accessible IP address for your house would limit the scope and increase the complexity of others using your build cluster. Someone might spoof the special IP address and get access to your distcc servers but that would just cost you their runtime. The larger concern would be that your code could be transmitted in plain text over the internet to these distcc servers. If that is not a big concern then it could be considered low risk.
An alternative might be to setup a secure remote network of docker nodes and set up VPN access to them. This would bind your local machine to the remote network and you could consider the whole thing to be a secured LAN. If it is considered safe to have the Docker nodes talk between themselves in an unencrypted manner within the cloud, it should be as secure to have a VPN link to them and do the same.
They best option might be to dig out a some old PCs and set those up as local distcc servers. Within a LAN their is no need for security.
You mention a wish to share this with other Raspberry PI users. There have been other Public Compile Farms in the past but many of them have fallen out of favour. Distributing such things publicly, as computational projects such as BOINC do, works poorly because the network latency and transfer rates can slow the builds significantly.
