Fields_for form fields not displaying in rails form - ruby-on-rails

I have a class Rfsestimation shown below:
class Rfsestimation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :rfstaskset
has_one :rfsnote
enum request_type: [:front_end, :back_end, :front_end_and_back_end]
enum band_type: [:Simple, :Medium, :High, :Complex, :VComplex, :Outside_AD]
**accepts_nested_attributes_for :rfstaskset**
**accepts_nested_attributes_for :rfsnote**
validates_presence_of :number, :name, :date_of_estimation, :request_type_id, :band_id, :hours_per_day, :estimated_start_date, :estimated_end_date, :message => "Should be present"
validates_numericality_of :number
Please see the two lines for association above marked in bold. I am attempting to create the associated objects, Rfsnote and Rfstask through fields_for shown in below form:
<%= f.fields_for :rfstaskset do |rfs_task| %>
However the fields which are supposed to appear do not appear as expected. But if i use rfstasksets, as below, the form fields appear as expected.
What might be the reason for this?
<%= f.fields_for :rfstasksets do |rfs_task| %>

I think you are not building the associated object in your controller.
You new action need to look like this:
def new
#rfsestimation =


select_check_boxes with an has many through relation and :checked option

I am using collection_check_boxes to create object in a has_many through relation;
here some models:
class Emotion < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :emotional_states
has_many :reports, :through => :emotional_states
class Report < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :emotional_states
has_many :emotions, :through => :emotional_states
[... other "irrelevant" stuff here ...]
class EmotionalState < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :report
belongs_to :emotion
As you may understand when I create a Report I also select with a collection_check_box a list of Emotions I want to bind to that report (through the model EmotionalState); Everything works on create (I retrieve the hash values and if I also create EmotionalStates with the and
But when it cames to edit the Report I would like to edit also the associated EmotionalStates (this means creating new EmotionalStates or deleting old one).
How can I populate the select_check_boxes with ALL the available Emotions having checked that emotions that are alredy associated through the EmotionalStates bojects?
If I write something like:
<%= collection_check_boxes(:report, :emotion_id,{|e| e.emotion}, :id, :name) %>
I'll get a unchecked checkbox for every alredy associated Emotion.
<%= collection_check_boxes(:report, :emotion_id, Emotion.all, :id, :name, :checked =>{|e| e.emotion}) %>
While this code will correctly returns Emotion.all, but will not check the emotions alredy associated to #report through #report.emotional_states.
I've searched all around the wheb for examples on the usage of :checked options for collection_select_boxes without any results...
any hint?
I did the same once in this can also try :
<% Emotion.all.each do |emotion| %>
<%= check_box_tag 'report[emotion_ids][]' ,, #report.emotion.include?(emotion) %><%= %><br/>
<% end %>
In Controller add :emotion_ids=>[] into strong parameters.
And one line into controller update method:
params[:report][:emotion_ids] ||= []
After coming back to this bug I discovered that the problem was an incorrect use of the .map method, mapping a whole object (e.emotion) instead its id (
This easily fixed my problem:
<%= collection_check_boxes(:report, :emotion_id, Emotion.all, :id, :name, :checked =>{|e|}) %>
Thank you for your help!

Rails 4: How to display fields with error in red?

First question: how to validate a model relation and mark it in form when validation failed.
I have a subject model:
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :semester
validates_presence_of :semester
In my view (form):
<%= select_tag :semester, options_from_collection_for_select(#semesters,"id","name") %>
The validates_presence_of works fine. But when the validation fails (user forgot to enter semester ). The semester input is not marked in red.
Second question: how to validate an input field.
In my view, I also have a university input field, but model subject has no relationship with university, no field university in subject table. So how to validate it and mark it in red.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to get the fields with error displayed in red "out of the box", you must use a form builder. The code will looks like ... instead of using select_tag.
With the form builder, the fields with errors are created inside a <div class="field_with_errors">...</div>. The css file generated by scaffolding displays these fields in red; if you're not using it, you must add the css rules to your css.
# app/models/subject.rb
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :semester
validates :semester, :university, presence: true # new syntax
# app/views/subjects/_form.html.erb
<%= form_for #subject do |f| %>
Semestr: <%= f.collection_select :semester_id, Semestr.all, :id, :name, prompt: true %>
University: <%= f.text_field :univercity %>
<% end %>
For more information about building forms in rails (with validations enabled) you could find there
Those "red errors" that you hope for are probably coming from a form helper gem like formtastic, feel free to check that out.
I have literally no idea what your second question is asking, but if you're looking for a custom validation. Check out the rails docs on them for help.
If you'd like more help, (please) edit your question to be more clear (thanks)

Can't convert symbol to integer error with rails simple_form nested attributes

I've seen many similar questions, and looked at the answers, but nothing seems to be helping me and I've been working on this for a while now. The error is 'Can't convert symbol into integer'. My goal is to be able to create multiple sub_groups for each race. I'm just starting with trying to create one for the time being. Here's the relevant code...
** UPDATE **
<%= simple_form_for(#race, :url => form_path, :method => form_method, :html => { :class =>
'form-horizontal form-compressed' }) do |f| %>
<%= f.simple_fields_for :sub_groups do |g| %>
<%= g.input :name, requred: false %>
<%= g.collection_radio_buttons :discount_type,
[['dollars', '$'], ['percent', '%']], :first, :last %>
<%= g.input :discount_amount, :as => :integer, required: false %>
<% end %>
class Race < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sub_groups
accepts_nested_attributes_for :sub_groups
attr_accessible :sub_groups_attributes
class SubGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :race
has_many :race_users
attr_accessible :discount_amount, :discount_type, :display_results, :name
after my code update...
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓",
"authenticity_token"=>"VihBL4TDT/Lte4YBji/4fp4XvOri1UgUZ8B33wQuCko=", "race"=>
{"sub_group"=>{"name"=>"dfd", "discount_type"=>"dollars", "discount_amount"=>"2"}},
"commit"=>"Next", "wizard"=>"2", "id"=>"13-test5"}
class RacesController < ApplicationController
def new
#race =
#sub_groups =
#wizard_step = -1
#wizard_step_name = Race.wizard_step_name_from_id #wizard_step
#wizard_mode = true
render :layout => "race_wizard"
def update
#race = Race.find params[:id]
#wizard_step = params[:wizard].to_i + 1
#race.wizard_step = #wizard_step
So I took advice from answer 1, and switched to using :sub_groups in the view. Now I have a new problem, which is the sub-group fields don't show up at all, despite the fact that I built a sub_groups thing in the #new method.
I'm really stumped on how I can make this happen. This is driving me bonkers. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
The way fields_for works is that if you supply a symbol it checks whether your model respond to {given_symbol}_attributes=. If it does the name of sub-fields is {given symbol}_attributes, otherwise just {given_symbol}.
What you need is to add accepts_nested_attributes_for :sub_groups to your Race model. This methods will create a default setter sub_groups_attributes=, which will make fields_for :sub_groups to generate fields with name sub_groups_attributes.
You can also write your own sub_groups_attributes= method, but you need to be sure you know what you're doing there as it might be a little tricky to debug.
Note, that fields_to :sub_groups won't display fields if there are no sub_group associated with given object - you will need to build one in your controller first.

Validating field's presence fails even though the field is not blank

I'm trying to fill out an array with values from checkboxes. It works just fine when creating a record, but fails validation when editing. The params look right, which is what really confuses me:
"record"=>{... "type_array"=>["accounting"], ...}
It looks the same as the params from creating a new record. The fields in New.html.erb and Edit.html.erb also use the same markup.
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :type_array, "What type of record?" %><br />
<% ["accounting", "agriculture", "automotive"].each do |type| %>
<%= check_box_tag 'record[type_array][]', type, (true if #record.type_list.include? type),
:id => type %>
<%= label_tag type, type.titleize, :class => type %><br />
<% end %>
Parts of Record.rb
validates :type_array, :presence => true
attr_accessor :type_array
attr_accessible :type_array
before_validation :set_type_list
def set_type_list
self.type_list = type_array.join ',' if type_array.present?
Am I missing something? When I remove the type_array validation and fill out the form, it acts like type_array is empty. Somewhere along the line, it must be lost or something.
I appreciate any help.
(Sidenote: if anyone has a better way to do the list of checkboxes, let me know)
Delete the line attr_accessor :type_array.
This creates accessor methods to a new instance variable, not to the model attribute type_array, which means that #record.type_array now refers to that instance variable instead of the attribute.
You almost never use attr_accessor or it's siblings attr_reader and attr_writer in Rails because you want to deal with model attributes, not instance variables.
Edit: You're using type_array as a virtual attribute.
class Record < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :type_array, :presence => true
attr_accessible :type_array
def type_array=(val)
self.type_list = val.join ','
def type_array
self.type_list.split ','
def type_array_before_type_cast
For the reason why you need that last function definition, see this question.

Rails form not saving 'Type:' field

I generated a simple Post scaffold which has title:string body:text category:string. I later added type:string (and performed the migration) to the model and added the selection fields in new.html.erb and edit.html.erb. I also added validation for all these fields.
<%= f.label :type %>
<%= :type, Post::TYPES, :prompt => "Select post type" %>
When I try and create a post it gives me:
"There were problems with the following fields:
Type can't be blank
Type is not included in the list"
Even though I DO make a selection. Am I missing something obvious here?
Select code from Post class:
["Job", "job"],
["Volunteer", "vol"]
validates_presence_of :title, :body, :category, :type
validates_inclusion_of :category, :in => {|disp, value| value}
validates_inclusion_of :type, :in => {|disp, value| value}
The type field is a reserved field used for single table inheritance(STI). You have to rename the field.
Refer to this article for more details
Edit: Changed the link to point to the article provide by Matchu.
If you really want to, you can use field called type in Rails 4 by setting inheritance_column to something else:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
self.inheritance_column = :ruby_type
In Rails 3 and below, use method set_inheritance_column instead.
