Validating field's presence fails even though the field is not blank - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to fill out an array with values from checkboxes. It works just fine when creating a record, but fails validation when editing. The params look right, which is what really confuses me:
"record"=>{... "type_array"=>["accounting"], ...}
It looks the same as the params from creating a new record. The fields in New.html.erb and Edit.html.erb also use the same markup.
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :type_array, "What type of record?" %><br />
<% ["accounting", "agriculture", "automotive"].each do |type| %>
<%= check_box_tag 'record[type_array][]', type, (true if #record.type_list.include? type),
:id => type %>
<%= label_tag type, type.titleize, :class => type %><br />
<% end %>
Parts of Record.rb
validates :type_array, :presence => true
attr_accessor :type_array
attr_accessible :type_array
before_validation :set_type_list
def set_type_list
self.type_list = type_array.join ',' if type_array.present?
Am I missing something? When I remove the type_array validation and fill out the form, it acts like type_array is empty. Somewhere along the line, it must be lost or something.
I appreciate any help.
(Sidenote: if anyone has a better way to do the list of checkboxes, let me know)

Delete the line attr_accessor :type_array.
This creates accessor methods to a new instance variable, not to the model attribute type_array, which means that #record.type_array now refers to that instance variable instead of the attribute.
You almost never use attr_accessor or it's siblings attr_reader and attr_writer in Rails because you want to deal with model attributes, not instance variables.
Edit: You're using type_array as a virtual attribute.
class Record < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :type_array, :presence => true
attr_accessible :type_array
def type_array=(val)
self.type_list = val.join ','
def type_array
self.type_list.split ','
def type_array_before_type_cast
For the reason why you need that last function definition, see this question.


How to handle data from nested forms in Rails 4 with cocoon gem?

I am using Cocoon gem to do nested forms.
I have models like that:
# request.rb
has_many :filled_cartridges, inverse_of: :request, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :filled_cartridges, :reject_if => :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
belongs_to :request
Inside of my form_for #request i have nested form like that:
<div id="filled_cartridges">
<%= f.fields_for :filled_cartridges do |filled_cartridge| %>
<%= render 'filled_cartridge_fields', f: filled_cartridge %>
<% end %>
<div class="links">
<%= link_to_add_association 'add', f, :filled_cartridges %>
Where filled_cartridge_fields partial is like that:
<%= f.text_field :cartridge_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
<%= link_to_remove_association "remove", f %>
When i click on "add" it adds one more . When clicking on "remove" it removes that .
When i submit form the params for nested form look like that:
filled_cartridges_attributes: !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
'0': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '12'
_destroy: 'false'
'1429260587813': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '2'
_destroy: 'false'
How do i access these params, and how to save them. How to traverse over these params and save them, or do Cocoon gem has some built in functionality? And finally how to check if these params are set? Since it is nested, it tricks me.
EDIT: My request_controllers#create:
def create
#request = request_params )
# code for handling Request model
# here i want to handle nested model too (filled_cartridge)
flash[:success] = "Заявка была добавлена"
redirect_to #request
render 'new'
EDIT2: my strong params:
def request_params
params.require(:request).permit(:name, :address, :phone, :mobile, :type, :description, :priority, :responsible, :price, :payed, :date, filled_cartridges_attributes: [:cartridge_id, :_destroy], :stype_ids => [], :social_media =>[])
In a recent project using cocoon I had to access the params of the attributes about to be saved. I figured a code in my create action in my controller. The trick is to understand how to retrieve the key of the hash of the attribute that is about to be saved. The key of the hash is that number '1429260587813' that is in your params
'1429260587813': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '2'
_destroy: 'false'
So you need to create a loop in your create action to retrieve this key using ruby hash method "keys". I do a loop because when using cocoon dynamic nested field I might create more than one nested attributes at once so it means more than one key to retrieve.
Here is a the code that worked for me, read my comments which explains the different steps of this code. I hope it will help you to adapt it to your needs.
#Here I just initialize an empty array for later use
info_arr = []
#First I check that the targeted params exist (I had this need for my app)
if not params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].nil?
#z variable will tell me how many attributes are to be saved
z = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].keys.count
x = 0
#Initiate loop to go through each of the attribute to be saved
while x < z
#Get the key (remember the number from above) of the first hash (params) attribute
key = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].keys[x]
#use that key to get the content of the attribtue
value = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"][key]
#push the content to an array (I had to do this for my project)
#Through the loop you can perform actions to each single attribute
#In my case, for each attributes I creates a new information association with recipe info_arr[x]["title"]).save
x = x +1
This work to access cocoon nested attribute content and apply actions based on your need. This worked for me so you should be able to use this sample code and adapt it to your need.

Fields_for form fields not displaying in rails form

I have a class Rfsestimation shown below:
class Rfsestimation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :rfstaskset
has_one :rfsnote
enum request_type: [:front_end, :back_end, :front_end_and_back_end]
enum band_type: [:Simple, :Medium, :High, :Complex, :VComplex, :Outside_AD]
**accepts_nested_attributes_for :rfstaskset**
**accepts_nested_attributes_for :rfsnote**
validates_presence_of :number, :name, :date_of_estimation, :request_type_id, :band_id, :hours_per_day, :estimated_start_date, :estimated_end_date, :message => "Should be present"
validates_numericality_of :number
Please see the two lines for association above marked in bold. I am attempting to create the associated objects, Rfsnote and Rfstask through fields_for shown in below form:
<%= f.fields_for :rfstaskset do |rfs_task| %>
However the fields which are supposed to appear do not appear as expected. But if i use rfstasksets, as below, the form fields appear as expected.
What might be the reason for this?
<%= f.fields_for :rfstasksets do |rfs_task| %>
I think you are not building the associated object in your controller.
You new action need to look like this:
def new
#rfsestimation =

How to use collection_select in rails 4 from a model module?

I am trying to use collection_select tag for the default _form.html.erb using a concern/module, I need to set a hash including some department names.
Here is my app/models/concerns/SetDepartment.rb
module Set_Department
extend ActiveSupport :: Concern
def department
department {
Here is the model where I want to call the department method:
class Aplicante < ActiveRecord::Base
include SetDepartment
validates :titulo_id, :primer_nombre,
:primer_apellido, :dpi, :direccion_linea_1,:zona, :department_id, :username,
presence: true
validates :dpi,:username, uniqueness: true
Now, I need to include this hash in a collection_select tag on my app/views/applicants/_form.html.erb
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :department_id %><br>
<%= f.collection_select :department_id, Aplicante.department, Aplicante.department %>
Obviously, this does not work but I can not think on anything else.
I have searched through the internet but I just get tough explinations and none of them involves a module... is it even possible?
I was using the wrong method..
We can not use a collection_select helper with a hash, instead, we need to use the regular select method.
Collection_select is used when you have two models and you want to combine their different values in a drop down menu.
Information about how to use the select tag with a hash here:

Accept Rails model attribute only if it was previously blank

I have a Rails model (persisted with Mongoid) that can be collaboratively edited by any registered user. However, I want to allow editing any particular attribute only if it was previously blank or nil.
For example, say someone created an object, and set its title attribute to "Test Product". Then another user comes along and wants to add a value for price, which until now has been nil.
What's the best way to do this, while locking an attribute that has previously been entered?
Look into the ActiveRecord::Dirty module for some nice utility methods you can use to do something like this:
NON_UPDATABLE_ATTRIBUTES = [:name, :title, :price]
before_validation :check_for_previously_set_attributes
def check_for_previously_set_attributes
att = att.to_s
# changes[att] will be an array of [prev_value, new_value] if the attribute has been changed
errors.add(att, "cannot be updated because it has previously been set") if changes[att] && changes[att].first.present?
The easiest way, i think, is by checking for it in the form itself.
Just say add :disabled => true to the input field if the person cannot edit it.
<% if %>
<%= f.text_field :name, :disabled => true %>
<% else %>
<%= f.text_field :name, :disabled => true %>
<% end %>
(i think there is a prettier way to write this code)
But by using this the user has a visual feed back that he can't do something, it is always better to not allor something than to give an error message

multiple text fields for a single database entry rails 3

In the app I am building I have a need to combine multiple text fields into a single database column.
For example my "Business" entry has a column "Discount"
The text field I want to read something like this:
<%= f.text_field :discount %> % Off <%= f.text_field :discount %>.
I want both of these to be entered into the database as a string: "10% Off Shoes" (or whatever).
Is there a way to do this in Rails 3?
I tried Pan Thomakos's solution (using virtual attributes) and now I am getting the following error:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.split
Extracted source (around line #3):
2: <%= f.label :cost %><br />
3: <%= f.text_field :percentage %> % Off <%= f.text_field :product %>.
app/models/business.rb:11:in `percentage'
I'm not really sure how to handle this! Admittedly I am weak when it comes to working within the model, I probably would have handled this in the controller.
Yes, the best way to do it is to use virtual attributes. Each virtual attribute will keep track of the different parts of the discount and the discount will be the combined field. Here is how I would implement it:
class Business
attr_writer :percentage, :product
before_save :create_discount
def percentage
#percentage.nil? ? discount.to_s.split('% Off ').first : #percentage
def product
#product.nil? ? discount.to_s.split('% Off ').last : #product
def create_discount
discount = "#{#percentage}% Off #{#product}" unless #product.nil? || #percentage.nil?
You can then modify your view to:
<%= f.text_field :percentage %> % Off <%= f.text_field :product %>.
Switch the logic around.
class Business
attr_writer :percentage, :product
before_save :create_discount
def percentage
#percentage.nil? ? #percentage : discount.to_s.split('% Off ').first
def product
#product.nil? ? #product : discount.to_s.split('% Off ').last
def create_discount
discount = "#{#percentage}% Off #{#product}" unless #product.nil? || #percentage.nil?
