Classification of single sentence - machine-learning

I have 4 different categories and I also have around 3000 words which belong to each of these categories. Now if a new sentence comes, I am able to break the sentence into words and get more words related to it. So say for each new sentence I can get 20-30 words generated from the sentence.
Now what is the best way to classify this sentence in above mentioned category? I know bag of words works well.
I also looked at LDA, but it works with documents, where as I have a list of words as a training corpus. In LDA it looks at the position of word in document. So I could not get meaningful results from LDA.

I'm not sure if I fully understand what your question is exactly.
Bag of words works well for some purposes, but in a lot of cases it throws away a lot of potentially useful information (which could be taken from word order, for example).
And assuming that you get a grammatical sentence as input, why not use your sentence as document and still use LDA? The position of a word in your sentence can still be verymeaningful.
There are plenty of classification methods available. Which one is best depens largely on your purpose. If you're neew to this area, this may be interesting to have a look at:

Like, Igor, I am also a bit confused regarding your problem. Be it a document or a sentence, the terms will be part of the feature set for categorization, in some form. You can find out the most relevant terms of each category and using this knowledge, do a better classification of the new sentences. For example, if your sentence is as follows-" There is a stray dog near our layout which bites everyone who goes near to it". If you take the useful keywords from this sentence, removing stopwords, they are a few in number ( stray, dog, layout, bites, near ). You can categorize it into a bucket, "animals_issue". If you train your system with a larger set of example, this bag of words model can help. Otherwise, you can go for LDA/ other topic modelling approaches.


How to seek for bigram similarity in gensim word2vec model

Here I have a word2vec model, suppose I use the google-news-300 model
import gensim.downloader as api
word2vec_model300 = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')
I want to find the similar words for "AI" or "artifical intelligence", so I want to write
word2vec_model300.most_similar("artifical intelligence")
and I got errors
KeyError: "word 'artifical intelligence' not in vocabulary"
So what is the right way to extract similar words for bigram words?
Thanks in advance!
At one level, when a word-token isn't in a fixed set of word-vectors, the creators of that set of word-vectors chose not to train/model that word. So, anything you do will only be a crude workaround for its absence.
Note, though, that when Google prepared those vectors – based on a dataset of news articles from before 2012 – they also ran some statistical multigram-combinations on it, creating multigrams with connecting _ characters. So, first check if a vector for 'artificial_intelligence' might be present.
If it isn't, you could try other rough workarounds like averaging together the vectors for 'artificial' and 'intelligence' – though of course that won't really be what people mean by the distinct combination of those words, just meanings suggested by the independent words.
The Gensim .most_similar() method can take either a raw vectors you've created by operations such as averaging, or even a list of multiple words which it will average for you, as arguments via its explicit keyword positive parameter. For example:
word2vec_model300.most_similar(positive=['artificial', 'intelligence'])
Finally, though Google's old vectors are handy, they're a bit old now, & from a particular domain (popular news articles) where senses may not match tose used in other domains (or more recently). So you may want to seek alternate vectors, or train your own if you have sufficient data from your area of interest, to have apprpriate meanings – including vectors for any particular multigrams you choose to tokenize in your data.

Retrieving the top 5 sentences- Algorithm if any present

I am new to Data Science. This could be a dumb question, but just want to know opinions and confirm if I could enhance it well.
I have a question getting the most common/frequent 5 sentences from the database. I know I could gather all the data (sentences) into a list and using the Counter library - I could fetch the most occurring 5 sentences, but I am interested to know if any algorithm (ML/DL/NLP) is present for such a requirement. All the sentences are given by the user. I need to know his top 5 (most occurring/frequent) sentences (not phrases please)!!
Examples of sentences -
"Welcome to the world of Geeks"
"This portal has been created to provide well written subject"
"If you like Geeks for Geeks and would like to contribute"
"to contribute at geeksforgeeks org See your article appearing on "
"to contribute at geeksforgeeks org See your article appearing on " (occurring for the second time)
"the Geeks for Geeks main page and help thousands of other Geeks."
Note: All my sentences in my database are distinct (contextual wise and no duplicates too). This is just an example for my requirement.
Thanks in Advance.
I'd suggest you to start with sentence embeddings. Briefly, it returns a vector for a given sentence and it roughly represents the meaning of the sentence.
Let's say you have n sentences in your database and you found the sentence embeddings for each sentence so now you have n vectors.
Once you have the vectors, you can use dimensionality reduction techniques such as t-sne to visualize your sentences in 2 or 3 dimensions. In this visualization, sentences that have similar meanings should ideally be close to each other. That may help you pinpoint the most-frequent sentences that are also close in meaning.
I think one problem is that it's still hard to draw boundaries to the meanings of sentences since meaning is intrinsically subjective. You may have to add some heuristics to the process I described above.
Adding to MGoksu's answer, Once you get sentence embeddings, you can apply LSH(Locality Sensitive Hashing) to group the embeddings into clusters.
Once you get the clusters of embeddings. It would be a trivial to get the clusters with highest number of vectors.

Text Corpus for finding important words in a news headline

I am working on a small project which requires me to find the keywords for a news headline. I simply used tfidf using nltk.webtext ( as the corpus and each sentence assumed to be as the document. The idea being idf would give me an idea of how important a word is.
The results would clearly depend largely on the underlying corpus. Webtext clearly is biased towards things on internet, thus they are tagged not-so-important by the algorithm.
What according to you will be a relevant corpus, and
What will be the corresponding document?
Headlines would be centred around politics, events, sports, etc. So, say a book by Charles Dickens would be pretty neutral, but is there more organized way to approach this?

Sentence classification using Weka

I want to classify sentences with Weka. My features are sentence terms (words) and a Part of Speech tag of each terms. I don't know how figure attributes, because if each term is presented as one feature, number of feature for each instance (sentence) has become different. And, if all words in sentence is presented as one feature, how relate words and their POS tag.
Any ideas how I should proceed?
If I understand the question correctly, the answer is as follows: It is most common to treat words independently of their position in the sentence and represent a sentence in the feature space by the number of times each of the known words occurs in that sentence. I.e. there is usually a separate numerical feature for each word present in the training data. Or, if you're willing to use n-grams, a separate feature for every n-gram in the training data (possibly with some frequency threshold).
As for the POS tags, it might make sense to use them as separate features, but only if the classification you're interested in has to do with sentence structure (syntax). Otherwise you might want to just append the POS tag to the word, which would partly disambiguate those words that can represent different parts of speech.

Bag of words Classification

I need find words training words and their classification. Simple classification such as . Sports Entertainment and Politics things like that.
Where Can i find the words and their classifications. I know many universities have done Bag of words classifications. Is there any repository of training examples ?
This is not exactly what you are looking for but you might find interesting.
You can put in a bunch of words, and it will spit out a list of related words, which you could recursively throw back into the first page to get even more related words..
Alternatively, download a huge chunk of wikipedia articles (where you already know the category of each page [ ]) and write a simple script to pick words which have high frequency in articles from one category but very low frequency in articles from other categories
You can use 20 newsgroup data for finding such words per topic. Run a Support Vector Machine on the data, it will give you weights of words for each class. You can use top 20 or 50 words. The data-set has 20 classes like religion, politics, sports etc. Hope it helps you.
I do not know such list of words, but can suggest to use a copy of Wikipedia and wiki classification. You can parse the XML version of Wikipedia (i have done that) and collect words from different topics.
