Retrieving the top 5 sentences- Algorithm if any present - machine-learning

I am new to Data Science. This could be a dumb question, but just want to know opinions and confirm if I could enhance it well.
I have a question getting the most common/frequent 5 sentences from the database. I know I could gather all the data (sentences) into a list and using the Counter library - I could fetch the most occurring 5 sentences, but I am interested to know if any algorithm (ML/DL/NLP) is present for such a requirement. All the sentences are given by the user. I need to know his top 5 (most occurring/frequent) sentences (not phrases please)!!
Examples of sentences -
"Welcome to the world of Geeks"
"This portal has been created to provide well written subject"
"If you like Geeks for Geeks and would like to contribute"
"to contribute at geeksforgeeks org See your article appearing on "
"to contribute at geeksforgeeks org See your article appearing on " (occurring for the second time)
"the Geeks for Geeks main page and help thousands of other Geeks."
Note: All my sentences in my database are distinct (contextual wise and no duplicates too). This is just an example for my requirement.
Thanks in Advance.

I'd suggest you to start with sentence embeddings. Briefly, it returns a vector for a given sentence and it roughly represents the meaning of the sentence.
Let's say you have n sentences in your database and you found the sentence embeddings for each sentence so now you have n vectors.
Once you have the vectors, you can use dimensionality reduction techniques such as t-sne to visualize your sentences in 2 or 3 dimensions. In this visualization, sentences that have similar meanings should ideally be close to each other. That may help you pinpoint the most-frequent sentences that are also close in meaning.
I think one problem is that it's still hard to draw boundaries to the meanings of sentences since meaning is intrinsically subjective. You may have to add some heuristics to the process I described above.

Adding to MGoksu's answer, Once you get sentence embeddings, you can apply LSH(Locality Sensitive Hashing) to group the embeddings into clusters.
Once you get the clusters of embeddings. It would be a trivial to get the clusters with highest number of vectors.


Finding contradictory semantic sentences through natural language processing

I'm working on a project that aims to find conflicting Semantic Sentences (NLP - Semantic Search )
For example
Our text is: "I ate today. The lunch was very tasty. I was an honest guest."
Query: "I had lunch with my friend"
Do we want to give the query model and find the meaning of the sentences with a certain point in terms of synonyms and antonyms?
The solution that came to my mind was to first find the synonymous sentences and extract the key words from the synonymous sentences and then get the semantic opposite words and then find the semantic synonymous sentences based on these opposite words.
Do you think this idea is possible? If you have a solution or experience in this area, please reply
You have not mentioned the exact use case for your problem so I am not sure if the solution I know will help your cause. But there is an approach in NLP (using Deep learning) which helps to find whether two sentences are correlated, unrelated or contradictory.
Below is the information about the pretrained model which is trained specifically for this task ->
The dataset on which the above model is trained is given here ->
You can check the dataset to verify if your use case is related to the classification task performed on the dataset.
Since the model is already pretrained, you do not need to perform any training and can jump straight to evaluation. Once you can somewhat satisfied with the results, you can fine tune the model a bit for your specific problem.
We can talk in comments if you need more clarification.

Classification of single sentence

I have 4 different categories and I also have around 3000 words which belong to each of these categories. Now if a new sentence comes, I am able to break the sentence into words and get more words related to it. So say for each new sentence I can get 20-30 words generated from the sentence.
Now what is the best way to classify this sentence in above mentioned category? I know bag of words works well.
I also looked at LDA, but it works with documents, where as I have a list of words as a training corpus. In LDA it looks at the position of word in document. So I could not get meaningful results from LDA.
I'm not sure if I fully understand what your question is exactly.
Bag of words works well for some purposes, but in a lot of cases it throws away a lot of potentially useful information (which could be taken from word order, for example).
And assuming that you get a grammatical sentence as input, why not use your sentence as document and still use LDA? The position of a word in your sentence can still be verymeaningful.
There are plenty of classification methods available. Which one is best depens largely on your purpose. If you're neew to this area, this may be interesting to have a look at:
Like, Igor, I am also a bit confused regarding your problem. Be it a document or a sentence, the terms will be part of the feature set for categorization, in some form. You can find out the most relevant terms of each category and using this knowledge, do a better classification of the new sentences. For example, if your sentence is as follows-" There is a stray dog near our layout which bites everyone who goes near to it". If you take the useful keywords from this sentence, removing stopwords, they are a few in number ( stray, dog, layout, bites, near ). You can categorize it into a bucket, "animals_issue". If you train your system with a larger set of example, this bag of words model can help. Otherwise, you can go for LDA/ other topic modelling approaches.

Stemming in Text Classification - Degrades Accuracy?

I am implementing a text classification system using Mahout. I have read stop-words removal and stemming helps to improve accuracy of Text classification. In my case removing stop-words giving better accuracy, but stemming is not helping much. I found 3-5% decrease in accuracy after applying stemmer. I tried with porter stemmer and k-stem but got almost same result in both the cases.
I am using Naive Bayes algorithm for classification.
Any help is greatly appreciated in advance.
First of all, you need to understand why stemming normally improve accuracy. Imagine following sentence in a training set:
He played below-average football in 2013, but was viewed as an ascending player before that and can play guard or center.
and following in a test set:
We’re looking at a number of players, including Mark
First sentence contains number of words referring to sports, including word "player". Second sentence from test set also mentions player, but, oh, it's in plural - "players", not "player" - so for classifier it is a distinct, unrelated variable.
Stemming tries to cut off details like exact form of a word and produce word bases as features for classification. In example above, stemming could shorten both words to "player" (or even "play") and use them as the same feature, thus having more chances to classify second sentence as belonging to "sports" class.
Sometimes, however, these details play important role by themselves. For example, phrase "runs today" may refer to a runner, while "long running" may be about phone battery lifetime. In this case stemming makes classification worse, not better.
What you can do here is to use additional features that can help to distinguish between different meanings of same words/stems. Two popular approaches are n-grams (e.g. bigrams, features made of word pairs instead of individual words) and part-of-speech (POS) tags. You can try any combination of them, e.g. stems + bigrams of stems, or words + bigrams of words, or stems + POS tags, or stems, bigrams and POS tags, etc.
Also, try out other algorithms. E.g. SVM uses very different approach than Naive Bayes, so it can catch things in data that NB ignores.

Feature extraction from a single word

Usually one wants to get a feature from a text by using the bag of words approach, counting the words and calculate different measures, for example tf-idf values, like this: How to include words as numerical feature in classification
But my problem is different, I want to extract a feature vector from a single word. I want to know for example that potatoes and french fries are close to each other in the vector space, since they are both made of potatoes. I want to know that milk and cream also are close, hot and warm, stone and hard and so on.
What is this problem called? Can I learn the similarities and features of words by just looking at a large number documents?
I will not make the implementation in English, so I can't use databases.
hmm,feature extraction (e.g. tf-idf) on text data are based on statistics. On the other hand, you are looking for sense (semantics). Therefore no such a method like tf-idef will work for you.
In NLP exists 3 basic levels:
morphological analyses
syntactic analyses
semantic analyses
(higher number represents bigger problems :)). Morphology is known for majority languages. Syntactic analyses is a bigger problem (it deals with things like what is verb, noun in some sentence,...). Semantic analyses has the most challenges, since it deals with meaning which is quite difficult to represent in machines, have many exceptions and are language-specific.
As far as I understand you want to know some relationships between words, this can be done via so-called dependency tree banks, (or just treebank): . It is a database/graph of sentences where a word can be considered as a node and relationship as arc. There is good treebank for czech language and for english there will be also some, but for many 'less-covered' languages it can be a problem to find one ...
Here is a simple idea that I have used in the past. Collect a large number of short documents like Wikipedia articles. Do a word count on each document. For the ith document and the jth word let
I = the number of documents,
J = the number of words,
x_ij = the number of times the jth word appears in the ith document, and
y_ij = ln( 1+ x_ij).
Let [U, D, V] = svd(Y) be the singular value decomposition of Y. So Y = U*D*transpose(V)), U is IxI, D is diagonal IxJ, and V is JxJ.
You can use (V_1j, V_2j, V_3j, V_4j) as a feature vector in R^4 for the jth word.
I am surprised the previous answers haven't mentioned word embedding. Word embedding algorithm can produce word vectors for each word a given dataset. These algorithms can nfer word vectors from the context. For instance, by looking at the context of the following sentences we can say that "clever" and "smart" is somehow related. Because the context is almost the same.
He is a clever guy
He is a smart guy
A co-occurrence matrix can be constructed to do this. However, it is too inefficient. A famous technique designed for this purpose is called Word2Vec. It can be studied from the following papers.
I have been using it for Swedish. It is quite effective in detecting similar words and completely unsupervised.
A package could be find in gensim and tensorflow.

Choosing Features to identify Twitter Questions as "Useful"

I collect a bunch of questions from Twitter's stream by using a regular expression to pick out any tweet that contains a text that starts with a question type: who, what, when, where etc and ends with a question mark.
As such, I end up getting several non-useful questions in my database like: 'who cares?', 'what's this?' etc and some useful ones like: 'How often is there a basketball fight?', 'How much does a polar bear weigh?' etc
However, I am only interested in useful questions.
I have got about 3000 questions, ~2000 of them are not useful, ~1000 of them are useful that I have manually label them. I am attempting to use a naive Bayesian classifier (that comes with NLTK) to try to classify questions automatically so that I don't have to manually pick out the useful questions.
As a start, I tried choosing the first three words of a question as a feature but this doesn't help very much. Out of 100 questions the classifier predicted only around 10%-15% as being correct for useful questions. It also failed to pick out the useful questions from the ones that it predicted not useful.
I have tried other features such as: including all the words, including the length of the questions but the results did not change significantly.
Any suggestions on how I should choose the features or carry on?
Some random suggestions.
Add a pre-processing step and remove stop-words like this, a, of, and, etc.
How often is there a basketball fight
First you remove some stop words, you get
how often basketball fight
Calculate tf-idf score for each word (Treating each tweet as a document, to calculate the score, you need the whole corpus in order to get document frequency.)
For a sentence like above, you calculate tf-idf score for each word:
This might be useful.
Try below additional features for your classifier
average tf-idf score
median tf-idf score
max tf-idf score
Furthermore, try a pos-tagger and generate a categorized sentence for each tweet.
>>> import nltk
>>> text = nltk.word_tokenize(" How often is there a basketball fight")
>>> nltk.pos_tag(text)
[('How', 'WRB'), ('often', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('there', 'EX'), ('a', 'DT'), ('basketball', 'NN'), ('fight', 'NN')]
Then you have possibly additional features to try that related to pos-tags.
Some other features that might be useful, see paper - qtweet (that is a paper for tweet question identification) for details.
whether the tweet contains any url
whether the tweet contains any email or phone number
whether there is any strong feeling such as ! follows the question.
whether unigram words present in the contexts of tweets.
whether the tweet mentions other user's name
whether the tweet is a retweet
whether the tweet contains any hashtag #
FYI, the author of qtweet attempted 4 different classifiers, namely, Random Forest, SVM, J48 and Logistic regression. Random forest performed best among them.
Hope they help.
A most likely very powerful feature you could try and build (Not sure if its possible) is it there is a reply to the tweet in question.
