Linker Error with SoundCloud iOS SDK - ios

I am trying to link the frameworks needed for SoundCloud SDK based on this tutorial
It tells you to link libSoundCloudAPI.a, libSoundCloudUI.a, etc and they appear in my workspace folder when I add them but after I add them they appear red and Xcode cannot find them. When I build obviously I get a Mach -O Linker Error because Xcode cannot locate these files. I've searched through the frameworks as well and couldn't find them.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

I am afraid SoundCloud decided not to maintain anymore this library, so I decided to create my own one and publish it. Maybe it can help you.
ABMSoundCloudAPI on Github


IOS app development on Xcode (12 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64

i'm following a tutorial for a login app with firebase and i have only one error i can't understand. I already searched online and i found somenthing similar here on stackoverflow but didn't understand the solution (it was too old).
This is the error:
Can you guys help me with that?
I looks like you are compiling duplicate source files.
Open PromisesObjC in the Project Navigator
Go to the Build Phases tab
Check the Compile Sources section for duplicates and remove the duplicate entry
Clean Build Folder
This occurs when you install Firebase via Swift Package Manager, and Google AdMobs SDK via CocoaPods. Unfortunately, this is how the current official documentation guides you. You end up with duplicated libraries in your project.
After trying many things, I've got rid of this issue by installing Firebase via Cocoapods as well.

Error linker command failed with exit code 1 (while Paytm payment integration)

I have this errors while compiling my code after writing code for Paytm payment Integration in my app. Here I attach a Screen Shot for the error:
I have tried restarting Xcode/ Clean Build.
Added System configuration framework to my project as per this step-0
Followed all the steps as perthis answer
Has anyone faced this type of issue ever?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Finally after two days of scratching my head and trying almost all the solutions, I found a simple problem while adding Paytm Library.
I would like you to be aware while integrating Paytm.
Here are the correct steps to follow:
Add Paytm Libraries instead of using pod 'Paytm-Payments'
Here is the link to download the Github repo and get the Library
Don't forget to add Paytm Sdk just under your main project. (Not under Libraries folder)
Set Enable Bitcode to No in Build Settings.
Now Clean your project and Build again.
That's it. You're all set.
For more detail, go through this documentation.
Thanks :)

React Native build release: linker command failed with exit code 1

I'm trying to build an archive of my app developed in react native.
I keep getting the following error though:
I've browsed similar issues on github, like this one: but it's not relevant to my issue since I don't use maps.
I bet some of you have already came through this hell with releasing RN app, any help appreciated.
yes i am in this hell to! i think you have to do this:
xcode > your target > remove -IGTMSessionFetcher library from Libraries folder and "Linked Framwork and Libraries" section,hope this help

Adobe Creative SDK in Swift

I'm trying to integrate Adobe Creative SDK with swift and followed the 'getting started' from the Adobe Creative documentation which does not support swift, so i looked for an example to show me how to make the bridging and implementation in swift, cause my trial was unsuccessful and i get a linker error,
'framework not found AdobeCreativeSDKImage'
but as you can see all the frameworks are in my project...
i'm looking for an example project to see how it is done or something that will help me understand how it is done.
the problem might be that you're pointing to frameworks that aren't in the project directory.
¿what does your Build Setting for Framework Search Paths look like?
mine are like this,
you have to
remove the existing entries in the Link Build Phase
move the frameworks to somewhere within your project folder
add the frameworks again to the Link Build Phase

ios path issue in app missing libidn-1.15.tar.gz

I just downloaded this git app
I am trying to run the app. I am ios compelte newbie. I have it pulled up in my code but it gives me this error
I am not sure how to solve this issue. I am running xcode Version 6.1.1(6A2008a) How do I try debug this issue in ios?
I tried to do a search for the folder and this is what came up
After a little search I found this
But it does not tell me where and how to add that file and framework?
I faced the same problem. What I did is just remove the libidn from Link Framework and Libraries, then add the library again.
To Remove: go to Build Phases->Link Framework and Libraries->Libidn
To Add Again: on Build Phases->Link Framework and Libraries->Click Plus Sign->Select Add Other and browse the location of libidn (XMPP->Vendor->Libidn->libidn.a)
Hope this helps.
If you check this link you will come to know that the owner of that project does not wish to provide an further support to users.
"You are own your own from here" [taken from project's read me file] I guess you will have to do some research and hard-work if you wish to continue to use this project.
