Spring Session without additional context initialization? - spring-session

I'm trying to use the recently released Spring Session library to do external session management in Redis. I'm using this guide. When I try to start my server, I get this error:
SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot initialize context because there is already a root application context present - check whether you have multiple ContextLoader* definitions in your web.xml!
I assume this is because my webapp already has code for context initialization. I would prefer to leave that code as is. Is there some way to achieve the result of that tutorial without having to do an additional context initialization? It doesn't really seem like it should be necessary if I can add the springSessionRepositoryFilter bean and corresponding filter object myself, but I don't know how the Spring Session code does that internally.

With Spring Boot application it does not need using initializer classes as spring offical reference:
http://docs.spring.io/spring-session/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/html5/guides/boot.html .
Also using spring security you can check below spring tutorial:
import org.springframework.session.web.context.AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer;
public class Initializer extends AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer {
If you want to configure with maven instead of gradle you can check my answer in comment.
Hope it helps!

The changes you need to make to your existing initializer should be minimal. First, it probably implements WebApplicationInitializer currently and this should be changed to extend AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer. Second, in your onStartup method, add super.onStartup(servletContext) after your existing initialization code.
public class Initializer extends AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException
// existing code
I know you were not wanting to change your initializer, but this is a very minimal approach to make it work.


How do I set a global error handler without overriding existing RabbitListenerContainerFactory in Spring AMQP?

I have a situation where there are many downstream projects using a same common library holding the RabbitMQ configuration.
I want to add a global error handler in such common configuration but pretty much all online documentation says that I have to declare my own RabbitListenerContainerFactory so that I can set my error handler in the bean definition code (e.g. via autowiring a SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer whose by the way I haven't fully understood the purpose).
However, I don't want to override any existing RabbitListenerContainerFactory, because some of the downstream projects declare their own implementation of it, and I don't want to go and set my global error handler for each of them. I want to declare the global error handler only in the common library and once for all.
How can I do that by using the existing implementation of RabbitListenerContainerFactory whatever that is?
Seems like I have found a working solution.
public class SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryExtraConfig {
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryExtraConfig(
final SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory,
final MyErrorHandler handler) {

How to inject an e4view with Guice injection

I am working on an existing Eclipse RCP based on Luna which consists of 99% 3.x API. We want to change this in an ongoing process; so when I was given the task of creating a new view, I wanted to use the new (in Luna, anyways) e4view element for the org.eclipse.ui.views extension point.
My problem is that part of the RCP uses xtext and thus, several components are available by using Guice.
I am now stranded with something like this
public class MyViewPart
#Inject // <- should be injected via Guice (I used #com.google.inject.Inject, otherwise E4DI would complain)
ISomeCustomComponent component;
#PostConstruct // <- should be called and injected via E4 DI
public void createView(Composite parent)
// ...
To get this injected with Guice, I would usually use an AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory (as usually done in Xtext contexts) like this:
name="my view"
But I did not expect this to work, because I thought it would bypass the E4 mechanism (actually, it seems to be the other way round and the e4view.class element seems to ignore the extension factory and just uses my.app.MyViewPart to inject it with E4DI. To be sure, I have set a class loading breakpoint to MyViewPart which is hit from ContextInjectionFactory.make()).
As I said, I didn't expect both DI frameworks to coexist without conflict, so I think the solution to my problem would be to put those object which I need injected into the E4 context.
I have googled a bit but I have found multiple approaches, and I don't know which one is the "correct" or "nice" one.
Among the approaches I have found, there are:
providing context functions which delegate to the guice injector
retrieving the objects from guice and configure them as injector bindings
retrieving the objects from guice, obtain a context and put them in the context
(The first two approaches are mentioned in the "Configure Bindings" section of https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse4/RCP/Dependency_Injection)
And of course I could get the objects from Guice in the MyViewPart implementation, but that's not what I want...
[Edit:] In the meantime I have explored the options above a bit more:
Context Functions
I tried to register the context functions as services in the Bundle Activator with this utility method:
private void registerGuiceDelegatingInjection(final BundleContext context, final Class<?> clazz)
IContextFunction func = new ContextFunction()
public Object compute(final IEclipseContext context, final String contextKey)
return guiceInjector.getInstance(clazz);
ServiceRegistration<IContextFunction> registration =
context.registerService(IContextFunction.class, func,
new Hashtable<>(Collections.singletonMap(
IContextFunction.SERVICE_CONTEXT_KEY, clazz.getName()
and called registerGuiceDelegatingInjection() in the BundleActivator's start() method for each class I needed to be retrieved via Guice.
For some reason, however, this did not work. The service itself was registered as expected (I checked via the OSGi console) but the context function was never called. Instead I got injection errors that the objects could not be found during injection. Maybe the context functions cannot be contributed dynamically but have to be contributed via declarative services, so they are known as soon as the platform starts?
(Answer here is: yes. As the JavaDoc to IContextFunction says: Context functions can optionally be registered as OSGi services [...] to seed context instances with initial values. - and since the application context already exists when my bundle is started, the dynamically registered service is not seen by the ContextFactory in time).
Injector Bindings
I quickly found out that this solution does not work for me, because you can only specify an interface-class to implementation-class mapping in the form
You obviously cannot configure instances or factories this way, so this is not an option, because I need to delegate to Guice and get Guice-injected instances of the target classes...
Putting the objects in the context
This currently works for me, but is not very nice. See answer below.
[Edit 2:] As I have reported, putting the objects in the (application) context works for me. The downside is that having the objects in the application context is too global. If I had two or more bundles which would require injection of object instances for another DSL, I would have to take care (e.g., by using #Named annotations) to not get the wrong instance injected.
What I would like better is a way to extend the Part's context with which my e4view is created and injected directly. But so far I have not found a way to explicitly target that context when putting in my instances ...
Thanks for any further hints...
Try the processor mechanism of E4: You should be using a (Pre or Post) Processor (along with the PostContextCreate annotation) to register your POJOs into the (global) IEclipseContext.
The solution that worked for me best so far was getting the IEclipseContext and put the required classes there myself during the bundle activator's start() method.
private void registerGuiceDelegatingInjection(final BundleContext context, final Class<?> clazz)
IServiceLocator s = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
IEclipseContext ctx = (IEclipseContext) s.getService(IEclipseContext.class);
ctx.set(clazz.getName(), guiceInjector.getInstance(clazz));
This works at least for now. I am not sure how it works out in the future if more bundles would directly put instances in the context; maybe in the long-term named instances would be needed. Also, for me this works, because the injected objects are singletons, so it does not do any harm to put single instances in the context.
I would have liked the context function approach better, but I could not get it to work so far.

Grails access domain data during service initialization

I am trying to implement a search service where i want to do some initial data caching when the service is created. The service implements the spring framework InitializingBean interface, but when I try to use the afterPropertiesSet method to get data from my domains, I get an error stating that GORM is not ready for use. Is there any way to have domain objects available for use in the afterPropertiesSet method? Grails 2.5.0.
I'm not aware of an event or something similar to notify when domain classes have been initialized, but it does happen before BootStrap runs. For cases like this where afterPropertiesSet is too early to do something, you can dependency-inject the service in BootStrap and call your own init method, e.g.
class BootStrap {
def myService
def init = {

How do you deal with shared data in stateless grails service

I was trying to implement a grails SearchService that indexes certain text and stores it in memory for faster lookup. In order to store this data, I was trying to use a private static property in the Service to store the data, but the property was randomly resetting values. After rereading documentation, I realized that this is likely because grails services are supposed to be stateless since the employee the singleton pattern. Still, not sure I understand how a static variable can vary. Does the JVM load separate copies of service classes per thread? Not sure I'm wrapping my head around what's happening.
Nonetheless, now that I know I can't rely on static variables to store application-wide data, what's the best approach to store and access data for use across the application, while keeping synchronization and avoiding races?
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method on class [TEXTSTORE] was used outside of a Grails application. If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or bootstrap Grails correctly.
at SearchService.buildIndex(SearchService.groovy:63)
at SearchService$_indexAllDomains_closure2.doCall(SearchService.groovy:42)
at SearchService.indexAllDomains(SearchService.groovy:41)
at SearchService.$tt__rebuildIndex(SearchService.groovy:48)
at SearchService.afterPropertiesSet(SearchService.groovy:35)
... 4 more
You seem to be a bit confused about services in Grails. There is no reason why a service (defaulting to singleton) can't have shared state. It's not uncommon for a service to populate some cached or indexed data when it is created so it can be used by multiple callers.
Most often this is done by implementing the org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean interface and making use of the afterPropertiesSet() method which is called when the service (Spring bean) has been created in the application context and all dependencies have been resolved.
For example:
package com.example
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
class MyExampleService implements InitializingBean {
private List data
def otherService
void afterPropertiesSet() {
data = otherService.doSomethingToFetchData()
// .. other stuff
By hooking into the lifecycle of the bean you can be fairly sure that even in development (when your service reloads because you've changed some code) it will still have the data needed.

how to invoke unsecured proxy while using spring security annotations?

I am using spring security annotations in my project. There are scenarios when i want to invoke security-less version of the annotated object. Spring by default creates a security-enabled proxy of the annotated object and uses it for autowiring in the code, is there any way that i can achieve this using spring ?
An obvious way to do this would be to manually create proxy classes corresponding to each class for which i want this feature have those methods annotated and the implementation of these methods just delegate it to the actual object.
As an option in a case of JDK proxies you can get actual bean at runtime:
MyBean proxy;
if(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(proxy)) {
MyBean actualInstance = (MyBean) ((Advised)proxy).getTargetSource().getTarget()
actualInstance.doSomethingSecured(); // no advice related to this method will be called
// so your security annotation will be ignored (transactions, cache, and everething that requires AOP too...)
But from architectural point of view approach with manual proxies looks less error phrone (except if you absolutely sure that you do not need security and all another possible aspects too).
You can improve readability using generics:
MyBean actualInstance = extractProxyTarget(proxy, proxy.getClass());
