change path of screenshot taken by calabash in ios simulator on scenario failure using ruby - ios

i am using calabash to do testing on a iOS native app. calabash takes a screenshot and names it screenshot_0 on scenario failure and saves it in my project directory.
i want to know how i can change the path of the screenshot and how i can change the name of the file.
i used the following:
dir_path = "/Users/bmw/Desktop/Calabash/screenshots "
unless Dir.exist?(dir_path)
puts "=========Directory is created at #{dir_path}"
puts "=========Directory already exists at #{dir_path}"
#Run after each scenario
After do |scenario|
#Check, scenario is failed?
time ='%Y_%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S_')
name_of_scenario = time +\s+/, "_").gsub("/","_")
puts "Name of snapshot is #{name_of_scenario}"
file_path = File.expand_path(dir_path)+'/'+name_of_scenario +'.png'
page.driver.simulator.save_screenshot file_path
puts "Snapshot is taken"
puts "#===========================================================#"
puts "Scenario:: #{}"
puts "#===========================================================#"
i had seen page.driver.browser,simulator.save_screenshot somewhere... and replaced browser with simulator and that did not work...
is there any way to change location where ios sim saves simulator without touching failure_helpers?

Calabash exposes and environment variable named SCREENSHOT_PATH you can use to set the path where to save the screenshots.
As for the file name, you might want to try and use the screenshot API. Reading your comment you seem to have tried it already, but I think you might not have used the proper signature.
Looking at the source for screenshot we see that it's defined like this:
def screenshot(options={:prefix => nil, :name => nil})
As you can see it's expecting a map, so what you should try is
screenshot({:name => name_of_scenario })
Also note that the documentation says that the use of screenshot_embed is preferred to screenshot.


Ruby on Rails - How to convert to images some elements from a word document

In our platform we allow users to upload word documents, those documents are stored in google drive and then dowloaded again to our platform in HTML format to create a section where the users can interact with that content.
Rails 5.0.7
Ruby 2.5.7p206
selenium-webdriver 3.142.7 (latest stable version compatible with our ruby and rails versions)
Some of the documents have charts or graphics inside that are not processed correctly giving wrong results after all the process.
We have been trying to fix this problem at the moment we get the word document and before to send it to google drive.
I'm looking for a simple way to export the entire chart and/or table as an image, if anyone knows of a way to do this the advice would be much appreciated.
Edit 1: Adding some screenshots:
This screenshot is from the original word doc:
And this is how it looks in our systems:
Here are the approaches I have tried that haven't worked for me so far.
Approach 1
Using nokogiri to read the document and found the nodes that contain the charts (we've found that they are called drawing) and then use Selenium to navigate through the file and take and screenshot of that particular section.
The problem we found with this approach is that the versions our gems are not compatible with the latest versions of selenium and its web drivers (chrome or firefox) and it is not posible to perform this action.
Other problem, and it seems is due to security, is that selenium is not able to browse inside local files and open it.
options = '/usr/bin/firefox', headless: true)
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options
path = "#{Rails.root}/doc_file.docx""file://#{path}")
# Here occurs the first issue, it is not able to navigate to the file
puts "Title: #{driver.title}"
puts "URL: #{driver.current_url}"
# Below is the code that I am trying to use to replace the images with the modified images
drawing_elements = driver.find_elements(:css, 'w|drawing')
modified_paragraphs = []
drawing_elements.each do |drawing_element|
paragraph_element = drawing_element.find_element(:xpath, '..')'paragraph.png')
modified_paragraph ='paragraph.png')
modified_paragraphs << modified_paragraph
file =, 'doc_file.docx'))
doc = Nokogiri::XML(file)
drawing_elements = doc.css('w|drawing')
drawing_elements.each_with_index do |drawing_element, i|
paragraph_element = drawing_element.parent
new_doc_file = File.write('modified_doc.docx', doc.to_xml)
s3_client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path, body: new_doc_file)
Approach 2
Using nokogiri to get the drawing elements and the try to convert it directly to an image using rmagick or mini_magick.
It is only possible if the drawing element actually contains an image, it can convert that correctly to an image, but the problem is when inside of the drawing element are not images but other elements like graphicData, pic, blipFill, blip. It needs to start looping into the element and rebuilding it, but at that point of time it seems that the element is malformed and it can't rebuild it.
Other issue with this approach is when it founds elements that seem to conform an svg file, it also needs to loop into all the elements and try to rebuild it, but the same as the above issue, it seems that the element is malformed.
response = s3_client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path)
docx =
Zip::File.open_buffer(docx) do |zip|
doc = zip.find_entry("word/document.xml")
doc_xml =
doc = Nokogiri::XML(doc_xml)
drawing_elements = doc.xpath("//w:drawing")
drawing_elements.each do |drawing_element|
node = get_chil_by_name(drawing_element, "graphic")
if node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:pic/a:blipFill/a:blip").any?
img_data = node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:pic/a:blipFill/a:blip").first.attributes["r:embed"].value
img = Magick::Image.from_blob(img_data).first
node.replace("<img src='#{img.to_blob}'/>")
elsif node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:svg").any?
svg_data = node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:svg").to_s
Prawn::Document.generate("node.pdf") do |pdf|
pdf.svg svg_data, at: [0, pdf.cursor], width: pdf.bounds.width
puts "unsupported format"
# update the file in S3
s3.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path, body: doc)
Approach 3
Convert the elements since its parents to a pdf file and then to an image.
Basically the same issue as in the approach 2, it needs to loop inside all the elements and try to rebuild it, we haven't found a way to do that.

after_create file saving callback resulting in intermittent error

In my user model, I have an after_create callback that looks like this:
def set_default_profile_image
file =[self.initials, ".jpg"])
file.write(Avatarly.generate_avatar(self.full_name, format: "jpg", size: 300))
self.profile_image =
(self.initials is simply a utility method that returns the user's initials, so that e.g. my profile image would be "HB.jpg".)
If I call the method directly on an existing user, it works maybe 80% of the time. The other times, it gives me an error message so long I can't reproduce it here (I can't even scroll back far enough in tmux to see the start of it). The error message (or what I can see of it, anyway) comprises a list of MIME types, followed by this bit:
content type discovered from file command: application/x-empty. See documentation to allow this combination.
If I create a new user, the callback results in the same error message 100% of the time.
My method uses the Avatarly gem to generate placeholder avatars; the gem yields them in blob form, hence the creation of a Tempfile to write to.
I can't understand why the above error would occur.
Make sure that full_name has a valid return value and try moving your save call into the begin section. You may be racing against a save and the tempfile being removed/unlink.
What do you expect happens when you do this?
self.profile_image =
Without a block, this is the same as:
self.profile_image =
They both return a file object. Is profile_image in the database? I'm pretty sure it is going to be mad that you sent a File object to be persisted. If you want the data from that file in the database, do something like:
self.profile_image =
If you want to save the tempfile's path:
self.profile_image = File.path(file.path)
If you are using the path remember that you are saving a tempfile, and the file will not last very long!
I found the solution in an issue on Paperclip's github. I don't really understand the causes very well, but it seems that this is a filesystem issue, where the Tempfile is not yet persisted to disk by the time it gets read into the model.
The solution is to do absolutely anything to the Tempfile before assigning it; works just fine.
def set_default_profile_image
file =[self.initials, ".jpg"])
file.write(Avatarly.generate_avatar(self.full_name, format: "jpg", size: 300)) # <-- this fixes the issue
self.profile_image =

Carrierwave & Zipfiles: Using an extracted file as a version

Something I'm not getting about the version process...
I have a zip file with a file inside, and I want to upload the file as a "version" of the zip:
version :specificFile do
process :extract_file
def extract_file
file = nil do |zip_file|
file ={|f|}.first
zip_file.extract(file, "tmp/" +"/", "-")){ true }
end"tmp/" +"/", "-"))
=link_to "Specific File", instance.uploader.specificFile.url
Only this just nets me two copies of the zip. Clearly, there's something I'm missing about how version / process works, and I haven't been able to find documentation that actually explains the magic.
So how do I do this, and what am I missing?
This provided the "why", although it took a bit to understand:
How do you create a new file in a CarrierWave process?
To rephrase, when you go to create a version, carrierwave makes a copy of the file and then passes the process the file path. When the process exits, carrierwave will upload the contents of that path - not the file the process returns, which is what I thought was going on.
Working code:
version :specificFile do
process :extract_file
def full_filename (for_file = model.logo.file)
def extract_plist
file = nil do |zip_file|
file ={|f|}.first
zip_file.extract(file, "tmp/" +"/", "-")){ true }
FileUtils.cp("tmp/" +"/", "-"), current_path)
So, to make what I want to happen, happen, I:
Tell carrierwave to use a particular filename. I'm using a hardcoded value but you should be able to use whatever you want.
Overwrite the contents of current_path with the contents you want under the version name. In my case, I can't just overwrite the zip while I'm "in it" (I think), so I make a copy of the file I care about and overwrite the zip via File and FileUtils.
PS - It would be nice to avoid the duplication of the zip, but it doesn't look like you can tell carrierwave to skip the duplication.

Ruby tool that pics a folder on the local drive?

Ok so i have a ruby script that currently prompts the user for a string location of a folder on the users harddrive ...this works well
puts "\nEnter the location of the files"
loop do
print "\nLocation: "
reply = ''
reply = STDIN.gets.strip
break if
But i was wondering if there was another tool other then the STDIN (which currently makes the user enter a string of the path) that will popup a folder search that the user can navigate to ...if there is anything else I can provide for anyone to help you help me..
I can ever use rails if there is no other option but i have no idea whats available to me
There are a many Ruby GUI libraries; pick one--most will have a file dialog.
For simple dialogs, Zenity is fine.
This is a file selection dialog:
file = `zenity --file-selection --title="Select a file"`.chomp
Adding one parameter changes it to a directory selection dialog:
dir = `zenity --file-selection --directory --title="Select a directory"`.chomp

Rails detect changes to files programatically

I would like to write a method that programatically detects whether any of the files in my rails app have been changed. Is it possible do do something like an MD5 of the whole app and store that in a session variable?
This is mostly for having some fun with cache manifest. I already have a dynamically generated cache and it works well in production. But in my dev environment, I would like the id of that cache to update whenever I change anything in the app directory (as opposed to every 10 seconds, which is how I have it setup right now).
File.ctime(".") would be perfect, except that "." is not marked as having changed when deeper directory files have changed.
Does it make sense to iterate through all directories in "." and add together the ctimes for each?
Have you considered using Guard.
You can programatically do anything whenever a file in your project changes.
There is a nice railscast about it
There is a simple ruby gem called filewatcher. This is the most advanced example:
require 'filewatcher'["README.rdoc"]).watch() do |filename, event|
if(event == :changed)
puts "File updated: " + filename
if(event == :delete)
puts "File deleted: " + filename
if(event == :new)
puts "New file: " + filename
File.ctime is the key. Iterate through all files and create a unique id based on the sum of all their ctimes:
cache_id = 0
Dir.glob('./**/*') do |this_file|
ignore_files = ['.', '..', "log"]
ignore_files.each do |ig|
next if this_file == ig
cache_id += File.ctime(this_file).to_i if
Works like a charm, page only re-caches when it needs to, even in development.
