iPad3 treats my iPad app as an iPhone app - ios

I had an iPhone app that I needed to convert to be iPad compatible.
I added an iPad stroyboard as per this answer and even changed it so that it could be iPad only.
The iPad layout shows up fine on all iPad simulators and when i run it on an ipad2 device. But when i run it on an iPad 3 device, it shows the iPhone layout instead and the scale factor (x2, x1) shows up in the upper right corner of the screen.
I already added an iPad launchImage, and App icon. my info.plist contains both iPhone and iPad storyboard names.
what could cause the iPad3 to treat the app as iPhone given that it works fine on iPad2 device and all simulators ?
Turned out the iPad was jailbroken and had RetinaPad installed (from cydia). Removed it and everything worked well.

Probably you have an older version of your app in your iPad or your resources are cached.
First of all be sure that in your project definitions the devices is set to "Universal".
Then, if this is set, remove the app from the iPad then do a force clean in XCode (go to Product then press alt and then click "Clean Build Folder"). Then run in the iPad again.


xcode 6.1 not loading proper iPhone 6 and 6+ simulator

I made my entire app in Xcode 5.1.1. Saturday I downloaded Xcode 6.1 to make my app on iPhone 6 and 6+. I already placed the proper launch images and app icons for iPhone 6 and 6+. (For this app i'm not using size classes because Auto Layout doesn't work for me in this app.) I changed some of my code to fit iPhone 6 and 6+ but the simulator clearly isn't playing iPhone 6 and 6+ because none of the UIImageViews moved according to where I placed them with the code. It's still playing the zoomed in version of iPhone 5. How do I load the iPhone 6 and 6+ simulators according to my code and not the zoomed in version of iPhone 5?
I was told to place launch images for iPhone 6 and 6+ and it'd work, but it didn't.
here's what worked for me:
From the xcode pull down menus, Xcode > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator (if you get a pop up error just dismiss it)
Once in the Simulator go to Hardware > Device > Manage Devices.
Delete everything listed under simulator.
Reboot your machine.
After that navigate back to Manage Devices in the simulator and click the plus to add back your simulators. Then the iOS 8 simulators will show up. Hope that also helps you.
The old launch image asset doesn't provide the necessary support for iphone 6/6+. Remove your old LaunchImage item in your images.xcassets and create a new one. There will be additional options for adding the proper launch images for iphone 6/6+.

iPhone app compiled with Xcode 6 on runs as Universal on iPad

I have got an app developed for iPhone family only, and I used to run it on iPad to test how it will look on iPhone 4s (since it launched with iPhone 4s resolution, size, and else '2x' round button for fullscreen support). However, now when I run it on my iPad with iOS 8, Xcode ignores all build settings and runs it as for iPad. My storyboard constraints were not projected for iPad screen.
I have:
Devices option set to iPhone on General tab in project settings
Main storyboard file name and Main storyboard file name are removed from Info-plist
All App Icons and Launch Images for iPad are deleted
In Launch Screen File the option Use Size Classes set to NO, and the assets are generated for iPhone only
Is that a normal behavior? I want to use my iPad as before to test iPhone 4s resolution. I am sure that my app won't become universal because of that, but nevertheless I think this is a problem.
The use of Launch Screen File in iOS 8.0, 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 will make you universal.
This is a know bug and fixed in iOS 8.1, for you only option is to use assets catalog with a launch images.
Or you can add the device modifier in the Launch file name, like <launchNib>~iphone.nib

iPhone-only app isn't iPhone only for some reason [duplicate]

I have got an app developed for iPhone family only, and I used to run it on iPad to test how it will look on iPhone 4s (since it launched with iPhone 4s resolution, size, and else '2x' round button for fullscreen support). However, now when I run it on my iPad with iOS 8, Xcode ignores all build settings and runs it as for iPad. My storyboard constraints were not projected for iPad screen.
I have:
Devices option set to iPhone on General tab in project settings
Main storyboard file name and Main storyboard file name are removed from Info-plist
All App Icons and Launch Images for iPad are deleted
In Launch Screen File the option Use Size Classes set to NO, and the assets are generated for iPhone only
Is that a normal behavior? I want to use my iPad as before to test iPhone 4s resolution. I am sure that my app won't become universal because of that, but nevertheless I think this is a problem.
The use of Launch Screen File in iOS 8.0, 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 will make you universal.
This is a know bug and fixed in iOS 8.1, for you only option is to use assets catalog with a launch images.
Or you can add the device modifier in the Launch file name, like <launchNib>~iphone.nib

Which Xcode build settings for iPhone app so it can run on ipad as well?

I have written an app intended for the iphone. Obviously it is ok if it used on the ipad in the iphone mode, but it is an iphone app.
My app got rejected by Apple, I received a mail with a screenshot named Screen_shot_0.png as attachment, that was empty with in the middle the text "My Universal App on iPad" (which you if you open in Xcode the file MainWindow_iPad.xib).
Probably the app was uploaded with the Universal setting, not sure.
I did add icons, launch images etc. for both iphone and ipad.
Now I am confused about the following settings (click on Xcode project file): I will give my settings:
Project "appname"
iOS Deployment Target: 6.1 (should I take an older one?)
Targeted Device Family: iPhone (should this be iPhone/iPad?)
Targets "appname"
Targeted Device Family: iPhone (should this be iPhone/iPad?)
Everything works on iPhone4, iPod, iPad3.
The only thing is that the launch image of the iPad is cut off a bit at the right side, which causes me to think that some iPhone splashscreen is used instead. Would this be an issue for Apple?
If you want an app written for iPhone to run on iPad in iPhone mode, then you've actually done too much.
Just write it as a an iPhone-only app, and the iPad will automatically support it in iPhone mode. iPhone mode on the iPad offers users a chance to zoom to 2x resolution, but everything is "as if" it's running on an iPhone. Be sure NOT to upload as (or set attributes to claim it is) Universal. Don't provide multiple versions of screenshots, only provide iPhone screenshots. Think of "iPhone mode" as an iPhone emulator that runs on the iPad.
Only use "Universal" if you want to package both iPhone and iPad apps (typically with separate storyboards and definitely with distinct screenshots) in a single package that can run on either device. Upload as iPhone only and it will run on iPad in iPhone mode. Good luck!

App works on iphone ipad simulator but not ipad device: Black screen and then goes out

I've an iPhone app that Works perfectly on iPhone simulator/device.
It runs in iPhone resolution and iPhone 2X resolution (i.e. I didn't add any root viewcontrollers for iPad).
The problem is the application works fine on iPad simulator, but when open in iPad device, the screen goes black then the application exit.
What do you think the cause of this problem?
I just ran into this problem after upgrading an iPhone app to be a universal app. The app worked in the iPhone and iPad simulators, but when I tried running it on my iPhone, I got the same black screen and app exit as you did.
The fix was to make sure that the 'Main Storyboard' was set properly on the Project Targets Summary page for both the iPod/iPhone section and the iPad section. For some reason, my iPod/iPhone Main Storyboard was blank. After fixing it, my app started working.
