Rubymine for remote SDK. Gems downloading and suddenly stop - ruby-on-rails

I'm having this issue since yesterday and I am not sure what could be the problem. I have a Rails application that I want to run against a remote SDK installed on my VirtualBox (Ubuntu); yesterday I was able to set it up on another VM I have and when I went to Settings in Rubymine and added the SSH credentials, it took some time but finally a lot of gems were downloaded and I was able to run the project directly from Rubymine environment, trying to prepare everything for debug.
I had to change my VirtualBox and now when I connect to it via SSH it starts "Collecting files..." for a while and then "Downloading..." the gems... it looks like it restarts for a couple of times and then at some point, after a while and without any further notice, it stops.
If it helps, my host is Windows 7, my guest is Ubuntu 14.04; my RVM is 1.9.3-p392.
Any ideas? I'm surprised because this worked like a charm yesterday and today is not. Thank you in advance for any help.

What version is your Rubymine? I had issue back with version 6.x with remote rubies freezing the system. Also are you using a Vagrant box? I have seen some of the Vagrant boxes have issues as well. I would log in to the Ubuntu Guest via command line/SSH and see if you still have issues downloading gems.


Docker for windows doesn't work. What could I do with it?

Yeah, I know, there are some questions similar to that, but none of them helped me. My docker for windows has once stopped working. Now I can't even uninstall it, because in the applications it doesn't appear, I cannot install it, the installation stucks always on the same process, I tried to delete all the files and then install again, tried to stop all the proccesses related to docker, I tried everything. I cannot even uninstall, cannot reinstall, cannot run... cannot do anything with it... help!
I finally solved that. I deleted manually all the directories related to docker (ProgramFiles, ProgramData, [user root directory], Appdata/Roaming etc.) and this way the installer finally finished. There was another problem, that WSL2 engine tried to start, but couldn't. WSL was enabled, the engine starting process was running for ca. 1 hour... but nothing happend and couldn't even change the engine. So I reinstalled once again, and didn't install the WSL frame. It started automatically with Hyper-V and now it works fine.

Divio app docker server connection stuck at "installing"

I have a problem with my divio app.
setting up my divio application for the first time, I managed to get a check mark for "docker client", "docker compose", "docker machine" and "virtual box" by installing docker toolbox, however, when trying to install "docker server connection" it seems that Divio app gets stuck at "installing" and nothing actually happens. I left it for hours and nothing happened. What am I getting wrong here? Is it permission issues or something else?
P.S. I'm using windows 7 ultimate 64-bit. Any help is highly appreciated.
Docker, and therefore the Divio local development environment, will run natively on Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise.
On other versions (Windows 10 Home, and earlier versions) it cannot run natively and must be run in a virtual machine.
This is why your installation requires Docker Toolbox and VirtualBox. The best way to get past this is to upgrade to Windows 10 Professional, but that's not an option for everyone.
If the Divio app detects that your system does not support Docker natively, it will do its best to install Docker Toolbox and VirtualBox, but this set-up is more complex and fragile, and as you have seen, setting it up can sometimes fail.
Try these steps:
Quit the Divio application.
Make sure that VirtualBox on your system is fully up-to-date with the latest version. You can download and install it from the VirtualBox website.
Make sure that Docker Toolbox is fully up-to-date with the latest version. You can download and install it from the Docker Toolbox.
Make sure that both applications are able to run if you launch them manually.
Ensure that you are running as an administrator user.
Check that virtualisation is enabled in your PC's BIOS.
Finally, try again with the Divio app.

Unable to restore Gitlab (VM, Docker) but tar file looks ok

We're working with GitLab 8.16.4 and I want to upgrade it but since the backups are not compatible between versions I want to make sure everything is ok first.
I've been trying to follow the recovery process in a VM (VirtualBox) and in a few Dockers and is not giving any error but not working either (opened an issue there too )
I don't know what to check, what I'm doing wrong or if I need to do anything specific on the GitLab server (backup job> gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create SKIP=db,uploads )
Any ideas?
Note regarding the VM: This was created in the past to have a backup of GitLab and it did do the restore months ago, not sure what's going on now
Edit days later: Installed the whole thing on a physical server with Ubuntu 16.04, still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Managed to make it work!!
Looks like the problem was on the way I was making the backup.
After doing it with:
gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create RAILS_ENV=production
The restore worked fine with:
gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=<filename>

deploy ruby or rails on windows [duplicate]

I'm looking to run Redmine, a Ruby on Rails app, on a VPS windows box. The only thing I can really think of is running a virtual Linux machine and hosting it from there. If that is my only option, am I going to run into problems running a virtual machine inside of a virtual machine?
Also, this will be an internal app, so performance isn't my number once concern.
Windows is not the usual place to deploy production Rails apps, but there are people who do it. Mongrel was originally written to give better deployment options for Windows. As it turned out the UNIX deployment options weren't that good either. :)
Start with the Ruby One Click installer so you have a sane installation of ruby and rubygems.
From there, you install the rails gem and the gem for your database like you normally would. Most if not all of the databases have Windows gems.
Make sure to install mongrel_service to be able to control each mongrel like a normal windows service. See mongrel_rails service::install -h for details.
Once you have your mongrels set up, it's similar to a UNIX deployment. You set up a reverse proxy, such as Apache2 and you're set.
You might run into some gems (such as BackgroundRB) that will not work under Windows because they have C code that either rely on UNIX libraries or expect a UNIX-like build system at installation time. However, all of the really important Rails gems, such as Mongrel and the database adapters, have gems with pre-built binaries available, so you'll be fine.
Just grab the Bitnami RedMine stack.
Or the Bitnami Ruby on Rails stack.
Redmine ran fine on our Windows build server from the command line, sans IDE, using Mongrel and SQLite. Granted, ours isn't a VPS, but at any rate Linux isn't required for this app.
The BitNami Redmine Stack is a free, up to date Windows installer package for Redmine on Windows, Linux, OS X... give it a try. You can also download a VMWare Virtual Machine as well
I had good luck in the past with InstantRails, but I'm not sure how up-to-date it is now, as the project has changed hands several times.
You might also try ruby stack or flash rails, though I've not used either personally.
You can install SQLite and a Rails server like Mongrel on a Windows machine. I used Aptana to run a development environment, but I'm sure that there are better alternatives that don't require the IDE to be open to run. But this proves it is possible.
Try using a Rails distribution like:
One download install for rails+ruby+mysql on Windows.

Is there anyway to run Ruby on Rails applications on a Windows box?

I'm looking to run Redmine, a Ruby on Rails app, on a VPS windows box. The only thing I can really think of is running a virtual Linux machine and hosting it from there. If that is my only option, am I going to run into problems running a virtual machine inside of a virtual machine?
Also, this will be an internal app, so performance isn't my number once concern.
Windows is not the usual place to deploy production Rails apps, but there are people who do it. Mongrel was originally written to give better deployment options for Windows. As it turned out the UNIX deployment options weren't that good either. :)
Start with the Ruby One Click installer so you have a sane installation of ruby and rubygems.
From there, you install the rails gem and the gem for your database like you normally would. Most if not all of the databases have Windows gems.
Make sure to install mongrel_service to be able to control each mongrel like a normal windows service. See mongrel_rails service::install -h for details.
Once you have your mongrels set up, it's similar to a UNIX deployment. You set up a reverse proxy, such as Apache2 and you're set.
You might run into some gems (such as BackgroundRB) that will not work under Windows because they have C code that either rely on UNIX libraries or expect a UNIX-like build system at installation time. However, all of the really important Rails gems, such as Mongrel and the database adapters, have gems with pre-built binaries available, so you'll be fine.
Just grab the Bitnami RedMine stack.
Or the Bitnami Ruby on Rails stack.
Redmine ran fine on our Windows build server from the command line, sans IDE, using Mongrel and SQLite. Granted, ours isn't a VPS, but at any rate Linux isn't required for this app.
The BitNami Redmine Stack is a free, up to date Windows installer package for Redmine on Windows, Linux, OS X... give it a try. You can also download a VMWare Virtual Machine as well
I had good luck in the past with InstantRails, but I'm not sure how up-to-date it is now, as the project has changed hands several times.
You might also try ruby stack or flash rails, though I've not used either personally.
You can install SQLite and a Rails server like Mongrel on a Windows machine. I used Aptana to run a development environment, but I'm sure that there are better alternatives that don't require the IDE to be open to run. But this proves it is possible.
Try using a Rails distribution like:
One download install for rails+ruby+mysql on Windows.
