how to locate a hyperlink field - delphi

I have an access 2010 table with a hyperlink field where i store the E-Mail adress of clients. Before I add a new E-Mail I want to check if the E-Mail address is already there. I try to use a locate statement like (delphi 2009; adoconnection, TADOdataset):
if table.locate('ML_Link',NewAdress,[locaseinsensitive]) then
This statement gives an error message with something like that the sequence is not allowed.
How can I search for hyperlink fields?

I suspect that the # character is considered a special character. I suggest you try splitting the address into two parts, email and domain for example, then search both fields as
if table.locate('email;domain', VarArrayOf([NewEmail, NewDomain]), [locaseinsensitive]);
You may also need to add variants to your uses clause, depending on your delphi version..


ResearchKit: Validate email

I'm attempting to create a form step where one of the form step items is an email input. For this I want to validate the email against certain domains i.e.,,
I can see we have an email answer format in the form of this:
However I can't see anywhere in this type that allows me to apply a validation regex. Looking into this I see we have the following
ORKAnswerFormat.textAnswerFormatWithValidationRegex(validationRegex, invalidMessage)
I suppose this is my best option? If so, would anyone know of a regex (my regex isn't the greatest!) in swift that would handle the 3 domains stated above?
I have something like this...(not the greatest i know!)
(or, if you don't care about capturing:)
Now I made two modifications. I escaped the . and I made it so that the other two domains are options.
I suggest that you convert the whole thing to lower case. I don't know Swift, but you may be able to use one of its functions or the i modifier:

Quickfixj not honoring custom fields in a repeating group

I am using FIXT1.1 and FIX Application version 5.0SP2.
I added some custom fields to the QuotSetAckGrp, part of MassQuoteAcknowledgement message. However, when quickfix reads the repeating group, it does not read the custom fields as part of the repeating groups. Instead, it treats the custom fields are regular parent-level fields and throws a "Tag appears more than once" session level reject.
Appreciate any inputs to help resolve the issue.
You need to modify the receiver's AppDataDictionary to match the messages that your sender is sending. Also, you need to set UseDataDictionary=Y in your config.
QF/j needs to look at the DD xml file to know what fields are in a repeating group, else it cannot know where each group member ends.
When the engine encounters a field that isn't inside the DD's repeating group definition, it assumes that the current group member ended with the previous tag.
Here's a howto for customizing your DD:
(The above link is for QF/n, but it's nearly the same for QF/j.)
See the QuickFIX/J User FAQ, topic "I altered my data dictionary. Should I regenerate/rebuild QF/J?".
OUTGOING MSGS: The DD xml file is irrelevant when you construct
outgoing messages. You can pretty much add whatever fields you want to
messages using the generic field setters (setString, setInt, etc) and
QF will let you. The only trouble is with repeating groups. QF will
write repeating group element ordering according to the DD that was
used for code generation. If you altered any groups that are part of
outgoing messages, you DEFINITELY need to rebuild.
To rebuild QuickFIX/J to accept your custom data dictionary, please refer to the answer I gave in the following StackOverflow post.

QuickFIXJ setting SendingTime in messages

I have a FIX application which is connected to several price providers. It distributes the data it received to our inner applications. When it is sending the received messages from the price providers to the target applications, it modifies the SendingTime(52) field in FIX header which is not acceptable. The inner applications want to get the original SendingTime value. How can I say to the QuickFIXJ engine not to assign a timestamp value?
What you desire... is kind of wrong. Header fields are to be used by the engine, and for application data (which is what this relayed SendingTime kind of is on the second leg). Your inner FIX connection should not be clobbering the SendingTime field. You might need the actual SendingTime field if you are diagnosing problems with your inner connection!
What you really need is a second SendingTime field. You should edit the DD of your inner FIX applications to add another field for which to store the old SendingTime value. Tell your inner target apps to refer to that field.
NOTE: You probably don't want to use OrigSendingTime (tag 122) for this. That field has a very specific usage already. Name your new field something else.
FIX Market Data messages (35=W, 35=X) usually have MDEntryDate (#272) and MDEntryTime (#273) fields to represent the timestamp of the market data price. If it is related to Quote/trade messages, you may have the TransactTime (#60) field.
It worth keep the SendingTime (#52) and MDEntryDate MDEntryTime/TransactTime separated, you can compare the difference between the price's timestamp and the counter party's infra structure timestamp (sending time). It would help to identify delay between the systems.
If the message you are handling does not have any Application DateTime field, you can pick one. which its value would be the SendingTime for the original FIX message you've received.
You can either select and use an existent field ( or you can create your own user defined field.
Once you decided to create your own field, it is a good practice to check the oficial Global Technical Committee user defined fields list at and using the user defined fields range.
Fields by message:
User defined fields:

Search Version jira rest api

I need to get all issues by version id. My query is like:
working fine, but I want to get issues by VERSION
Link like:
returned "Field 'version' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
The two built-in version fields in JIRA can be accessed in JQL as fixVersion and affectedVersion. I suspect that you want the latter.
If you have another custom field (which is a version-type field) that you want to query, the error message suggests that you may not be using the correct name for it. The best way to check this is to type your JQL into JIRA's Issue Navigator manually (in the advanced search) and to take advantage of the dropdown box with field name suggestions to get the correct field name.
One way to bypass the problem of determining the correct JQL field name (which sometimes requires quoting, which gets slightly more messy if you are also URL-encoding the result) is to simply refer to a field by the custom field ID instead.
You can find the CF ID of a field by going to Admin->Issues->Custom Fields, finding the appropriate custom field, mousing over the "Configure" link, and then looking at the URL query parameter for customFieldId, and then use the syntax cf[xxxxxx] in your JQL instead of the field name, where xxxxxx is the custom field number.

Delphi Search Edit Component

I need a delphi component for Delphi 2007 win32 that have features like Google search text box.
** While User writing search key it should fill/refresh the list with values, and user can select one of them.
**User can go up and down list and can select one of them.
**List should contain codes and text pair, so user can select text and I can get code for database operations.
(Google can highlight the search text in List but I think it is not possible with Delphi 2007, so it is not expected.)
I tried Dev Express TcxMRUEdit, however it doesn't meet my needs
Since you have DevExpress, why don't you try the cxLookupComboBox in lsEditMode and with ImmediateDropDown = True?
Check out woll2woll components. The TLookupcombobox has done this since Delphi 3 (or earlier). This is not spam, I just use the library.
I also had the same problem and unfortunately didn't find a suitable component. I was also inspired from google.
So it turned out to be easier for me to "simulate a component" by using an editbox and a grid placed under it. As the user types something in the editbox the query refreshes and the proper resulst are shown in the grid. I have many columns in the grid, the query results try to match all the fields (so if I type 'po', the query will return all records where any field is like 'po%'). I also added a delay of 500ms after the user types to avoid to run too many unnecessary queries (another aproach could be to kill the thread as the user strikes a new key, if the query is run in a thread).
In this way I obtained the required functionality, even if without higlighting the search text, anyway my users are delighted by this.
In every place I am using this "component" I am attaching a query at runtime so it can be used in many different forms.
I somehow was also inspired by the skype UI: when you display the lsit of contacts you can type something and the contacts will be filtered accordingly (skype uses an editbox + grid/listbox).
