Firebase error code 9999 "blocked" - ios

All of a sudden, we are getting an error authenticating with Nest and Firebase. The error code is 9999, and the message is "blocked". The source code has not changed on the app side, so it seems like something has changed on the server side.
I see a similar issue here, however they are getting a message of "too many requests", instead of "blocked".
Can anyone help us resolve this issue? Thanks.

This error occurs when you have too many concurrent open connections to Nest using the same access token. This is a different issue to "too many requests" issue which, as indicated, is to protect the battery in the thermostat.
It seems that you may be opening up Firebase or REST streaming connections and not closing them properly before opening up a new connection. Once a Firebase connection is open you should use this connection for reading and writing any new data and open a new connection only if when this connection is severed.
Could you please post sample code on how you are handling opening, closing and using the connections? Your sample code will help analyze the specifics of the issue.


Azure web App service Not working (slow response) when I reload it or Open in new tab,

Suddenly my Azure App service(website) stop working(slow response from server side), When I try to open it in new tab or Reload it & only works when I freshly reload it & cache cleared.
App service working fine outside of India , Arr affinity also disabled. not able to figure out where is issue ? at code level or server or Azure platform
This error related to application and you can check error why these happening. using Application Insights and Azure App Service diagnostics.
You can check actual error using Application Insights.
Go to application Insights -> Click on failed request.
Click on Exception types.
And check by Diagnose and solve problems . Investigate how your app is performing, diagnose issues, and discover how to improve your application.
Go to App Service -> Diagnose and solve problems.
And other issue related to this problem.
Network issue, not response for request
db queries taking long time to response.
Application not handling error properly
This error is related to the application and you can check error why these happening. using Application Insights and Azure App Service diagnostics.
You can check actual errors using Application Insights.
Go to application Insights -> Click on failed request.
Click on Exception types.
And check by diagnosing and solving problems. Investigate how your app is performing, diagnose issues, and discover how to improve your application.
Go to App Service -> Diagnose and solve problems.
And other issues related to this problem.
DB queries take a long time to respond.
Application not handling error properly
Network issue, not response for the request

Issue using Codename One iOS Certificate Wizard, getting error "REST request failed"

I have been trying to generate an iOS certificate from the Codename One Control Center, launched from Intellij. Every time I submit my apple iOS developer credentials, and then input the 2 factor authentication code, it returns with this error:
REST request failed due to internal CLI failure. See server error log.c5307525-1805-4360-d4ca9d46cad0
I enrolled in the Apple Developer Program, and I believe I've agreed to all of the Apple Developer agreements and such, and I have exactly one device registered, as well as that one device set as the trusted device, so it receives the 2 factor authentication notifications. I'm also not sure where I am expected to be able to see the "Server error log" as I have searched around for that.
I've only been able to find 2 other cases that seem similar to mine but neither give me a clear idea of what the problem is or how to fix it. They do however seem to resolve their problems. I really don't have any more ideas as to what the problem could be.
Codename One IOS signing
Unable to Login to iOS Account from CodeNameOne
Another odd thing about this problem is that usually I get this error after being prompted to input the 2-factor authentication code, but sometimes I'm never prompted to input the code before getting the error, yet I will still receive the 2-factor authentication code text message on my phone despite there being nowhere to use it.
Any help is appreciated.
I have made some updates to the certificate wizard to try to work around this issue. Please give it another try. If you run into another problem, please post the error message again, and I'll look it up in the logs.
Ok so after looking around a bit further, I was finally able to find a git issue post that seemed similar to mine, and at the very end of the thread (linked below), someone mentioned that you need to be signed into that apple id on the device, not just have it as a trusted device. My iOS phone was showing up in the account because I was logged into the Apple Developer App, but this is not enough. Thanks for helping.

Cannot pin from Zapier

I am using Zapier to send a pin to my Pinterest account from Google Sheets
but it is showing me an error:
We had trouble sending your test through. The app returned "Sorry! We
blocked this link because it may lead to spam.". It looks like the
server for your connected app is down or currently experiencing
problems. Please check the app's status page or contact support if
there are no reported issues.
My Sample Record
My sample Excel File
My Board Link where I want to pin
If you have not already reached out to them, I would suggest that this is the perfect question for Zapier's support team. They are quite punctual and have access to information regarding specific app integration status' that we, the general public, will not. That said this looks like it may be a symptom of an error with Zapier's Google Sheet integration. At the time of this writing Zapier is reporting 429 errors concerning Google Sheets. If I am ever facing unexplained errors with one of my zaps the first place I check is which has live updates and reports on any integrations that may be facing issues.

What does CNError.Code.communicationError error mean?

I can see this error on some users (very very little percent) when trying to load contacts. The error is standard CNError, but I can not find information about the reason of its occuring. May be somebody can help?
Interesting question! To be fair I am not sure if I know the answer, however I will try to explain my suspicions for the cause of this error.
Contacts framework does not lookup just the database existing in a device when an app asks for contact data it also searches for contacts in other sources too, like your iCloud account, and returns back to the app unified contacts that originate from various sources.
The nature of this process indicates to me that this error could be related to the internet connection of the access to the iCloud contacts.
Again this is just a speculation and I can't confirm it. Maybe it would be worth if you try this on your own to simulate the behaviour.

Unable to retrieve objects from Parse due to error on iOS

I have been using my app during the day with no issues but I am now getting the following error on all requests I make to Parse to get objects:
2014-09-03 20:24:21.913 App[3407:332f] Error: Failed to initialize mongo connection (Code: 159, Version: 1.2.20)
Has anyone else experienced this and if so know the reason behind the message.
Thanks in advance.
Parse is down once again (no surprise) Here is the link to the new bug if you are having the same problem of mongo DB going down. The twitter and status website should be the same. Hopefully they fix this sooner rather than later.......
I am having the same problem and posted on the developers website you can follow it here.
Edit: They are experience a lot of different problems it sounds like right now. Facebook was down for awhile but is now up. They are still working on parse errors and crashes according to what the developer left on the link above.
So it is coming up slowly but people are still experiencing errors on top of following the bug at the link above here is there twitter account.
Also their status website.
Should be up shortly (hopefully).
