Tutorial of building chat functionality with Swift using Layer? - ios

I'm looking for the Swift documentation for Layer since I'm looking for a quick way to integrate chat functionality into my app. Many thanks!

I'm a Partner Engineer at Layer. Layer is still working on Swift documentation for LayerKit for Swift, and we hope to have something available soon. I started building a port of Layer's Quick Start project in Swift. This project is incomplete and is very much a work in progress, but it will give you an idea of where to start with Layer and Swift: https://github.com/maju6406/QuickStartSwift

Have you seen this on github? https://github.com/chatsecure


SwiftUi ARKit measurements

Sorry I am pretty inexperienced with ARKit. I am working on an app and it will have more features later but the first step would basically be recreating the measure app that is included with iOS. I have looked at the documentation that Apple gives and most of it is for stuff like face tracking, object detection, or image tracking. I wasn't sure exactly where to start. The rest of the existing code I have now is written in SwiftUI if that matters. Thank you!
Understand that it can be quite confusing in the beginning. I would recommend to walk throught the toruial at raywenderlich.com. This toturial from Codestars on Youtube is also very good if you like to listen and watch instead of reading. Both talks go throught a lot of important parts of ARKit so I really recomend it. After that you problably have a create understanding and you clould watch Apples WWDC2019 talk What's new in ARKit 3.
Hope I understood your question correctly and please reach out if you have any questions or other concerns.

GVRSDK vs. GVRKit. When to use each one for 3D VR Video?

I just recently got started with he Google Cardboard SDK for iOS and I'm looking to create an simple app in Swift that displays a 3D (Stereoscopic) VR video.
First, I adapted the VideoWidgetDemo Sample in the SDK (https://github.com/googlevr/gvr-ios-sdk/tree/master/Samples/VideoWidgetDemo) from its original Objective C to Swift 4 and it performs well. It uses GVRKit to create a GVRSceneRenderer with a GVRVideoRenderer.
But then I came across a blog post on the Ray Wenderlich site (https://www.raywenderlich.com/136692/introduction-google-cardboard-ios) that uses GVRSDK's GVRVideoView instead, which feels simpler and easier to use. However, there is a very noticeable performance difference. The video displayed by this app stutters/jitters much more than the GVRKit version.
I'm puzzled by the fact that the official Google VR reference documentation site (https://developers.google.com/vr/ios/reference/) doesn't even mention GVRKit, even though all the official samples from the GitHub repo use it instead of GVRSDK. So the samples follow one approach and the reference docs cover a different one.
I haven't been able to find any guidance for when to use one or the other (or even both together if it makes sense), so I'm hoping that someone on StackOverflow can shed some light on this choice.
I'm also curios about the performance difference I'm experiencing with the two different approaches. It would be great if there is a way to achieve the same level of performance with the GVRVideoView than with the GVRVideoRenderer.
Thanks in advance for your insights and suggestions.
Seem that the SDK is deprecated.
I've posted an issue about a GVRSDK on GitHub, and they say that the SDK is deprecated and developer have to switch to GVRKIT.
Here the GitHub issue:
If your goal is to display 360 video in a simple app, check this Cordova plugin:
It seems that Google came up with a new SDK because Daydream is now deprecated.
The Google Cardboard SDK offers a streamlined API, improved device
compatibility, and built-in viewer profile QR code scanning.
Quickstart : https://developers.google.com/cardboard/develop/ios/quickstart
Github : https://github.com/googlevr/cardboard

Does ShareKit still work - 2015? And if it does, can be implemented in Swift?

ShareKit... Loved it the past!
I can see there's "movements" currently in the GitHub repo, but tutorials, implementation and captures seems pretty old to me. Also the website and videos.
Does it still works?
More importantly...
And if so, can I "translate" all methods implementation from Objective-C to Swift, I doubt it may have the same functioning behind the scenes when called with Swift. Generally speaking, how these 3rd party frameworks behave when dealing with Swift in your experience... ???
Thank you all very much.
ShareKit seems to be re-incarnated here: https://github.com/ShareKit/ShareKit but it's still implemented in Objective-C. Seems to be working fine though.

Is there an equivalent of Androids ShowcaseView for iOS?

There is a project for Android on Github:
According to the readme:
The ShowcaseView library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with a distinctive and attractive overlay. This library is great for pointing out points of interest for users, gestures, or obscure but useful items.
I would like to know if a functionally equivalent one exists for iOS. It would be useful to give users a quick tour of an app. Typically app intros are handled with a few swipe screens. Think Uber and Duolingo.
Google and Stackoverflow searching returns nothing meaningful. If I had time I'd work on this as a side project.
Edit: I've ended up using github.com/IFTTT/RazzleDazzle which works for both Swift and Objective-C.
You can also try https://github.com/rahuliyer95/iShowcase this is a similar implementation of ShowcaseView for Android on iOS.
You can also check out my implementation at https://github.com/scihant/CTShowcase
It's developed using Swift 2.0 and can also draw animated highlights such as this one:
It's now updated for Swift 3.0
You can check a small library (MaterialShowcase on Github) that I created when developing my company app.
There's a framework we've been working on that might be useful, BubbleShowCase. Check it out and don't hesitate to leave any feedback.
Try WSCoachMarksView. It is very easy to use, e.g.:
DDCoachMarks is a simple and flexible iOS alternative:

Is there any good Tutorial or a Reference to cocos3d

Cocos3d looks like a good 3d library to work with in IOS, but it stills in beta, and the
documentation provided on the brenwill site is really not enough to
understand how to work with it, it's just a guide about the classes no tutorial, and i have been searching the web for quit some time without any luck for even something close to a tutorial. Does anyone know from where i can learn this framework?
You should have a look at the CC3DemoMashup project that comes with the framework when you download it. It demonstrates how to use many of the key features of cocos3d, and is well documented.
