Want to set label value on TeeChart InnerTick VC++ - activex

I wanted to set label text value on TeeChart InnerTick using VC++. like we have below example (I wanted to set AAAA,BBBB,CCCC,DDDD values).
// Sorry i was not able to attach image.
Below mention chart we have created using CGraph. to get co-ordinates we are using SDKInfo property. i wanted to know that how can we get all these x axis,y axis values using TeeChart. Is there any API to get these co ordinates ?
X axis max (your data units)
X axis min (your data units)
Y axis max (your data units)
Y axis min (your data units)
X axis length (Graphics Server view units)
Y axis length (Graphics Server view units)
X origin (Graphics Server view units)
Y origin (Graphics Server view units)
Label font size (percentage of system font)
| | | |
111 222 333 444

I'm not sure about what exact TeeChart version are you using so this answer may be a bit vague.
All binary installations of TeeChart come with a program we call "Features Demo". This program includes examples showing how to use the majority of features supported.
One of the examples is the "Custom Labels", you should find it under "All Features\Welcome !\Axes\Labels\Custom Labels" in the program.
Also, to convert axis values to screen pixels, all TeeChart versions provide "Calc*" functions for it. Ie, to convert the value 10 in the bottom axis to pixels, in TeeChart ActiveX:
XPix = tChart1.Axis.Bottom.CalcXPosValue(10);
Just note these functions need the chart to be drawn once so the internal properties have been initialized and the calculations can be correctly done.


Gnuplot filled curves adds unwanted "bottom" border

I am trying to visualize a time series data set on one plot as a pseudo 3d figure. However, I am having some trouble getting the filledcurves capability working properly. It seems to be adding an unwanted border at the "bottom" of my functions and I do not know how to fix this.
This is my current set up: I have nb_of_frames different files that I want to plot on one figure. Without the filledcurves option, I can do something like this
plot for [i=1:nb_of_frames] filename(i) u ($1):(50.0 * $2 + (11.0 - (i-1)*time_step)) w l linewidth 1.2 lt rgb "black" notitle
which produces a figure like this:
no fill options
Instead of doing this, I want to use the filledcurves option to bring my plots "forward" and highlight the function that is more "forward" which I try to do with:
plot for [i=1:nb_of_frames] filename(i) u ($1):(50. * $2 + (11. - (i-1)*time_step)) w filledcurves fc "white" fs solid 1.0 border lc "black" notitle
This produces a figure as follows:
This is very close to what I want, but it seems that the border option adds a line underneath the function which I do not want. I have tried several variants of with filledcurves y1=0.0 with different values of y1, but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Here is another workaround for gnuplot 5.2.
Apparently, gnuplot closes the filled area from the last point back to the first point. Hence, if you specifiy border, then this line will also have a border which is undesired here (at least until gnuplot 5.4rc2 as #Ethan says).
A straightforward solution would be to plot the data with filledcurves without border and then again with lines. However, since this is a series of shifted data, this has to be plotted alternately. Unfortunately, gnuplot cannot switch plotting styles within a for loop (at least I don't know how). As a workaround for this, you have to build your plot command in a previous loop and use it with a macro # (check help macros) in the plot command. I hope you can adapt the example below to your needs.
### filledcurves without bottom border
reset session
set colorsequence classic
$Data <<EOD
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 1
5 4
6 5
7 2
8 1
9 0
myData(i) = sprintf('$Data u ($1-0.1*%d):($2+%d/5.)',i,i)
myFill = ' w filledcurves fc "0xffdddd" fs solid 1 notitle'
myLine = ' w l lc rgb "black" notitle'
myPlotCmd = ''
do for [i=11:1:-1] {
myPlotCmd = myPlotCmd.myData(i).myFill.", ".myData(i).myLine.", "
plot #myPlotCmd
### end of code
I can reproduce this in gnuplot 5.2.8 but not in the output from the release candidate for version 5.4. So I think that some bug-fix or change was applied during the past year or so. I realize that doesn't help while you are using verion 5.2, but if you can download and build from source for the 5.4 release candidate that would take care of it.
I thought of a work-around, although it may be too complicated to be worth it.
You can treat this as a 2D projection of a 3D fence plot constructed using plot style with zerrorfill. In this projection the y coordinate is the visual depth. X is X. Three quantities are needed on z: the bounding line, the bottom, and the top. I.e. 5 fields in the using clause: x depth zline zbase ztop.
unset key
set view 90, 180
set xyplane at 0
unset ytics
set title "3D projection into the xz plane\nplot with zerrorfill" offset 0,-2
set xlabel "X axis" offset 0,-1
set zlabel "Z"
splot for [i=1:25] 'foo.dat' using ($1+i):(i/100.):($2-i):(-i):($2-i) \
with zerrorfill fc "light-cyan" lc "black" lw 2

Remove unnecessary margin in epslatex/gnuplot

I would like to remove unnecessary margins (gray part in the figure below) in a PDF figure generated by epslatex (gnuplot).
Following are scripts and commands to create the figure.
set term epslatex standalone
set output "figure.tex"
set xlabel "\\LARGE $x$"
set ylabel "\\LARGE $y$"
set format x "\\Large{%.1f}"
set format y "\\Large{%.1f}"
set key left top Left
set size square
set xrange [0.0:1.0]
set yrange [0.0:1.0]
plot x with lines dt 1 lw 5.0 lc rgb "red" title "\\Large $y = x$",\
x*x with lines dt 2 lw 5.0 lc rgb "green" title "\\Large $y = x^2$",\
x*x*x with lines dt 3 lw 5.0 lc rgb "blue" title "\\Large $y = x^3$"
and commands
$ gnuplot sample.gp
$ pdflatex figure.tex
Instead of pdflatex, xelatex would also work. I would like to directly convert to PDF file.
It will be super good if we can remove these margins without too much effort (such as removing the margin manually one-by-one).
If you check help latex, it will tell you that default size is 5 x 3 inches.
Since you set size square, there will be for sure an "unwanted" left and right margin.
What you can do to at least minimize the margins is to set the terminal size to square size as well, e.g. to 3 x 3 inches.
However, keep in mind the graph size is square but x and y axes have tics and labels which require space depending on numbers and labels which might be different for x and y.
set term epslatex standalone size 3 in, 3 in
From help latex:
set terminal {latex | emtex} {default | {courier|roman} {<fontsize>}}
{size <XX>{unit}, <YY>{unit}} {rotate | norotate}
By default the plot will inherit font settings from the embedding
document. You have the option of forcing either Courier (cmtt) or
Roman (cmr) fonts instead. In this case you may also specify a
fontsize. Unless your driver is capable of building fonts at any size
(e.g. dvips), stick to the standard 10, 11 and 12 point sizes.
Maybe, there are LaTeX commands to crop the graph to its bounding box.
Thanks to #AlainMarigot help, I change the system to Lua tikz with the option tightboundingbox.
Looks good, but not exactly same as epslatex.

mapping highlights/annotations to text in pdf

So i have this sample pdf file with three words on separate lines:
I have highlighted the word "there" on the second line. Internally, within the pdf, i'm trying to map the highlight/annotation structure to the text (BT) area.
The section corresponding to the word "there" looks like so:
/F0 14.6599998 Tf
1 0 0 -1 0 130 Tm
96 0 Td <0057> Tj
4.0719757 0 Td <004B> Tj
8.1511078 0 Td <0048> Tj
8.1511078 0 Td <0055> Tj
4.8806458 0 Td <0048> Tj
I also have an annotation section where I have my highlight which has the following rect dimensions:
18 0 19 15 20 694 21 786 22 853 23 1058 24 1331 [19 0 R 20 0 R]<</AP<</N 10 0 R>>
(I left the top part of the annotation out on purpose because it is long. I extracted what i thought were the most important parts.
Rect[68.0024 690.459 101.054 706.37]
I'm kind of confused about how my text is mapped to this one highlight that I have. The coordinates do not seem to match (130 y vs 690 y)? Am I looking in the right place and interpreting my text and/or highlight annotation coordinates correctly?
i want to add more info on how I created this test pdf.
Its pretty simple to recreate the pdf. I went to google docs and created an empty document. On three lines i wrote my text as described above. I downloaded that as a pdf and then opened it in adobe acrobat reader DC (the newest one i think). I then used adobe acrobat reader to highlight the specified line and re save it. After that I used some python to unzip the pdf sections.
The python code to decompress the pdf sections:
import re
import zlib
pdf = open("helloworld.pdf", "rb").read()
stream = re.compile(r'.*?FlateDecode.*?stream(.*?)endstream', re.S)
for s in stream.findall(pdf):
s = s.strip('\r\n')
Unfortunately the OP only explained how he created his document and did not share the document itself. I followed his instructions but the coordinates of the annotation differ. As I only have this document for explanation, though, the OP will have to mentally adapt the following to the precise numbers in his document.
The starting coordinate system
The starting (default) user coordinate system in the document is implied by the crop box. In the document at hand the crop box is defined as
/CropBox [0 0 596 843]
i.e. the visible page is 596 units wide and 843 units high (given the default user unit of 1/72" this is an A4 format) and the origin is in the lower left corner. x coordinates increase to the right, y coordinate increase upwards. Thus, a coordinate system as usually started with in math, too.
The annotation rectangle
This also is the coordinate system of the annotation rectangle coordinates.
In the case at hand they are
/Rect [68.0595 741.373 101.138 757.298]
i.e. the rectangle with the lower left corner at (68.0595, 741.373) and the upper right at (101.138, 757.298).
Transformations of the coordinate system
In the page content stream up to the text object already identified by the OP the coordinate system gets transformed a number of times.
Mirroring, translation
In the very first line of the page content
1 0 0 -1 0 843 cm
This transformation moves the origin up by 843 units and mirrors (multiplies by -1) the y coordinate.
Thus, now be have a coordinate system with the origin in the upper left and y coordinate increasing downwards.
A bit later in the content stream the coordinate system is scaled
.75062972 0 0 .75062972 0 0 cm
Thus, the coordinate units are compressed to about 3/4 of their original width and height, i.e. each unit along the x or y is only 1/96" wide/high.
The text "there"
Only after these transformations have been applied to the coordinate system, the text object identified by the OP is drawn. It starts by setting and changing the text matrix:
1 0 0 -1 0 130 Tm
This sets the text matrix to translate by 130 units in y direction and mirroring y coordinates once again. (Mirroring back again is necessary as otherwise the text would be drawn upside down.)
96 0 Td
This changes the text matrix by moving 96 units along the x axis.
And the starting point where the text is drawn is at the origin of the coordinate system first changed by the mirroring and translation, and then by scaling of the current transformation matrix, and then by mirroring and translation according to the text matrix.
Does it match?
Which coordinate would this point be in the default user coordinate system?
x = (0 + 96) * .75062972 = 72 (approximately)
y = (((0 * (-1)) + 130) * .75062972) * (-1) + 843 = 745,4 (approximately)
This matches with the annotation rectangle (see above) with x coordinates between 68.0595 and 101.138 and y coordinates between 741.373 and 757.298.
I'm kind of confused about how my text is mapped to this one highlight that I have. The coordinates do not seem to match (130 y vs 690 y)? Am I looking in the right place and interpreting my text and/or highlight annotation coordinates correctly?
The coordinates do match, you merely have to make sure you apply the transformations of the current transformation matrix and the text matrix.

JPEG2000 : Can number of tiles in X direction be zero?

According to JPEG2000 specs, Number of tiles in X and Y directions is calculated by following formula:
numXtiles =  (Xsiz − XTOsiz)/ XTsiz
numYtiles =  (Ysiz − YTOsiz)/ YTsiz
But it is not mentioned about the range of numXtiles or numYtiles.
Can we have numXtiles=0 while numYtiles=250 (or any other value) ?
In short, no. You will always need at least one row and one column of tiles to place your image in the canvas.
In particular, the SIZ marker of the JPEG 2000 stream syntax does not directly define the number of tiles, but rather the size of each tile. Since the tile width and height are defined to be larger than 0 (see page 453 of "JPEG 2000 Image compression fundamentals, standards and practice", by David Taubman and Michael Marcellin), you will always have at least one tile.
That said, depending on the particular implementation that you are using, there may be a parameter numXtiles that you can set to 0 without crashing your program. In that case, the parameter is most likely being ignored or interpreted differently.

How do I graph simple X-Y data in Teechart?

I'm using Delphi and Fast reports, specifically the TeeChart object inside Fast Reports.
I'm trying to plot a scatter graph (preferably with a line between the points)
Four points of typical X,Y data might look like this
X=10, Y=35
X=15, Y=40
X=23, Y=44
X=27, Y=8
I've set the X axis automatic to false and set a min of 0 and a max of 30.
However, when Teechart plots the points it plots the Y values at the correct height but puts them in X positions 0, 1, 2, 3 instead of 10, 15, 23, 27
This even happens when I hard code the data by setting 'Data Source' to 'Fixed Data' and putting 35;40;44;8 in the Y values box and 10;15;23;27 in the X values box.
How do I set up Teechart to plot the points at the correct X-Y coordinates?
You should use AddXY method, for example:
Series1.AddXY(10, 35);
Series1.AddXY(15, 40);
Series1.AddXY(23, 44);
Series1.AddXY(27, 8);
You should also be able to modify values like this:
That's how it should be done in TeeChart outside of FastReports. If none of those solutions works you might need to contact FastReports technical support.
