Can we submit application to applestore by skipping some versions? - ios

My current application in apple store is with 3.0.1, now to have sync with other platform versions I just wanted to release new version of application with Will it be problem from apple?

Yeah surely you can do this,Apple has no problem at all with this,They just check whether current version is above to the previous one or not.
More information on updating your app(s) can be found on this Apple Developer page.


Apple Store - rejecting new apps using UIWebView; Will this impact my existing app and future releases?

I have an app up on the apple store written with Ionic v1, Cordova, and AngularJS. It's been up there for a few years now. We are planning a few more releases in the upcoming months. I got this email from the Ionic Team:
Hi Aubrey,
In just over one week’s time, Apple will begin rejecting new apps using UIWebView. We wanted to reach out with details on how to update your Ionic apps.
If you receive an email from Apple after uploading an app binary to the App Store, you’ll need to update the app. The email reads something like this:
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, [App Name & version number]. Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage – Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs. See for more information.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to App Store Connect.
You can find complete details including upgrade instructions on the Ionic blog, but here’s the summary:
Using Cordova? Update to cordova-ios 5.1.0 and above, install the WKWebView plugin, and update each Cordova plugin to the latest version.
Using Capacitor? Update to the latest version then sync the project.
Submit a new version of your app before the deadline to ensure that it has been updated correctly.
If you're an Ionic Enterprise customer, your Customer Success Manager should already be in touch. If you're not a customer and would like to learn more about Enterprise Support options, please reach out here for extra assistance. Our Enterprise Support team is available and able to help. We've already helped a number of our customers navigate this change quickly & easily.
The Ionic Team
The email says that they will reject new apps of they are using UIWebView.
Does this also mean that my future releases will be impacted? Will my next release of an existing app be rejected for using UIWebView?
This link provides the answer to both of your questions.
The bottom line: It’s time to update your apps! Apple will only accept submissions of Ionic-based iOS apps that contain references to UIWebView until April 2020 (new apps) and December 2020 (existing apps). To meet the new requirement, simply update to the latest version of Capacitor. If you’re using Cordova, see below.
- From link provided!
I have installed ordova-ios#5.1.1 and using plugins which may have some UIWebView references such as google-plus, facebook4 and social sharing.
Also I've added the right configuration to config.xml but still failed to successfully upload to App Store. They keep rejecting my first app and now my build number is 1.0.21 !!! 21 Tries I've made but still failing.

Can I upload two versions of the application for review in the iTunes connect?

I have 1.1 version of my application already in review process now I also want to upload 1.1 version of the application for review process.
So that if anything bad happens to version 1.1, I could directly release 1.2 without going through review process (as it would have been done already). So, I want to send two version of my same application to appstore review process.
Is it possible. If yes then how?
No, you can only upload one version of the application for the App Store review process. But You can have multiple versions in your application in TestFlight. We can even have greater version of the application available on TestFlight from the current version which is under review.
You can refer here if you want to know more.
No. You cannot submit multiple versions of the same app when it is already in review. If you're unsure of the current version, you can anytime remove the binary and upload new version. Also to avoid app rejection, you can go through the App Review Guidelines for once.
Also in the below link you can find new rules and changes in existing ones :
You need to cancel the current version in review to put another version.

How to make user forcefully update the newer version of the app available

i have uploaded my app on iTunes but it have some errors now i need to upload newer version of the app and force user to update to that version. How can i do this .. I need help on this..Thanks in advance
If you already uploaded you app, this is not possible. You need to implement this yourself. Basically check against some server where you get the current version from. If the app version doesn't match this one, just show an error message.
In iTunesConnect you can specify that the old version will appear in iCloud, see this doc:
But note that this doesn't affect people who have already downloaded your app.

iOS Cordova App not showing version updates available

Currently when making a new release android customers are given a notification that a new version of the is available for download.
I have searched for solutions on here (stackoverflow) but the only related answers are for apps developed in xcode.
How can I notify customers when releasing a new version of the app to itunes?
You could store the current app version in your database and use appVersion plugin to get the installed version on the device. Then you can compare the versions (on start-up e.g.) and notify the user somehow that there is a new version available. You can even provide add link to your app in App Store.
I'm using this plugin:
It does require some maintenance because you have to update your database every time the update has been released. The choice is yours.

how to verify the archive code submitted to the app store

I submitted my Full and Lite version of my iOS App to the Apple App Store for an incremental release (1.2) - both Apps are already For Sale. I added In-App purchases to my Lite version.
My Full version was approved, but my Lite version was not. In discussing with Apple, they have provided a screen shot showing that they can't access the In-App functionality in the Lite version, but the screenshot is from my Full version, which doesn't have that functionality.
I'm appealing, and am hopeful that they will address.
This is the first time any App I've had was rejected, and I have several questions that I would appreciate any suggestions from developers who have gone through this.
Is there a way for me to run the exact code that I submitted from the Organizer/Archive so that I can verify that my Lite version is indeed the Lite version and not the Full version? I can see them in on the local file system, and there are 2 different, distinct files that have different sizes.
If I have to rebuild my App and resubmit can I do that from the same archive that is in Organizer?
If I have to rebuild, I think I'm in a bit of trouble, because I've been heads down on the next release for the past week and a half. Is there a way to access the version that was used to build the archive?
You can resign the released version to be an adhoc version and run it on your device.
If it requires a new build it won't let you submit with the same version number which will probably stop you from using the same archive unfortunately.
It has been my practice to make a snapshot for every release for this case. If you don't have a saved snapshot or if you aren't using source control then you may be out of luck on that one.
