How to make user forcefully update the newer version of the app available - ios

i have uploaded my app on iTunes but it have some errors now i need to upload newer version of the app and force user to update to that version. How can i do this .. I need help on this..Thanks in advance

If you already uploaded you app, this is not possible. You need to implement this yourself. Basically check against some server where you get the current version from. If the app version doesn't match this one, just show an error message.
In iTunesConnect you can specify that the old version will appear in iCloud, see this doc:
But note that this doesn't affect people who have already downloaded your app.


Check and download latest version manually in ios within the app

I'm developing an application which will have quick version updates.
For example, today I uploaded an app with version 1.0, I made changes for the next release and after 2 days I want to upload it with version 1.1. But it seems very hard to me to always upload the new versions with changes.
So my idea is to check for version(with a service call for version check) if the version is below the latest version, I want to show an alert with a mandatory update or an optional update.
The problem is, how can I manually download the latest changes within the app without navigating to the app store.
Is it possible or is there any way to do this.
Thanks in advance.

Can I upload two versions of the application for review in the iTunes connect?

I have 1.1 version of my application already in review process now I also want to upload 1.1 version of the application for review process.
So that if anything bad happens to version 1.1, I could directly release 1.2 without going through review process (as it would have been done already). So, I want to send two version of my same application to appstore review process.
Is it possible. If yes then how?
No, you can only upload one version of the application for the App Store review process. But You can have multiple versions in your application in TestFlight. We can even have greater version of the application available on TestFlight from the current version which is under review.
You can refer here if you want to know more.
No. You cannot submit multiple versions of the same app when it is already in review. If you're unsure of the current version, you can anytime remove the binary and upload new version. Also to avoid app rejection, you can go through the App Review Guidelines for once.
Also in the below link you can find new rules and changes in existing ones :
You need to cancel the current version in review to put another version.

How to open my App for update in App Store without having it released

I'm coding an IPhone/IPad App and have a webservice to check if the version is too old.
If the version is too old, then a message should appear a say: "Version too old. Click on the button to download the newest version in the app store."
The user should now be linked to the app in the app store.
How can I get the full link without having my app released in the app store and have an ID?
Best regards
One option is to send your app for a testFlight test. It allows you to have the full App Store link without releasing the app to the public.
I think you can use<companyname>/<appname> as per this guide.
This will, however, probably redirect via Safari first (I have not tried). But you can use this for the first version and later change it to the real URL in an update.

Get latest version of app from Appstore

How can I get the latest version of the app from the Appstore?
I want to compare current user version to the latest version on the Appstore.
If the version of the user is older than the one on the Appstore, I will notify him to update it.
You can try iVersion by nicklockwood.
It allows to automatically check for updates and inform the user about new features. It automatically detects when the new version of an app is released on the App Store and informs the user with a helpful alert that links them directly to the app download page.

In-app update with TestFlight on iOS

My iPhone app has now entered into a beta phase. I am using TestFlight to send the app to the testers. Everything works great, I publish the link, they download the app, no problem with any certificate or anything (true story, lol).
My only problem is I have absolutely no idea on how to send in-app updates. I saw on the latest SDK version that it's available, but I can't figure out how to do it ! Right now, if I upload a new build, and select "update & notify", an email is sent. How can I send a notification to the users, directly through my app, that a new version is available ? Right now I'm starting to think that this is not possible (if so, my bad). But I really thought I could do it !
As always, any help/link/doc is always appreciated ! :)
You can force an upgrade.
Go into settings in the upper right corner and select the "gear" then choose "Area 51" (this is the new features area, still beta). From there you can select to turn on "Forced Upgrades":
If you enable force upgrades on a build. The next time users open your build and there is an update available they will be forced to install the build before continuing.
You need to have different Bundle versions when uploading your app. You can set your bundle version in your apps info.plist under Bundle version. change that value to something else and you will be prompted now you open the app to upgrade or skip.
So far, my users where notified in the app without me having to do anything but call takeOff and (well here i'm not sure if this was necessary) use a few arbitrary checkpoints. They could choose wether or not they want to update their app now, later or never.
BUT apparently this has stopped working over the past few weeks, I'm receiving more and more feedback that the only way they got to know that there is an update available was through the email that is sent to them by testflight.
