Dart transformer for packages - dart

I am trying to make a dart transformer that also runs on packages, but I cant figure out how I currently have the following
class MyTransformer extends Transformer implements LazyTransformer {
String get allowedExtensions => ".dart";
void declareOutputs(DeclaringTransform transform) {
// Just transforms a Dart file in place.
Future apply(Transform transform) {
//Only prints files that are in project how to include packages?
return //do work here
Thanks in advance I have know idea how to make it work

As far as I know this is not yet supported. See http://dartbug.com/18489 for more details (and http://dartbug.com/20267


How to Execute dynamically arbitrary strings in Manifest v3

I have a business requirement where I need to execute dynamic arbitrary strings.
function executeScript(script){
if (!script) {
try {
return new Function(script)();
}catch (err) {
console.log('Script execution error....');
console.log(executeScript(`if (document) {return true;}`));
According to Manifest V3 I cannot use eval() or New Function(). Are there any other libraries or solutions for this problem? I cannot package this as part of extension as user has ability to update this script any time. So bundling as part of extension would not solve my business use case. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Add custom information to Spock Global Extension

I have configured Spock Global Extension and static class ErrorListener inside it. Works fine for test errors when I want to catch feature title and errors if they happen. But how can I add some custom information to the listener?
For example I have test that calls some API. In case it fails I want to add request/response body to the listener (and report it later). Obviously I have request/response inside the feature or I can get it. How can I pass this information to the Listener and read later in the handling code?
package org.example
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import org.spockframework.runtime.AbstractRunListener
import org.spockframework.runtime.extension.AbstractGlobalExtension
import org.spockframework.runtime.model.ErrorInfo
import org.spockframework.runtime.model.IterationInfo
import org.spockframework.runtime.model.SpecInfo
import spock.lang.Specification
class OpenBrewerySpec extends Specification{
def getBreweryTest(){
def breweryText = new URL('https://api.openbrewerydb.org/breweries/1').text
def breweryJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(breweryText)
//TODO catch breweryText for test result reporting if it is possible
breweryJson.country == 'United States'
def cleanup() {
.findAll { it instanceof TestResultExtension.ErrorListener }
.each {
def errorInfo = (it as TestResultExtension.ErrorListener).errorInfo
if (errorInfo)
println "Test failure in feature '${specificationContext.currentIteration.name}', " +
"exception class ${errorInfo.exception.class.simpleName}"
println "Test passed in feature '${specificationContext.currentIteration.name}'"
class TestResultExtension extends AbstractGlobalExtension {
void visitSpec(SpecInfo spec) {
spec.addListener(new ErrorListener())
static class ErrorListener extends AbstractRunListener {
ErrorInfo errorInfo
void beforeIteration(IterationInfo iteration) {
errorInfo = null
void error(ErrorInfo error) {
errorInfo = error
Create file src/test/resources/META-INF/services/org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IGlobalExtension
and place string "org.example.TestResultExtension" there to enable extension.
I am pretty sure you found my solution here. Then you also know that it is designed to know in a cleanup() methods if the test succeeded or failed because otherwise Spock does not make the information available. I do not understand why deliberately omitted that information and posted a fragment instead of the whole method or at least mentioned where your code snippet gets executed. That is not a helpful way of asking a question. Nobody would know except for me because I am the author of this global extension.
So now after having established that you are inside a cleanup() method, I can tell you: The information does not belong into the global extension because in the cleanup() method you have access to information from the test such as fields. Why don't you design your test in such a way that whatever information cleanup() needs it stored in a field as you would normally do without using any global extensions? The latter is only meant to help you establish the error status (passed vs. failed) as such.
BTW, I even doubt if you need additional information in the cleanup() method at all because its purpose it cleaning up, not reporting or logging anything. For that Spock has a reporting system which you can also write extensions for.
Sorry for not being more specific in my answer, but your question is equally unspecific. It is an instance of the XY problem, explaining how you think you should do something instead of explaining what you want to achieve. Your sample code omits important details, e.g. the core test code as such.

Import groovy class in a pipeline Jenkinsfile

I need to be able to create classes and use them within a Jenkins pipeline.
Let's say I have a very simple groovy class, declared in a groovy script, looking as this:
class MyClass {
public String toString() {
return "toto";
return MyClass();
This class is located in the folder: Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external
Then in my Jenkinsfile I would do:
node('mynode') {
toto = load 'Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external\MyClass.groovy'
echo toto.toString()
And this actually works
However this do pose a certain numbers of issues with my IDE which does not understand what is happening. Also, this prevents me to have several constructor in my custom class.
What I have been trying to do, and for which I need help, is the following. In a file named ExternalClasses.groovy:
class Toto{
public String toString() {
return "toto";
class Tata{
public String toString() {
return "tata";
return this;
In the JenkinsFile:
node('mynode') {
external= load 'Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external\ExternalClasses.groovy'
toto = new Toto();
tata = new Tata();
And this fails
I have tried several approaches, used packages names, used the Toto.new() syntax, but none worked.
Any ideas ?
Edit about Shared Libraries:
I actually have a Shared library, it is used by several teams and contains very specific data which should be own by the teams and not by the library.
We need to be able to put out of the library things which does not belong to it. The purpose of this work is to alleviate the said library of non generic code.
You could use the Shared Library Feature. Upload your scripts into a VCS like Github/Bitbucket and use Jenkins-Jobs to execute them. They are available for all projects/jobs.

No top-level method 'spawnFunction' declared

I'm trying to use Isolates in Dart. The tutorials from dartlang.org seem to use the function spawnFunction. But that does not seem to work for me. And I cant find any docs about this.
import 'dart:isolate';
void doThing() {
main() {
Unhandled exception:
No top-level method 'spawnFunction' declared.
The docs from api.dartlang.org mention Isolate.spawn but I get an error saying there is no static method spawn declared.
Did I miss something? A link to appropriate docs (if any) would be appreciated.
Isolate.spawn is indeed the new way of creating isolates. Your example would need to be rewritten as:
import 'dart:isolate';
void doThing(_) {
main() {
Isolate.spawn(doThing, null);
See https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/forum/#!topic/misc/EVUMkZXFXtY for the breaking change announcement.

Conditional imports / code for Dart packages

Is there any way to conditionally import libraries / code based on environment flags or target platforms in Dart? I'm trying to switch out between dart:io's ZLibDecoder / ZLibEncoder classes and zlib.js based on the target platform.
There is an article that describes how to create a unified interface, but I'm unable to visualize that technique not creating duplicate code and redundant tests to test that duplicate code. game_loop employs this technique, but uses separate classes (GameLoopHtml and GameLoopIsolate) that don't seem to share anything.
My code looks a bit like this:
class Parser {
Layer parse(String data) {
List<int> rawBytes = /* ... */;
/* stuff you don't care about */
return new Layer(_inflateBytes(rawBytes));
String _inflateBytes(List<int> bytes) {
// Uses ZLibEncoder on dartvm, zlib.js in browser
I'd like to avoid duplicating code by having two separate classes -- ParserHtml and ParserServer -- that implement everything identically except for _inflateBytes.
EDIT: concrete example here: https://github.com/radicaled/citadel/blob/master/lib/tilemap/parser.dart. It's a TMX (Tile Map XML) parser.
You could use mirrors (reflection) to solve this problem. The pub package path is using reflection to access dart:io on the standalone VM or dart:html in the browser.
The source is located here. The good thing is, that they use #MirrorsUsed, so only the required classes are included for the mirrors api. In my opinion the code is documented very good, it should be easy to adopt the solution for your code.
Start at the getters _io and _html (stating at line 72), they show that you can load a library without that they are available on your type of the VM. Loading just returns false if the library it isn't available.
/// If we're running in the server-side Dart VM, this will return a
/// [LibraryMirror] that gives access to the `dart:io` library.
/// If `dart:io` is not available, this returns null.
LibraryMirror get _io => currentMirrorSystem().libraries[Uri.parse('dart:io')];
// TODO(nweiz): when issue 6490 or 6943 are fixed, make this work under dart2js.
/// If we're running in Dartium, this will return a [LibraryMirror] that gives
/// access to the `dart:html` library.
/// If `dart:html` is not available, this returns null.
LibraryMirror get _html =>
Later you can use mirrors to invoke methods or getters. See the getter current (starting at line 86) for an example implementation.
/// Gets the path to the current working directory.
/// In the browser, this means the current URL. When using dart2js, this
/// currently returns `.` due to technical constraints. In the future, it will
/// return the current URL.
String get current {
if (_io != null) {
return _io.classes[#Directory].getField(#current).reflectee.path;
} else if (_html != null) {
return _html.getField(#window).reflectee.location.href;
} else {
return '.';
As you see in the comments, this only works in the Dart VM at the moment. After issue 6490 is solved, it should work in Dart2Js, too. This may means that this solution isn't applicable for you at the moment, but would be a solution later.
The issue 6943 could also be helpful, but describes another solution that is not implemented yet.
Conditional imports are possible based on the presence of dart:html or dart:io, see for example the import statements of resource_loader.dart in package:resource.
I'm not yet sure how to do an import conditional on being on the Flutter platform.
