Error when getting ContextMenu and adding new item - contextmenu

So I have controller class with this object:
private TextArea textArea;
then Im trying to add new MenuItem to its standard Items(that is "copy" and "select all")
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
ContextMenu contextMenu = textArea.getContextMenu();
X contextMenu.getItems().add(new MenuItem("chuj"));
and line marked with X gets me null pointer exception. Why?
Interesting part is that I can get contextMenu from textArea and set it back to its place with no error. I just cant add something new.

Unfortunately, there's no current way to access the default context menu, which is private API in the TextInputControl. This is a known bug.
If you set a context menu, it will remove the default one. You can recreate most of the functionality in the default context menu as these simply map to public methods defined in TextArea. The exceptions are "undo" and "redo".
So you can do something like this:
private List<MenuItem> createDefaultMenuItems(TextInputControl t) {
MenuItem cut = new MenuItem("Cut");
cut.setOnAction(e -> t.cut());
MenuItem copy = new MenuItem("Copy");
copy.setOnAction(e -> t.copy());
MenuItem paste = new MenuItem("Paste");
paste.setOnAction(e -> t.paste());
MenuItem delete = new MenuItem("Delete");
delete.setOnAction(e -> t.deleteText(t.getSelection()));
MenuItem selectAll = new MenuItem("Select All");
selectAll.setOnAction(e -> t.selectAll());
BooleanBinding emptySelection = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(() ->
t.getSelection().getLength() == 0,
return Arrays.asList(cut, copy, paste, delete, new SeparatorMenuItem(), selectAll);
Now you can do
public void initialize() {
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
contextMenu.getItems().add(new MenuItem("chuj"));
It's a bit of a hack (replicating functionality, etc) and you lose the undo/redo (which is a real issue); but it's the best I can suggest until they fix the bug. I suggest you vote for it...


Unkown Key in Vaadin 14 Grid during selection

I'm using a Grid in Vaadin 14. The grid is in multi-selection mode.
The selection handler takes a couple of seconds to complete and I'm calling setItems(...) at the end to update the items in the grid.
When the user selects another row while the previous selection handler is still running, I get an "Unknown key" error similar to the one described in, even though the new set of items still contains the selected item (another object instance but same according to equals()). This seems to be because the keys in the KeyMapper have already been changed due to setItems(), so the key coming from the client is not present anymore.
Is there a way to work around this, for example by disabling selection while the previous request is in progress?
To work around this Vaadin bug, I'm also calling setPageSize() with the exact number of items as argument. But it seems the same problem occurs even if I don't call setPageSize(), so it's probably due to setItems().
Do not change the grids items inside a SelectionListener.
You can still do all the things you wanted, but setting the items anew is not actually needed. In fact it will only create problems as you are experiencing now.
While working at this answer, I realized you will need to do your own Checkbox Column in order to be able to do actions for the one item that was just "selected", instead of removing all then add all selected ones (because much better performance). Here is how that could look.
// in my code samples, a `Foo` item can have many `Bar` items. The grid is of type Bar.
Grid.Column customSelectionColumn = grid.addComponentColumn(item -> {
Checkbox isSelected = new Checkbox();
isSelected.addValueChangeListener(event -> {
boolean newSelectedValue = event.getValue();
} else {
// make a Checkbox that selects all in the header
Checkbox toggleSelectAll = new Checkbox();
toggleSelectAll.addValueChangeListener(event -> {
} else {
grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); // updates custom checkbox value of each item
I solved this problem. Vaadin use data as key in HashMap. You need calc hashCode use immutable data fields. For example
public class TestData {
private int id;
private String name;
public TestData(int id) { = id;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(id);
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;

Update autoComplete JavaFx?

I'm currently working on a JavaFX project.I'm using Autcomplete TextField of ControlFx .Each time i add new rows in database table, it should to update Autocomplete ,i did this but my problem is showing double Context-Menu ,we can say double autocompletes because i call method that create autocomplete each adding of new elements in table.
When i click a tab editBill i call this method :
public void showEditBill() {
if (!BillPane.getTabs().contains(EditBillTab)) {
SingleSelectionModel<Tab> selectionModel = BillPane.getSelectionModel();;
/*it should remove the old autocomplete from textfield*/
pushBills(); //Call for cheking new items
pushBills method () :
public void pushBills() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
bills = new BillHeaderDao().FindAll();
for (int i = 0; i < bills.size(); i++) {
//How can i remove the old bind before bind again
autoCompletionBinding = TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(SearchBill, SuggestionProvider.create(list));
How i can remove the old autocomplete and bind new automplete?
Just in any case if you need to keep instance of AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding object, thus avoiding use of:
autoCompleteBinding = TextFields.bindingAutoCompletion(TextField,List);
, which will change the instance, we could go a little bit deeper and use this:
// let's suppose initially we have this possible values:
Set<String> autoCompletions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"));
SuggestionProvider<String> provider = SuggestionProvider.create(autoCompletions);
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, provider);
// and after some times, possible autoCompletions values has changed and now we have:
Set<String> filteredAutoCompletions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B"));
So, through SuggestionProvider, we have "updated" auto completion values.
To avoid doubling of suggestions menu, don't use again (for the 2nd time):
In order to provide updates to the auto-complete suggestion list, retain a reference to the SuggestionProvider and update the suggestion provider instead:
TextField textField = new TextField();
SuggestionProvider suggestionProvider = SuggestionProvider.create(new ArrayList());
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, suggestionProvider);
When you want to update the suggestion list:
List<String> newSuggestions = new ArrayList();
//(add entries to list)
This will do the trick:
Instead of: TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(textField, list);
, try this:
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
Then create binding between your textField with the list through:
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, SuggestionProvider.create(strings));
So any changes, including removing, from the list, will be reflected in the autoCompletion of the textField;
And you will have dynamic filtering of suggestions, showed in pop-up, when user enter some text in textField;
I had the same problem some time ago I try to do as #MaxKing mentions, but it didnt work. I managed to give it a soluciĆ³n even though I don't think it's the right way.
// Dispose the old binding and recreate a new binding
autoCompleteBinding = TextFields.bindingAutoCompletion(TextField,List);
try this:
public void pushBills() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
bills = new BillHeaderDao().FindAll();
for (int i = 0; i < bills.size(); i++) {
autoCompletionBinding = TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(SearchBill, SuggestionProvider.create(list));

How to use rename refactoring as part of a quickfix?

I've added a quickfix option to my DSL in which I want to make some modifications to the document text - including renaming some element. I can change text in that element just fine, but I want to also rename all of its references - i.e. rename refactoring. How do I do that?
Can I somehow trigger the built-in rename refactoring from inside a quickfix? Or alternatively, how do I go over all of the element's references and change them?
So, I found a way to programmatically trigger a rename refactor. I don't know if it's the "proper" way - I guess it isn't, since I had to add #SuppressWarnings("restriction") to my code - but it works:
private void performDirectRenameRefactoring(EObject object, String newName) throws InterruptedException {
XtextEditor editor = EditorUtils.getActiveXtextEditor();
IRenameElementContext renameContext = new IRenameElementContext.Impl(
IRenameSupport rename = renameSupportFactory.create(renameContext, newName);
So to call this from a quick fix, all you need to do is to get the EObject and calculate the new name. If the issue occupies a part of the EObject itself, the object could be retrieved by:
private EObject findObject(IXtextDocument doc, final Issue issue) {
EObject object = doc.readOnly(new IUnitOfWork<EObject, XtextResource>() {
public EObject exec(XtextResource state) throws Exception {
return state.getEObject(issue.getUriToProblem().fragment());
You can get an IXtextDocument from either IssueResolutionAcceptor (which you should have if you're handling an issue) or from IModificationContext (which you should have if you're proposing a change).
Oak, thank you very much for the solution. Here is my version in Xtend.
IRenameSupport.Factory renameSupportFactory;
IRenameContextFactory renameContextFactory;
def addSignalEnding(Issue issue, IssueResolutionAcceptor acceptor) {
acceptor.accept(issue, 'Add the "_s" ending', 'Add the "_s" ending.', 'upcase.png') [
EObject element, IModificationContext context |
val editor = EditorUtils.getActiveXtextEditor();
val renameElementContext = editor.getDocument().readOnly(
new IUnitOfWork<IRenameElementContext, XtextResource>()
override def IRenameElementContext exec(XtextResource state)
editor, null, state);
val rename = renameSupportFactory.create(renameElementContext, (element as Signal).name + "_s" );

java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor#

I've read several related posts and even posted and answer here but it seems like I was not able to solve the problem.
I have 3 Activities:
Act1 (main)
When going back and forth Act1->Act2 and Act2->Act1 I get no issues
When going Act2->Act3 I get no issues
When going Act3->Act2 I get occasional crashes with the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor#.... This is a ListView cursor.
What I tried:
1. Adding stopManagingCursor(currentCursor);to the onPause() of Act2 so I stop managing the cursor when leaving Act2 to Act3
protected void onPause()
Log.i(getClass().getName() + ".onPause", "Hi!");
//Make sure you get rid of the cursor when leaving to another Activity
//Prevents: ...Unable to resume activity... trying to requery an already closed cursor
Cursor currentCursor = ((SimpleCursorAdapter)getListAdapter()).getCursor();
When returning back from Act3 to Act2 I do the following:
private void populateCompetitorsListView()
ListAdapter currentListAdapter = getListAdapter();
Cursor currentCursor = null;
Cursor tournamentStocksCursor = null;
if(currentListAdapter != null)
currentCursor = ((SimpleCursorAdapter)currentListAdapter).getCursor();
if(currentCursor != null)
//might be redundant, not sure
// Get all of the stocks from the database and create the item list
tournamentStocksCursor = mDbHelper.retrieveTrounamentStocks(mTournamentRowId);
tournamentStocksCursor = mDbHelper.retrieveTrounamentStocks(mTournamentRowId);
tournamentStocksCursor = mDbHelper.retrieveTrounamentStocks(mTournamentRowId);
//Create an array to specify the fields we want to display in the list (only name)
String[] from = new String[] {StournamentConstants.TblStocks.COLUMN_NAME, StournamentConstants.TblTournamentsStocks.COLUMN_SCORE};
// and an array of the fields we want to bind those fields to (in this case just name)
int[] to = new int[]{,};
// Now create an array adapter and set it to display using our row
SimpleCursorAdapter tournamentStocks = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.competitor_row, tournamentStocksCursor, from, to);
So I make sure I invalidate the cursor and use a different one. I found out that when I go Act3->Act2 the system will sometimes use the same cursor for the List View and sometimes it will have a different one.
This is hard to debug and I was never able to catch a crashing system while debugging. I suspect this has to do with the time it takes to debug (long) and the time it takes to run the app (much shorter, no pause due to breakpoints).
In Act2 I use the following Intent and expect no result:
protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id)
super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityCompetitorDetails.class);
intent.putExtra(StournamentConstants.App.competitorId, id);
intent.putExtra(StournamentConstants.App.tournamentId, mTournamentRowId);
Moving Act1->Act2 Act2->Act1 never gives me trouble. There I use startActivityForResult(intent, ACTIVITY_EDIT); and I am not sure - could this be the source of my trouble?
I would be grateful if anyone could shed some light on this subject. I am interested in learning some more about this subject.
I call this a 2 dimensional problem: two things were responsible for this crash:
1. I used startManagingCursor(mItemCursor); where I shouldn't have.
2. I forgot to initCursorAdapter() (for autocomplete) on onResume()
private void initCursorAdapter()
mItemCursor = mDbHelper.getCompetitorsCursor("");
startManagingCursor(mItemCursor); //<= this is bad!
mCursorAdapter = new CompetitorAdapter(getApplicationContext(), mItemCursor);
Now it seems to work fine. I hope so...
Put this it may work for you:
protected void onRestart() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
This also works

Adding to last listbox item

Let's say I have a listbox and two buttons in a windows form application. When I click button1, "button1" is added to the listbox. When I click button2 "button2" is added as a new entry.
What I'm trying to do is have button2 added next to the previous entry instead of as a new entry. Something like "button1 + button2". Can this be done?
You just need to update an existing item on the form, not add a new one. Check this out:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
listBox1.Items[0] = listBox1.Items[0] + "B";
