Alternatives to Facebook Feed Pull in Rails - ruby-on-rails

So we've had an app that we pulled user feeds a few different ways; however thanks to Facebook dropping permissions and blocking a few, all these ways we pulled the data is now gone.
I'm wondering if anyone using Koala Rails gem has an alternative, a work around.
I've noticed that in Facebook on your own account, you can pull feeds of pages you are subscribed to. Such as;
However, I don't see how to pull that in the Graph Explorer for a user or even 'me' as being the user;
doesn't really work at all. Any suggestions or ideas? maybe someone has a work around to grab feeds with certain different permissions.


How twitter updates retweets and favorites without refreshing the page

Does anyone who use the current version of twitter right now know what they used to update retweets and favorites without having the user refresh the page? Or does anyone at least know how i can do this with swift? Would think be possibly by using ajax on the backend?
There are a couple of ways to get that working. You can run an script that every second hits an url and gets the new retweets and stats, and updates the info on the page.
There is something about a relatively new technology called WebRTC, that provides a different way to connect two devices through the web (RTC stands for Real Time Communication).
Of course, you can use some ready plugins, or maybe some frameworks that are proper to do that work, with no pain, but the ideal is that you know how these things works under the hood first.
I hope I've helped.

Tweeting as different user using REST API

I'm currently writing a shop-related site that has it's own community in different social networks. While posting to VKontakte and Facebook is less of an issue (I can understand the concept of "group", and VK actually has an option to write posts using the group's name), Twitter is more troublesome.
Two questions:
Is there even such a thing as "groups" in Twitter? The closest I have seen is lists and timelines, but neither appears to solve my issue.
I cannot give the operator access to the twitter account. VK has a specific option when posting in a group to use that group's name as poster name. How does this work in Twitter?
I need something akin to what lamoda has set up. (It appears to be a user, and every post is labeled as written by that user, however I doubt they give their ops access to the actual twitter account).
P.S.: I'm already done with getting past OAuth and using REST to actually post, thus no code provided. I'm just having trouble with the statuses/update.json call, if that's what I should actually be using.
Talk about simple solutions to simple problems.
It appears I have been overcomplicating. There are no groups in twitter, or even comments at that. You can only post to your own feed or re-post from somebody else's.
Posting to someone's feed (a shop account's, say) is simple enough using that account's pre-generated access token which can be stored in the configs.

How can I use the YouTube SUP API to retrieve recent uploads of some predefined users?

I wish to be able to check for the latest videos (in near realtime or at most a couple of minutes out) for a set of users (up to 200 or so) in a single call to the YouTube API and then store the IDs of uploaded videos in my own database. The only solution I believe there is for this is the YouTube SUP API but I'm not entirely clear on how it works and was wondering if someone could please explain it. I have read the entire API documentation on it but am still not completely clear.
I was assuming that one can call the SUP URL ( and check if the user hash has had any activity recently and if they have, then do something with that. My issue is I don't understand how you interpret the activity from ["b305e88","afd4"] in the SUP feed and is there any way to specify a subset of users or must you search through the entire feed? It seems to take a fair few seconds to load the SUP feed.
On the SUP API page it also states that you can visit a URL such as to obtain the hash key for a user's feed, but as you can see if you try to visit it, the link appears to be broken. How else could I obtain the hash?
I'm currently wanting to do this in a Rails project while using the youtube_it gem but I don't believe this has support for it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
My mistake. The developer key is required to obtain the events of a user such as
Still no progress with the SUP method although I'm potentially considering using a channel and just automatically subscribing to each user. Every minute I will then poll for the list of new videos by the users.
I'd suggest using PubSubHubbub:
A handler in your web application will automatically receive a POST whenever one of the feeds you're watching is updated, and the content of the POST will be the updated feed itself, saving you the trouble of having to fetch it.
There isn't much documentation specific to using PuSH and the YouTube API beyond that blog post, but the general PuSH docs all apply:
Failing that, SUP should still work, so we could try to debug that further if you'd rather use that.

Facebook Stream Posts Missing

I was querying fql for all the posts on my wall and trying out different things with it. I noticed that there were certain posts that were missing. Just to test it out, I started looking at the "feed" option on the Graph API Explorer (with all possible permissions checked on all three tabs). I found out that I could not view a particular post either. My friend and I tested, and he posted a link to my wall. When he queried the feed on the API explorer, he could see his link. I however, could not see it. An additional mutual friend posted a link to my wall, and I could see that new link just fine, but the initial friend could not.
I also noticed with another user, I could see all posts on my wall that were just text, but I could not see any links that they referenced. I'm not sure if there were any other posts missing as well, but I know that NONE of his links were their.
Is this some strange privacy setting that he has on his posts? I always interpreted that given the right permissions (read_stream) or all permissions I should be able to pull everything on my wall. However, it seems that I can only pull specific content. Thanks for any help anyone can give me with this! I want to pull all of the comments that people have on my wall, and I'm just having problems with this.

Creating photo albums with Wordpress on an existing site

I'm looking for a solution to a particular query. I've got a website that I have made for a client and I coded my own image uploader/thumbnail creator but it's not handling what he wants very well.
So basically I'm looking for alternatives, and someone suggested using Wordpress and one its plugins to help upload albums. This seems straight forward after a bit of reading. But can I integrate it with my current set up:
A user logs into their account on the site (I've set up user accounts in a DB),
They see which albums are associated with this account.
They open the album and the images appear.
So I guess what I'm asking is, how configurable is wordpress to fit in with my current set up. I need to be able to only display albums related to the logged in user to them.
Tbh if my current way worked consistently (the upload/thumbnail creation is all done in PHP), I would prefer to use that, but this has gone on for a while and I just want to give him a clean solution.
You can consider to use this wordpress plugin:
