Facebook Stream Posts Missing - stream

I was querying fql for all the posts on my wall and trying out different things with it. I noticed that there were certain posts that were missing. Just to test it out, I started looking at the "feed" option on the Graph API Explorer (with all possible permissions checked on all three tabs). I found out that I could not view a particular post either. My friend and I tested, and he posted a link to my wall. When he queried the feed on the API explorer, he could see his link. I however, could not see it. An additional mutual friend posted a link to my wall, and I could see that new link just fine, but the initial friend could not.
I also noticed with another user, I could see all posts on my wall that were just text, but I could not see any links that they referenced. I'm not sure if there were any other posts missing as well, but I know that NONE of his links were their.
Is this some strange privacy setting that he has on his posts? I always interpreted that given the right permissions (read_stream) or all permissions I should be able to pull everything on my wall. However, it seems that I can only pull specific content. Thanks for any help anyone can give me with this! I want to pull all of the comments that people have on my wall, and I'm just having problems with this.


Facebook-Ios get the number of users i have just tagged in a post, some questions

I wanna get the number of users i have just tagged in a post (in my profile) by Facebook sdk. I have read about:
But seems that theri delegation doesn't return anything about the number of friends tagged, so i can't use it.
Maybe an alternative is a custom friends picker and a share action with Graph api, something like:
Login with fb -> UiTableview with content filled with graph endpoint "taggable_friends" -> launch the share action -> Return the number of tagged friends
My question are:
There is a way with graph api to know how many friends are tagged in a post (i have to post in my own profile)?
If the endpoint "taggable_friends" is deprecated (i can't find in Graph explorer), what is the actual alternative ?
"taggable_friends" returns only friends how have already my fb app installed or all my friends?
First of all, what do you need this information for?
Please be aware that you are not allowed to “reward” users in any way for posting or tagging people, or to require them to tag a certain number of people or something like that. If you haven’t done so already, you should go read Platform Policy.
taggable_friends is not deprecated, and it returns all friends, not just app users.
If you have a legitimate use case for finding out how many people where tagged, you could read the post details back from the API, after the post is made. The message_tags field contains info about the tags, so you could simply check how many elements this field contains. (I don’t know though how tag review affects this, if people have their FB settings so that they need to confirm being tagged first.)

Alternatives to Facebook Feed Pull in Rails

So we've had an app that we pulled user feeds a few different ways; however thanks to Facebook dropping permissions and blocking a few, all these ways we pulled the data is now gone.
I'm wondering if anyone using Koala Rails gem has an alternative, a work around.
I've noticed that in Facebook on your own account, you can pull feeds of pages you are subscribed to. Such as;
However, I don't see how to pull that in the Graph Explorer for a user or even 'me' as being the user;
doesn't really work at all. Any suggestions or ideas? maybe someone has a work around to grab feeds with certain different permissions.

Tweeting as different user using REST API

I'm currently writing a shop-related site that has it's own community in different social networks. While posting to VKontakte and Facebook is less of an issue (I can understand the concept of "group", and VK actually has an option to write posts using the group's name), Twitter is more troublesome.
Two questions:
Is there even such a thing as "groups" in Twitter? The closest I have seen is lists and timelines, but neither appears to solve my issue.
I cannot give the operator access to the twitter account. VK has a specific option when posting in a group to use that group's name as poster name. How does this work in Twitter?
I need something akin to what lamoda has set up. (It appears to be a user, and every post is labeled as written by that user, however I doubt they give their ops access to the actual twitter account).
P.S.: I'm already done with getting past OAuth and using REST to actually post, thus no code provided. I'm just having trouble with the statuses/update.json call, if that's what I should actually be using.
Talk about simple solutions to simple problems.
It appears I have been overcomplicating. There are no groups in twitter, or even comments at that. You can only post to your own feed or re-post from somebody else's.
Posting to someone's feed (a shop account's, say) is simple enough using that account's pre-generated access token which can be stored in the configs.

Is it possible to tag a user/page through Facebook open graph api?

I found this post on SO as well as some other links on the web but they all seem outdated and seem to indicate that FB has not yet exposed this through the Open Graph API and i couldnt find anything to the contrary on the web. I am trying to find a way to post an image to a users wall and be able to tag multiple users in the post title or caption?
Is there still no way to do this through the api or somehow achieve the same result?
Tagging user/page in photo caption
This is not possible through the Graph API, and as far as I know the old #[user_id:0:link_text] is currently unavailable. Sadly I'm going to say that it is not possible at the time of writing this post.
I'll update this post with relevant info if I come across any.
Tagging user/page in Photo
This is possible through the Graph API.
The documentation for how to accomplish what you are looking for is located under the headline "tags" if you follow the link below:
developers.facebook.com - Core Concepts › Graph API › Photo

Not all the comments visible when pulling a post using Facebook graph API iphone

I searched through all the posts about Facebook graph API and didn't find anything about it. Here's the issue.
I'm working on the iPhone app for one company. And for the news section in this app, i'm pulling all the posts and comments from the wall of this company's Facebook page using Facebook graph API.
The way i do this is: first i pull all the posts by sending request:
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"company name/feed" andDelegate:self];
And I receive the NSDictionary with all posts and information about it, including number of comments. I put all the post in tableView and when you tap one of the posts viewController of comments opens. Where i requesting the comments for this post:
NSString *postId = [self.post objectForKey:#"id"];
NSString *request = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/comments" ,postId];
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:request andDelegate:self];
I'm receiving the array of comments. But some of them are missing. I guess it because of some privacy setting people have in their accounts.
I'm just wondering maybe someone had the same issue and know how to work this around. Or know what privacy settings user need to change in his facebook account to be able to see his comments.
Just wanted to add this works: Grab the feed for all the basic wall post information, then grab the comments for each post individually. Requires more complex refresh methods, and a little trickery (trust your comments array over the JSON comment count number where you can) but at least it gets it right.
I was grabbing the feed to get post_id's, then grabbing each post individually to get the correct information. However, just 2 days ago I had some really funny stuff going on where the same facebook post request in iOS would return 2 of the 3 comments, the Chrome browser returned 1 comment (the latest one) and the request in Firefox returned the other 2 comments but not the newest one. Didn't matter if I was logged in or not when using the browser to test the response. This happened for about half the posts with comments.
So I tried using the access token in the URLs on the Facebook Developers site and changing the request to this particular post - returned all the correct information straight away! It got to the point where I even created a new Facebook App to get a new app ID, and a fresh project in XCode to eliminate all possibilities - didn't make a difference.
So thanks to this thread I tried the {post_id}/comments GET, and it works correctly. I've done the same thing for likes to eliminate that potentially breaking further down the line as well!
The Graph API works in mysterious ways and there's a countless number of bugs actually open, but to make it simple you'll need to pass a valid access_token to retrieve all comments from facebook.
Meaning https://graph.facebook.com/page_id/feed?access_token=blah
The API will return a JSON with links to use the pagination. You can use them to browse through or retrieve directly a larger amount of data:
Note that using a limit higher than 1000 will lead to bugs and possible invalid data... that's a known bug. There are also bugs in the pagination logic that might or might not be fixed as of 2011... you'll have to check.
The comments count and actual count is also buggy and might be off when working on large pages (seen it happen on pages with more than 5k comments per post). There are also some problems with getting the count itself...
Sorry if I can't help you more than that, but the graph API is still a bit of a mess and counts a fairly high number of bugs. You'll have to try and see if it works as explained in the documentation. But definitively add an access token, it can't hurt and you'll most likely get the data you want... unless you run into a bug.
Furthermore, the number of comments is sometimes different in /feed then in /post_id/comments
For instance :
graph.facebook.com/146154582080623/feed returns 1 comment with a count of 3
graph.facebook.com/146154582080623_184735008222580/comments (which is a post of the previous page) returns 2 comments
So I'm wondering if privacy is the problem or not.
