TestFlight Beta not showing testers - ios

Big hand to Apple for screwing TestFlight. I can't seem to get anything to happen past this screen. I've
Created external testers
Upload a build with ad hoc profile (though application loader)
Turned on TestFlight Beta Testing (even tried turning it on and off to get invitation emails to send)
When adding external users they never receive and email either. Anyone have this problem?

I haven't seen this exact message, but one problem I see with your process is that you used an adhoc profile. According to Apple, you should be using an app store distribution profile:
Generate a new App Store Distribution profile containing the beta
entitlement to distribute builds via TestFlight.
As the message says, you also need to have the beta entitlement in your profile. If you created it in the last couple months - it should have it - but it's possible adhoc profiles don't. When you go to upload the binary, expand the entitlements and check to see that beta-reports-active is present and set to on.
Hopefully one of those two is your issue.


TestFlight provisioning profile not valid

I have submitted iOS app to TestFlight and when my internal testers try to download app it says the provisioning profile is invalid. I have verified that the provisioning profile is not invalid. Is there something else that could be causing this.
I am using Xamarin on windows. I was able to successfully submit a different app to TestFlight using same certificate and app id.
Basically what i am looking for is a way to troubleshoot this other than just looking at the status of profile on the app store.
So problem here was needed to use App Store distribution instead of ad-hoc which to me is confusing considering i only wanted app on TestFlight so hopefully this clears things up for someone else.

Testflight - Build is there but not showing?

So I just got an email telling me that my build has completed processing.
I go to iTunes connect and sure enough there it is. I go to add testers, and it asks me to input some contact info before it adds the testers.
Somewhere here the whole thing just stops working, so I reload the page and this is all I can see now:
My Build is there, it is the correct version, but I cant see it, or do anything with it, really weird. What is this?
To create .ipa file i'm using Ad Hoc option. But for testing apple send an email like this ....
Missing beta entitlement - Your app does not include the beta-reports-active entitlement. If you intend to distribute this build via TestFlight for beta testing, please re-build this app with an App Store Distribution provisioning profile. Do not use ad-hoc profiles.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
The App Store team
Now i selected App Store option to create .ipa file. Now i uploaded the .ipa through application builder. Then only i'm getting my build in TestFlight. I think this will help you...

Testflight complains about developer certificate being used to sign the app

Suddenly I started getting this from Testflight when uploading a new build of an app:
This build is signed with a Developer certificate, it can only be installed by devices with the Developer feature enabled. We recommend signing with a distribution provisioning profile for best results.
And my users have problems installing the app. I've gone over the project settings again and again, but everything looks right.
I've set the team provisioning profile to be the provisioning profile for both debug and release, I've even changed to a different team, but still the same problem.
Am I looking in the wrong place here?
I just came across this exact same issue. It looks like TestFlight have added a new check and are flagging developer provisioning profiles when they didn't in the past. Take a read of this (posted yesterday):
Testflight article
I've just uploaded a build to test flight using my normal approach to signing (with a developer certificate), ignored the testflight message, and distributed to my test users. Seemed to work OK.

Xcode 5 - Can no longer validate archives

I upgraded from Xcode 4 to 5 and I can no longer validate archives created for Ad-Hoc distribution.
After creating an archive, I hit Validate, log into iTunes Connect (as prompted) and get the error "No identities are available for signing":
If I click 'Download Identities...' then pick my team name (me) it just takes me back to this error prompt.
I have created and signed an Ad Hoc distribution profile called 'survey_dist_9'
The Code Signing settings in my Target look like this, although I have tried many combinations of these profiles:
My unchanged, existing project that worked fine in Xcode 4 no longer works in Xcode 5. I validated 15 versions of my app without fail before upgrading to XCode 5.
In My Xcode organizer it shows no provisioning profiles except under my iPad device. Has this changed since Xcode 4? (Sure they used to be there)
There are similar sounding questions here but the solutions I've found are not applicable.
No crashes are occurring as described in similar sounding questions. I can distribute as Ad Hoc. The problem is we're using Ad Hoc as a production solution (distributing an in-house app to a small company) so I'm reticent to skip the Validation process.
Any suggestions?
Make sure that the bundle identifier in Xcode matches your App's bundle ID in iTunes connect.
Here you go, follow the screens below, it should help you..
And yes they have removed Profiles from Organizers, instead you can use iPhone Configuration Tool.
Hope it helps..
It looks like Apple disabled the ability to validate with just an ad hoc provisioning profile in XCode 5.
If you wish to validate an app that is intended only for Ad Hoc distribution, you must also have an App Store provisioning profile for the app too, against which to validate it.

Not receiving Apple push notifications / Possible provisioning profile issue?

I've been trying to debug push notifications, but they fail silently so it's been difficult. As far as I can tell, I've correctly followed Apple's instructions, so I was wondering if anyone else sees any issues with my setup:
It used to be working, using a development certificate and a Debug build of my app. When I created the AdHoc build to start testing with others, that's when the problems started. I created a production certificate, which I'm using now on the server. I also changed the APNS destination from sandbox to production. I updated the provisioning profile (and <key>aps-environment</key><string>production</string> is present as required), and rebuilt and packaged the app as an IPA (using the new profile) which I distributed to my testers through TestFlight. I can tell that it was definitely packaged with the new provisioning profile, since I added a new tester at the same time, and TestFlight shows the new tester.
I got the testers' new device tokens and sent them all a simple alert notification: {"aps":{"alert":"hello"}}, but no success. Any tips?
One thing I found weird: I thought device tokens were supposed to change when you have a new provisioning profile? But for all my testers it seemed that the device tokens were the same ones as before. I thought that maybe the provisioning profile wasn't getting updated on their phones for some reason, so I asked one of them to delete the profile from his phone settings (by the way, there turned out to be two of them for the app, with the same name), and re-install the app using TestFlight. But, his device token actually still stayed the same. Any tips? Thanks in advance!
In case anyone else is having this problem, here's the solution: It seems to be caching the device token, so try just creating a new app in the dev center for your AdHoc build.
