Search records between two dates - Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to create a search that returns records between two dates (today and a future date).
I can get it to return several records no problem if I use the following code in my model (film.rb):
def self.date_search(search_string)
self.where("release_date >= ?", search_string )
However, when I try something like the following, I receive syntax errors:
def self.date_search(search_string)
date =
self.where("release_date = created_at > date.strftime("%F") AND created_at < ? ", search_string )
I am still very new to Ruby so any help sorting out my syntax and code would be much appreciated.

def self.date_search(search_string)
This will give you entries where release_date is between the current time and the search_string (inclusive of the search string since you use two dots(..), it would be exclusive of the search string if you used three dots (...)


Exclude records before a certain date

I cannot seem to get the syntax correct on this. What I need to is grab all records after Feb 18 2021.
I feel like I have tried a million things so far but this is what I have at the moment which isn't working.
#exclusion_date = Date.parse('2021-02-18 00:00:01')
#surveys = Survey.closed.where('survey_type = ? AND created_at < ?','individual', #exclusion_date).order(created_at: :desc)
This still returns the exact same data as it did before I tried to exclude the older records.
You want to load records created after a specific time. That means the timestamp must be greater than the specific date. This should work:
#exclusion_date = Time.parse('2021-02-18 00:00:01')
#surveys = Survey
.where('survey_type = ? AND created_at > ?', 'individual', #exclusion_date)
.order(created_at: :desc)
In newer versions of Rails you can do this with a clever syntactic sugar using infinite ranges #exclusion_date..., meaning all possible future dates.
#exclusion_date = Time.parse('2021-02-18 00:00:01')
#surveys = Survey
.where(survey_type: 'individual')
.where(created_at: #exclusion_date...)

Find model records against

I have a model with 2 specific fields named start and end.
Those are dates I want to check against current date ( ) in order to get only records where current time is comprised between start and end stored values
I tried a few things such as
Model.all.find_by(start: < , end: >
But I get syntax errors all the time. Sometimes the field name of the second date ( end ) is even mixed up with the 'end' keyword inside my controller.
You can try something like this:
Model.where('start < ? and end > ?',,
By the way, all is redundant in this situation.

Rails: will index help for range search?

In my Rails App, I did a alot of range search to group objects, like
scope :best_of_the_week, ->(time) do
start_time = time.beginning_of_week
end_time = time.end_of_week
where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", start_time, end_time).where('votes_count > ?', 300).order('votes_count DESC').first(8)
In this case, do I need to add index to created_at? and what about votes_count?
Addtionally, how can I elegantly combine the first two where searches? Or does combining them make any difference?
If you want max performance to this query, create an index for both. If you don't want to create too many indexes, you should index created_at, date seems do have a bigger range as the time goes (and size of database).
I like to use the find_by_sql and make SELECT retrieve just the essential data to improve performance, if you have too many var chars fields this will have a nice impact.
Just for sintax sugar
where("between ? and ?", start_time, end_time).(other stuff)

Comparing with model dates

my Project model has 2 datetime atttributes: start_date and end_date.
Now I want all projects where the current time is in between these dates.
I tried something like this with the start_date to start with:
#projects = Project.where(:start_date <=
But this returns an error:
comparison of Symbol with Time failed
Any ideas? Thanks!
Unlike some ORMs, active record doesn't augment the symbol class with methods to allow expressions other than equality to be expressed in this way. You just have to do
Project.where('start_date <= ?',
The squeal gem adds this sort of stuff and allows you to write
Project.where{start_date <}
You can't do this: :start_date <= You're comparing a symbol and a date with the <= operator.
If you want to add a condition to your query, pass it as a string:
Project.where("start_date <= ?",;
Unfortunately, with a where clause comparing dates, you'll have to drop into SQL. Try something like this instead:
#projects = Project.where(['projects.start_date <= ?',])

Rails searching with multiple conditions (if values are not empty)

Let's say I have a model Book with a field word_count, amongst potentially many other similar fields.
What is a good way for me to string together conditions in an "advanced search" of the database? In the above example, I'd have a search form with boxes for "word count between ___ and ___". If a user fills in the first box, then I want to return all books with word count greater than that value; likewise, if the user fills in the second box, then I want to return all books with word count less than that value. If both values are filled in, then I want to return word counts within that range.
Obviously if I do
Book.where(:word_count => <first value>..<second value>)
then this will break if only one of the fields was filled in. Is there any way to handle this problem elegantly? Keep in mind that there may be many similar search conditions, so I don't want to build separate queries for every possible combination.
Sorry if this question has been asked before, but searching the site hasn't yielded any useful results yet.
How about something like:
#books = Book
#books = #books.where("word_count >= ?", values[0]) if values[0].present?
#books = #books.where("word_count <= ?", values[1]) if values[1].present?
ActiveRecord will chain the where clauses
The only problem is that if values[0] && values[1] the query would not return anything if values[0] was greater than values[1].
For our advanced searching we create a filter object which encapsulates the activerecord queries into simple methods. It was originally based on this Thoughtbot post
A book filter could look something like this:
class BookFilter
def initialize
#relation = Book.scoped
def restrict(r)
minimum_word_count!(r[:first]) if r[:first].present?
maximum_word_count!(r[:second]) if r[:second].present?
recent! if r.try(:[], :recent) == '1'
def recent!
where('created_at > ? ', 1.week.ago)
def minimum_word_count!(count)
where('word_count >= ? ', count)
def maximum_word_count!(count)
where('word_count <= ?', count)
def where(*a)
#relation = #relation.where(*a)
#to use
books =
Take a look at the ransack gem, which is the successor to the meta_search gem, which still seems to have the better documentation.
If you do want to roll your own, there's nothing preventing you from chaining clauses using the same attribute:
scope = Book
scope = scope.where("word_count >= ?", params[:first]) if params[:first]
scope = scope.where("word_count <= ?", params[:last]) if params[:last]
But it's really not necessary to roll your own search, there are plenty of ready solutions available as in the gems above.
