Exclusive iPhone 6 app - ios

Is it possible to submit an app from Xcode through iTunes Connect for only an iPhone 6 and if it is how do you do it?
I have tried to submit it already by just including screenshots for iPhone 6 but it would not go through because it said that iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 configurations had to be supported.

Unfortunately, this isn't possible. When you submit an application for iPhones, it must be for ALL iPhones. Sorry. You can see How to submit iPhone application which only supports iphone 6 & 6+ for more information, but this question is a duplicate.


Xcode Deploy to iPhone 5 and later? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is it possible to exclude 3.5 inch screen devices when submitting an iOS app?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
My app does not play nice with 3.5 inch screens. How do I deploy to the iPhone 5 and later only? So far my solution is to make the valid architecture arm64 only. But this leaves out the iPhone 5 & 5C.
Not building for iphone 4s goes against Apples choice of allowing it to go to iOS9, which is probably why they don't allow people to choose specific device support in the Info.plist. You can only filter out by features, so perhaps look for a feature that is not in iPhone 4s but in other devices, and say you only support that type.

How to support app for iphone 6 and iphone 6++

my app is live on itune appstore but its showing that it is compatible upto iphone 5/5S. But i had tested the app on iphone 6 and 6++ simulators and it is working fine.
What i have to do so that it should show that this app is compatible with iphone 6 and 6++
In order to support iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus compatibility, either you need to use a LaunchScreen file or simply add Launch images for 6/6Plus. Now when you try to run the app, it will automatically detect screen size and you can clearly see the app in correct dimension and size.

ITC.apps.validation.screenshot itunes connect iPhone 6 screenshot is required

I have uploaded my app build to itunes connect from Xcode 5.1.1... I currently do not support iPhone 6. When I submit to review I get an error that I have to upload iPhone 6 sreenshots first.
Is there anyway I could just bypass iPhone 6 screenshots where as my app doesn't support iPhone 6 yet ?
My App was accepted with Photoshop Scaled 4-inch Screens. However, for now apple stopped requiring iPhone 6 screenshots.
You can't submit an app that does not support iPhone 6. So I guess it makes sense that iTunes Connect now makes it compulsory to include at least one screenshot for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus resolutions.
But unless you include launch images for the iPhone 6/6 Plus resolutions your app will run in scaled mode on the new iPhones. So as a quick workaround, I imagine that simply scaling your existing screenshots would give similar results to re-capturing them.

How the apps already build for iPhone 4 and 5 will shown in iPhone 6 and 6 plus

As the apple has announced the two more screen sizes iPhone 6 and 6 plus. What will happen to apps already in app store build for iPhone 4 and 5. Will they be stretched or their layout be distorted in these new phones?
Please help me because I have recently submitted two of my apps in app store waiting for review. So should I change them or they will work fine. As I haven't use Auto layout in these apps.
If you have uploaded apps from XCode 5.x apple will take care and they will be scaled and stretched to fit them in iPhone and iPhone 6. If you want to take advantage of new devices you will have to use XCode 6 and add launch images on your project with these steps.
If you have not added launch images for iPhone 6 and 6 plus (and do not have Launch Screen File for iOS 8) , than your apps will be streached to fit in new devices , once you add them app will not be streached and you will have to manage it.
So with Xcode 5.x , you can be absoulatly sure that iOS will take care and streach your app to look just like thy look in iPhone 5 or 5S.
As Bhumit said, you need to add launch images at the new sizes if you want to have your apps scale properly for iPhone 6.
A corollary is that they will not scale in the simulator until you add those launch images. You can just add some default ones to test - I recommend grabbing David Smith's blanks.
If you do not test in the simulator with launch images, you will get a false impression of your app working because the default scaling kicks in. (If you are happy to leave it with that default scaling, fine for now.)
According to the latest version of Xcode 6 , the apps running in the previous iPhone environments of 5 and 4s will work as they are in iOS 8 i.e iPhone 6 , 6+. I suggest you download Xcode 6 from the Apple Developer Site and run your apps in the iPhone 6 and 6+ and see for yourself.
I have also found the apple link for this problem. Under heading 'Supporting New Screen Sizes and Scales'. You can check out above link for more such information.

Will iPhone app be rejected for not supporting iPhone 5 screen size? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is iPhone 5 display support *necessary* for app submission? [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
Will Apple reject a newly submitted iPhone app that does not support the iPhone 5's screen dimensions, ie runs in compatibility mode and is built to the iPhone 4's screen dimensions?
No, its not necessary. You will notice during submission to http://itunesconnect.apple.com/ Screen shots of iPhone 5 (4 inch retina ) are optional.
Now 4 inch retina screenshots are necessary to submit iPhone application on Apple AppStore.
Means now you have to support iPhone 5 in every new app you submit to apple store, event when you submit a new version to existing application.
No, It won't get rejected. It will be acceptable by the App Store. Don't worry.
It won't be rejected for this reason.
B'coz, it works well on iPhone 5 also except black patches at top and bottom.
It is not necessary that, all the apps are bound to be compatible for iPhone5. Some of them might be only meant for iPhone 4 or 4s. Then also It will work on iPhone5 with black patches at both top and bottom for the remaining screen.
So your app will definitely be accepted by Apple!
