Use existing custom keyboard code xcode - ios

I have only custom keyboard code not full project code. I don't know how to integrate in my app or in new app. In custom keyboard some code is used that is not reachable for custom keyboards. Can any tell me how can i use this code. I know that i can make a new project with custom keyboard templCete but it doesn't work for me

In your current app add new keyboard extension as follows
go to file/New/target/Application Extension/Custom keyboard
give some name for keyboard.
Then in your app file list "KeyboardViewController" class added.
open that KeyboardViewController.m file and just replace that keyboard code which you have.
Before running app in simulator or device first go to device
Setting->General->keyboard->keyboards->add new keyboard
add your custom keyboard there
and run the app.


XCode, objective C - Keyboard WILL NOT SHOW

I've taken over the work on an iOS app, I've managed to work quite well with it thus far adding new functionality despite not being a trained iOS developer. However I've hit a patch where I simply cannot get the keyboard to show on screen when I tap on a UITextfield, there are areas of the app where it works but any new areas I add this simply will not work. Is there a standard bit of code that controls showing the keyboard when you tap a text field?
Need help
Keyboard opens up automatically unless you forced to not open.
You can check following, See screenshots.
Enable is checked
User Interaction Enable is checked
If you are checking on simulator try “command + k” from keypad
textFieldShouldBeginEditing delegate returns TRUE
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
return TRUE;
Are you running on a simulator or a real device?

Trying to associate xib with KeyboardViewController.swift file in Xcode 6

Sorry guys, new to Xcode
I wanted to make a keyboard that has a picker view that lets you select text and populate a field. I have a KeyboardViewController and a xib file with the PickerView in it. But everytime I launch all I see is a blank keyboard when I try it in simulator, I even tried using spotlight and not the container app.
I'm clearly clueless about something.
My filenames are Len-keyboard_take2.xib and KeyboardViewController.swift.

Qwerty Azerty in custom keyboard ios swift

Is it possible to Add Qwerty and Azerty in custom keyboard for iOS
I have a file DefaultKeyboard.swift and i tried to add anything like AzertyKeyboard.swift
Thank you on avance
Apple requests that each keyboard language is added in a UIInputViewController of its own. De-facto, all the keyboards are changing languages inside the same UIInputViewController by replacing the layout or keyboard map.
You can choose either way.

How can I change some keystroke on iOS 7 default keyboard? Like Slack

I use an app called "Slack" somehow they managed to change the return key to be "#" and "#" like in the picture.
I really don't know whether they created a whole new keyboard view that look exactly the same as iOS default keyboard or
It has a way to custom the return button of the default keyboard.
Anyone got any idea how can they do this on iOS 7?
Slack has shared it source code for handle message like app here
Which I still cannot locate where is the functionality to add "#" and "#"
You can achieve this by using the Twitter keyboard built in to the iOS SDK.
[textField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeTwitter];
If you're using Interface Builder, select your UITextField and go to the Attributes inspector -> Keyboard Type -> Twitter.

Why does the Keyboard not show when editing UITextField?

I have a ios8 project in XCode 6.1 using size classes. At somepoint in development, the Keyboard stopped displaying while editing a UITextField. To debug, I made simple UIViewController with a single UITextField in a different storyboard in the project, and the keyboard would not display for that UITextField either.
I then made an entirely new project and a simple UIViewController and a single UITextField and the keyboard DID work correctly.
I've looked at all the settings in the project and could find nothing that looks like it affects the keyboard.
Any ideas on what is going on?
If this happen only in the simulator then go to
Hardware Menu->Keyboard->Toggle Software Keyboard
or use shortcut key
Go to simulator -> Hardware then
then click on Toggle Softwate Kwyboard, then you will get key board for TextField
