RoR Create second way of registrations using devise - ruby-on-rails

I use Rails 4.2 and Ruby 2.0. I want to create second way of registrations users using devise with auto generating password. User's email and pass must be sending in email. It really do?
The problem now is that the message is sending from the standard way of confirmed. I would like cancel it and use own confirmation method, which will contain the password and email.


When does Devise actually send reconfirmation emails?

I'm trying to add email confirmation to a model called "Project" in a Rails app: users should be able to set an email address for a project, which is not saved until they click a confirmation link sent to the email address provided.
Although I have no need for its authentication features, I thought the Devise gem might be useful. I was hoping to use :reconfirmable to implement the feature: when the user tries to save an email to the project, it instead is saved to the unconfirmed_email column until they confirm.
It appears, partly, to be working -- the database is updated correctly, a token is generated, the "confirmation_sent_at" field is set. But no email template is rendered (and no email is sent). Looking at the code path in lib/devise/models.rb I can see how, before the email field is saved to, a method is called that intercepts that save and instead saves to unconfirmed_email. But where is the email send actually triggered? What do I have to do to activate it?
Assuming that you have correctly configured Devise to use the :confirmable feature and configured your email properly (as described in this answer). Then it should be as simple as calling this:
user.send_confirmation_instructions # where user is one of your Devise users
At the very least, making the send_confirmation_instructions call should show that the email is sending in the Rails log. If that is the case but you don't ever receive an email then you have your email configured incorrectly.

Devise email only signup - rails

Within a rails app i'm working on. I'm trying to add the ability for users to signup simply by entering their email address and then confirming their account via the confirmation email. I don't want the user to have to enter in any password. How would I go about doing this?
This example is useful, but requires for the user to enter a password:
Should I just automatically use one password for all users?
Devise is built for authentication, which is either a password, or a quick check with a social network that this is actually the person they claim to be. The email address is used as identification.
If you just want to identify a person by their email, I suggest you create your own system for it. You can even add some of the Devise features in if you like. First, create a User model with an email attribute:
rails generate model User email:string
Once you've migrated the database, create a controller for it:
rails generate controller users
Then create a Session model and let each User create sessions by logging in. There'll be plenty of great tutorials on the web of how to create a system like this. Writing helper methods like current_user or user_signed_in? should be quite easy too.
Now for the last point, if you want people to sign in after they signed up using the email confirmation, how will you make sure that it is actually the same person signing in as the person who confirmed the email? Any malicious user could simply use an already confirmed account to sign in, unless you have to do an email confirmation every time you sign in...
So while you can do the above, I would seriously recommend to have some kind of authentication, whether it be with a password, or using OmniAuth to connect to social networks. There's a railscast for that here.
Not sure if this would help you, but based on the simplicity of the authentication process, I would suggest not to use Devise at all. You can just create an action in your SessionsController, which will compare the params[:email] (or however you are calling it in your app) against the emails listed in the UsersTable.

How can i allow user to authenticate using email and some other field in devise instead of email and password?

I am using devise for authentication and i use rails as backend for ios application. I wanted to save the user attributes and it does not have password field in the registration, so i overrided the devise registration controller and made it as required.
Now i wanted to allow the user to be authenticated on the every request, so usually i use "authenticate_user!" method in other controllers so it would check the user on every request but it requires password to do so but in my case i now do not have password, so how can i verify the user on every request.
Can i able to override the authenticate_user! method and allow to check email and type(for example) instead of email and password or tell me if there is some other way.
Also please tell me how devise access the authorization header and use it in the authenticate_user! method. Please help me. I am stuck with this for quiet a long time.
As I answered before, you can override find_first_by_auth_conditions method in User model. See my previous answer please.
Is there a solution for Rails Gem Devise to allow a user to have multiple emails?

Preventing Devise/ActionMailer from sending confirmation email

I am using Devise with ActionMailer. I would like to allow users to create an account without email if they use Twitter. But I still need devise:confirmable if they choose to add email later on.
However, Devise automatically send confirmation email when an user create a new account, even if user does not supply it. Therefore, I got error when deploy my Rails app to Heroku:
ArgumentError (At least one recipient (To, Cc or Bcc) is required to send a message):
How can I prevent Devise or ActionMailer from sending confirmation email when there's no email address?
Thank you.
Devise has a skip_confirmation! method that should allow you to accomplish this, check out the confirmable.rb

Sending a signup confirmation email with having to confirm using Devise

I'm using devise to handle user authentication with my rails app. I'd like to allow my users to sign up and be instantly logged in and receive a confirmation email.
Devise has the Confirmable module which sends out an email but requires the user to open up their mail application, find the email and click a link which then leads them to the site again.
I'd like to just email the user a confirmation that they signed up and that's it.
Is there a way for devise to do this or do I need to resolve to handling ActionMailer myself (if so, is there a quick and non-complex example)?
Many thanks!
I'm pretty new to devise and rails, but I have set it all up in may app (rails 2.3.5) and got it working in it's basic functionality. I'm guessing some advanced devise users may teach you a trick to handle this in devise, but I'm going to say that you could easily handle this in a controller action, using some plain rails ActionMailer coding...
Here's a link that I ran across that will show you the basic approach. At the end of the tutorial, they gather the email parts from a simple web page, but you should easily see how to use the class to do it in code.
check out #user.skip_confirmation!
it sets a user as confirmed but doesn't generate the confirmation_token or send the email.
